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September 24: Focus on Spiritual Cohesion into Planetary Mind and Memory; Harmonization in our Divine Mother; Recognition of the Paradise Father into Planetary Circuits

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
September 24, 2023

Topic: Focus on Spiritual Cohesion into Planetary Mind and Memory; Harmonization in our Divine Mother; Recognition of the Paradise Father into Planetary Circuits
T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, our Magisterial Son, our Planetary Seraphim, and our other helpers, we engage our intention today as a unified field of love and compassion for our world and our brothers and sisters. We are making headway in building a stronger spiritual foundation upon our world and we ask that you help us further that undertaking today through the focus you provide to us. You know what we need at this stage of our development, and we are here to offer our will, our hearts to perceive that more change of a positive nature may illuminate humanity’s mind and open us to the greater relationship we have with the Father within us. We thank you for weaving us together as one in this unified field of intention, and we ask for your WILL to prevail as we maintain the focus as best we can. We are grateful for this opportunity to be of service and always, we ask for your WILL to be done through our cooperation with you and with the Spirit Within. Thank you so much.  

MONJORONSON: My devoted brethren, greetings to each one of you! This is Monjoronson and I am pleased to rejoin you in this group as we continue to help you build the spiritual dynamics of COHESION into the circuits of planetary mind and memory. As we begin, take some deep breaths and elevate your gaze to the Spirit within you, feel your love for the Father in Paradise and for that mighty connection you have to the source of all LIFE, for truly your Spirit is alive in you. And whether or not you consciously recognize the emanations coming from your Spirit, there is a stream of a spiritual illumination that is impinging upon your mind and memory to help you make more progress in who you are as a mighty son and daughter of God.  

The spiritual power in you is gaining greater strength and stature. This is good. This is what we have always intended for the children of this world to come into their true Personality expression that you may indeed grow you souls and become a potent spiritual force of planetary change and upliftment upon Urantia at this time.  

Take a few moments to make contact with your Spirit. Feel that need to become more unified with a Father’s presence within you. Father already knows your needs, and you, in giving over your willingness to cooperate, sets the stage for this communication energy to become more fluid and consciously perceived.  

So take a few moments to do this now, as we prepare the circuits for today’s focused meditation, to help you become more cohesive with the spiritual energies in you that they may have more of a presence to communicate down into your human mind and body, and upstep your energy system to become more reflective of what Father wishes you to perceive of His GRACE and LOVE. (Pause)  

Many of you are noticing new developments occurring within you. You may be experiencing new insights and concepts, even experiencing new feelings in your body. This is evidence of the spiritual upstepping, and this will continue for a time until you have become more coherent with the Father’s presence within you. So, let us now begin with what is the theme for today’s call.  

In our last session together, we invited you to focus on COHESION WITH SPIRIT, and we will continue to build upon this focused intention. But of course, we always make a few adjustments to help you open to deeper levels of this spiritual communion that you may become more spiritually fragrant in expressing the fruits of the Spirit with your brothers and sisters.  

To begin, I invite you to focus on the spiritual dynamic of COHESION. There is a mighty energy in this word meaning and value. It is not so important that you understand all of the various elements and facets of the meaning of this word, especially from the Paradise perspective. Rather, we invite you to feel your willingness and motivation to become more cohesive with the Spirit Within. So, if you are ready, take a few more deep breaths and simply focus on your Spirit and invite the word COHESION to speak into you energetically, and receive. There is nothing you need to do, other than to be receptive to receive a deeper impression of what this word truly means, and what it can enhance in your own communication with the Father Within you. And we begin. (Pause)  

If you notice your mind wanders, and it may from time to time, simply invite your Spirit to inlay what it is that you can hold and repeat in your mind from time to time to maintain this open conduit for the COHESIVE energies of Spirit to further align you. (Pause)  

Some of you mentioned post last session’s call that you felt a bonding or adhesive energy building in you. This is part of the COHESIVE dynamic that is now underway.  And so we ask you to continue to, not only receive this, but feel more inspired to let this go deeper into your physical system that you may feel the Father’s LOVE at a more visceral level.  

If it is helpful, focus on the words COHESION WITH SPIRIT and feel that need for the Father’s presence to become more operative even down into the cells of your body. For whether or not you recognize it, this energy has implications for you at all levels within your human nature. You are complex energetic beings of LIGHT. And, this LIGHT COHESION acts in various ways to bring you into greater union with the Father within you.  

