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August 14: Focus Reckoning in the Legacy of Truth

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Our Paradise Creator Deities, Divine Parents, Magisterial Son, and all of our wonderful helpers including our Planetary Seraphim, we all align our intentions today in the divine GRACE of the way things are designed to evolve normally and naturally upon this world. We ask to be connected through the circuits of Personality, Spirit, Soul, and Mind that what we offer and hold as our intention to participate with you. Unify us and amplify the energies for there to be an enhanced increase of spiritual energy into the planet. We thank you for protecting this call from any outside interference. We thank you for continuing to guide our thoughts through our Indwelling Spirits that we may hold the focus appropriate and accurately today for your divine WILL to manifest. We thank you for deepening us in the circuits of Spirit as your WILL is done. Thank you.


MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson. Today is another opportunity for our collaboration to unfold throughout the circuits of planetary mind as more spiritual vibrations penetrate into this world and help the residents of this planet to reckon and reconcile into the great dynamics of DIVINE JUSTICE now bathing this world.

To begin, I invite you to focus on me and my attribute of DIVINE JUSTICE. Even though you may not fully appreciate what this means, especially in your own life, just the willingness to receive me is enough for me to render myself more available through these circuits of mind. As well, I invite you to focus on your Indwelling Spirit for the mindal connection between us to heighten to those higher spiritual levels where you may maintain this higher focus today, not only to receive me, but to then allow my presence to reverberate into planetary circuits.

As you invite me into your own system, you may focus on my name or my attribute of DIVINE JUSTICE. Simply receive me as I minister to you now, each one of you with great love and respect. And we begin. (Pause)

As my presence continues to gently, quietly reverberate in you, I invite you to focus on the dynamics of the LEGACY OF TRUTH. If it is helpful, you may see these words in your mind’s eye, but place these words in your heart centers, and feel that keen intention for the LEGACY OF TRUTH to reverberate, not only in yourselves, but throughout the circuits of mind. Simply allow your minds and hearts to relax into the spiritual meaning and value of the LEGACY OF TRUTH for a few moments before we invite you to focus this outwardly into planetary circuits of consciousness at all levels. (Pause)

There is a LEGACY OF TRUTH which acts as a continual thread of information permeating circuits of mind to upstep human thinking to higher levels of spirit consciousness. This LEGACY OF TRUTH is resident in these planetary circuits; however, the rebellion mindset has done a very good job in keeping these circuits at a certain level of operation. And yet, this LEGACY OF TRUTH is so powerful and impactful that in holding focus today what you are providing us is the means to amplify these circuits where TRUTH has evolved and continues to shed light into human mind from a memory perspective. Humanity needs to remember what is real, what is truthful, what is aligned in the WILL OF GOD. Many people at this particular stage are having difficulty in discerning truth from error.

In today’s infusion we invite you to not only deepen your energy systems to be more available to this LEGACY OF TRUTH, but to hold that as a very heart-felt intention for this LEGACY OF TRUTH to now pervade memory and connect with the next TRUTH circuits that are reverberating in planetary mind to help humanity in its discernment process that more individuals may not only awaken but reckon and reconcile to what has happened here on this beautiful but beleaguered world.

Continue to focus on me and those connections we share, and feel that willingness and interest for the LEGACY OF TRUTH to reverberate in you, liberate you from that which still may be contained as patterns of error within your own systems of consciousness. Allow this to naturally outwork that which no longer serves you as more TRUTH radiates into your being to help you in your discernment. (Pause)

TRUTH sends forth a reverberating signal of LIGHT which supports divine REVELATION within human mind. This is a quality of recognition that is vital for you now as a planetary culture to receive. In this infusion today of holding focus on the LEGACY OF TRUTH, you are helping to bring forth those truths from the past that have not had their full expression in human manifestation.

It is time now for you to not only stand in the TRUTH, but be those mirror reflections of TRUTH to your brothers and sisters. So, allow my presence and what is being woven into you today to go deep and encourage your ability to perceive more TRUTH, helping you discern more from the internal perspective of what is underway upon Urantia at this time. (Pause)

I also encourage you to have that intention to be more objective in your perception of what is underway. Your Indwelling Spirits can afford you greater insight when you let go of what you think you know and you think may happen in the future, that you may be held in a more serene state of mind knowing full well that your Spirit is guiding through this rugged period.