We appreciate that this is what most people are seeking in their human lives but they do not recognize what it truly is or what it means. People go about their material lives searching for inner peace and satisfaction, but they do not find it because they are focused in a way that detracts from what it is they wish to perceive. But, let this all be turned around in you now that you may at various levels of your energetic beings become more bonded with the Spirit Within you, and grow in confidence and composure that the Father, indeed, is intimately moving and growing in you. (Pause)  

As this COHESIVE bond becomes stronger within you, you will notice that your mind and the quality of your thoughts and feelings changes. You may have memories come up to the surface of your conscious mind for you to explore in conjunction with your Spirit to help you see your lives from a higher spiritual perspective and to let go of what has held you back from achieving more of your Father-bestowed Personality potential. 

We bring these concepts to you for your consideration and development that you may become more spiritually aligned with the Spirit Within and have the ability to become more spiritually magnetic to your brothers and sisters, to draw them to you for spiritual ministry, to help them recognize that they have the presence of the First Source and Center within them and that they too have great potential within them that they can develop through the GRACE of Spirit.  

Each one of you has this capacity, but it is your willingness that paves the way for this capacity to truly manifest. How much do you want to be a way-shower of truth and love and goodness to your brothers and sisters? Only you can answer that question. We give you what we can to help you become more motivated and operative, but it is you who makes that decision, each and every day, of how you will use what we have given you in service to humanity. Let these words settle in for a few moments and let them become more bonded with the COHESION energy that is coming into you now from the Father Within. (Pause)  

The time is upon you and the entire world to recognize and remember who you are as children of the Father in Paradise. Your Father Michael and your Mother Nebadonia are graciously helping you make these giant steps forward in your perception and adhesion of these spiritual energies into your minds and bodies. How will you use these energies in your own lives each day? This is what you can take to your Spirit and have more of that childlike faith that you are indeed making progress on this rugged path of spiritual attainment and soul growth.  

Some of you are becoming more consciously aware of all the help you have around you. Truly, you are so well guided and loved that you are in a good place now to step out of the past rebellion influences, especially the fear imprint that has left such an insidious indelible mark upon human mind. It is time to move forward, and you can indeed as you take these big steps and become more COHESIVE WITH SPIRIT. And this is good, and we applaud each and every effort you make. But in the long run, you must take that approach that you not only receive, but you give. And this is what is important now, that the spiritual energy in you become so much more magnetized in you that you can actually convey that spiritual energy from your heart and help another person receive and perceive what they need.  

You are becoming love magnets in a way similar to what your Father Michael developed as Jesus when He was here walking the earth, and you always have access to Him, through the Spirit of Truth to help you develop yourselves in this way. Again, it is only a matter of your willingness to do this and only you can make that decision each and every day.  

Do you think we ask too much of you? Perhaps you may think so, but we know your potential, and we know what it is possible for you to do now, especially since the planetary circuits are so much more open and available for you to use. And we do encourage you to come into a deeper understanding of who you are that you may cooperate with what we are seeding into you and have more ability to use these circuits to help your brothers and sisters. When you are concerned or confused all you have to do is take a few moments to turn your attention inward, and ask for guidance and in this way you will continue to gain experience as you express outwardly what you perceive inwardly. Again, let but these words settle in and let the COHESION energy continue to grow within. (Pause)  

Now that you have received, simply give. From your hearts project SPIRITUAL COHESION from your hearts to spiral around the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise rotation. There are many elements and levels of this SPIRITUAL COHESION dynamic that we ask you to hold that will simply make those indelible impressions upon the varied levels of human mind and memory to help more of the children of this world come into a greater conscious recognition of who they are. This is very important at this time now as more TRUTH-LIGHT pervades this planet, and as more people come out of their spiritual slumber but not yet really understanding the full implications of what this means. Simply do your best to hold this focus of SPIRITUAL COHESION imprinting upon the circuits of mind and memory and feel your willingness for your brothers and sisters all around the globe to have a greater awakening experience of the Father’s LOVE within. (Pause) 

As this energy imprints upon human mind and memory, it can heal the fragmentation that has plagued human consciousness for so many millennia. There has been a quality of separation from the Father, from Michael, and even from your own evolutionary natures, that has perpetuated the rebellion mindset. But, allow this SPIRITUAL COHESION to go into all of those fragmented places in human consciousness, even down into the cellular memory of the physical composition and structure, healing all of the fragmentation energy and bringing about a greater COHESION between the spirit-mind-body continuum. Feel that need for this planet to receive this greater bonding quality of the Father’s LOVE to infiltrate into all the fragmentation and bring it back and into UNITY in Father’s LOVE and WILL. (Pause)  

I call your attention to shift focus slightly onto your Divine Mother, and let the energies of Her Holy Spirit harmonize what is now being bonded into human mind and memory. Invite Her presence to pervade this COHESION dynamic with Her HARMONIZATION attribute that the Seraphim may use this for their higher purposes for healing this world. Simply focus on HARMONIZATION IN MOTHER and let this be added into the SPIRITUAL COHESION that you are also holding. Do your best with this. It is simply a matter of your willingness for this to become more pervasive through the planet that this becomes real. (Pause) 

If it is helpful, simply focus on COHESION AND HARMONIZATION WITH SPIRIT and let that continue to imprint into the circuits of mind and memory, and bringing about this beautiful synergy to communicate through the continuum of the human energy system. (Pause) 

There is one more simple focus to add, and that is HARMONIZE WITH LIFE, HARMONIZE WITH LIFE, HARMONIZE WITH LIFE, and feel that willingness for all of these energies to bring this planet into a greater HARMONIZATION with all of the LIFE energies and circuits that are a part of this planet’s composition. (Pause)  

We join with you now in elevating our focus to the Paradise Source of all there is, the domicile of the Creator Deities in which all things exist. Join with us now in worshipful communion of thanksgiving for all that has been provided to this world that the divine REFLECTION from Paradise may shine its GLORY and RADIANCE upon tiny Urantia, and bring about a mighty transformation in the way this planet conducts its affairs.  

Feel your gratitude for all that has been given to you, all that is being provided to this world to make this very important step forward in its evolutionary trajectory toward Light and Life. And may the RADIANCE and GRACE of Paradise illuminate your mind and heart and help you make more gainful strides in your soul expression. (Pause) 

Ask for the resplendent REFLECTION of Paradise to shine more LIGHT upon this world, casting away more of the shadow of distortion and perception, helping more people perceive the illumination of the Father within them. Hold that gratitude in your heart for this reflection, gaining strength and stature all around the globe, and feel your own individual gratitude of being a child of the Father, growing in what the Father has given you to express of your Personality. (Pause)

And then, I invite you to bring your gaze down to the earth where you are back on the planet, and you are standing in a field of LIGHT. And just allow these words to imprint upon the earth plane as best you can: IT IS TIME FOR HUMANITY TO RECOGNIZE FATHER WITHIN, IT IS TIME FOR HUMANITY TO RECOGNIZE FATHER WITHIN, IT IS TIME FOR HUMANITY TO RECOGNIZE FATHER WITHIN, and feel that need and willingness for more of your brothers and sisters to recognize who Father is, and to have an ability for their minds to be healed of what has plagued them from the past. It is a form of re-cognizing in how human mind and memory functions. Feel that need now, and let that be deeply imbedded into the planetary mind memory circuits as we continue our ministrations. Ask for all of these circuits and energies to integrate into all of the various levels of planetary and human life, even into yourselves, as we make our final adjustments and corrections. (Pause) 

My beloved brethren, we are grateful for your participation today. The integration of these energies will continue for some time. I invite you to focus on this call again between now and our next time together because it is human will and willingness that makes these connections real and more operative throughout the circuits all around the globe. You have much more spiritual power and potential than you know and have exercised. So use what you have learned from you own Spirit, your life lessons, and the dynamics of these calls to continue to seed in these energies that more individuals may benefit from the LOVE of the Father within them and seek to be planetary transformers in their own ways.  

Whether or not you recognize this, you are transforming yourselves, and you are assisting in this great overarching dynamic for the planet. Be glad of heart and know that all things are growing in the Father’s LOVE and that Michael’s presence and His plans of correction are making greater inroads into human mind and memory in helping this world on its journey to Light and Life. Be in the Father’s PEACE and thrive in His LOVE. And with that, I give you my thanks and withdraw. Good day.


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