As the LEGACY OF TRUTH reverberates in you, you are providing a more fertile environment for your Spirit to reflect that which you need to know and experience, which will also render you more useful to us in terms of spiritual service to your brothers and sisters. Simply by allowing this infusion to move through you, you add more LIGHT into the planet. And this is good! (Pause)

We are now ready to engage at the collective level. Take a moment or so to move your internal gaze to the world before you in your mind’s eye. Invite the LEGACY OF TRUTH to spiral around the planet, north to south pole counter-clockwise. Feel that intention for your brothers and sisters to also receive this infusion, opening new pathways of insight into them to support their discernment in what is real and true.

As you do this, we move in these circuits and bring forth that legacy of those who have come before you who have stood in the TRUTH, who have recognized the TRUTH, and who have yet to fulfill their human potential because of the way in which their lives were not able to reveal the TRUTH to the fullness of their abilities. Thank your predecessors for their lives and their willingness to be truth-revealers in very difficult circumstances, and ask for that which they knew and experienced to come forth. That information is still resident and now it is time to add to the growing TRUTH RECOGNITION all through the planet. (Pause)

As more TRUTH-LIGHT penetrates into these circuits of the past to liberate that which is now necessary for human mind to apprehend, I invite you to focus on these words: RECKONING IN THE LEGACY OF TRUTH; RECKONING IN THE LEGACY OF TRUTH; RECKONING IN THE LEGACY OF TRUTH. Hold this as your focus as we move in these collective circuits. (Pause)

You might consider this a liberation of those ideations, feelings, recognitions of Spirit that have lingered in the past but are now ready to engage with what humanity is now prepared to receive and understand. Feel that intention for this to grow stronger, gaining more strength, stature, and substance within human mind and memory. (Pause)

Invite the dynamics of DIVINE JUSTICE also to move into this legacy, bringing forward that which will be most helpful for humanity to discern the TRUTH of who you are and your rightful place in the great FAMILY OF LOVE contained within the PERSONALITY CIRCUIT of the Paradise Father. (Pause)

As you do this, be fortified in your own self the deeper implications of this that your Indwelling Spirit may help you perceive. There is an intensification of spiritual dynamics on the planet now, and it is reverberating resoundingly through the circuits of mind and memory. As your Spirit helps you look more deeply into your own mind and memory, be not daunted by any fear you may encounter. It is simply a false representation, and your Father Michael’s Spirit of Truth will greatly assist you in feeling safe and secure that you may let go of any false fear constructs. Stand in the presence of the Father who has gifted you with PERSONALITY—the right to exist and become.

As you open to this dynamic, also have that intention for the whole planet, all your brothers and sisters, to open to this as well; that all of these spiritual infusions of DIVINE JUSTICE, RECKONING IN THE LEGACY OF TRUTH, and the other components we have brought in to send that signal forth into planetary mind and bring more people into stability in Spirit and truthful reconciliation. (Pause)

We are leading you into new areas of exploration into the ways of Spirit. You are early in your understanding of these dynamics, my brethren. We appreciate your willingness to explore this rich domain which you will be learning about for a long period of time as you undergo your ascension journey. There are mighty lessons during this time of change and transformation. Your Spirit of the Father Indwelling holds the key and you have your Father Michael and Mother Nebadonia to provide you with that rich inner environment to feel safe and secure and validated in your right to grow in who you are and your rightful place in the grand design of LIFE.

So, as this RECKONING IN THE LEGACY OF TRUTH continues, do not hold back in your own ability to perceive yourself from the Father’s perspective. Let go of what no longer serves you. Do not judge your human nature harshly because it is beautiful and it was divinely designed. But the false representations of reality have masked so much of your human potential that you have struggled to see who you are, and more importantly, to be who you are and what you are becoming.

As you do this for yourself, hold this intention for your brothers and sisters who are awakening and having difficulty in making sense in all that is underway. As you hold these intensions securely in your heart, they can reverberate into planetary mind and help other people recognize the truths that you have discovered. This is one of the ways you come to understand how the circuits of Spirit operate. You are given great latitude to explore this as long as you are aligned allowing Father’s WILL to guide you.

Let these words settle in as we continue to infuse these dynamics into mind and memory. Let all of these components come together to a unified whole. (Pause)

One day the shadow of rebellion will be a distant memory and no longer have an impact upon human mind. We appreciate that you are assisting in this undertaking now. Allow yourselves to outwork all of what no longer serves you that you may indeed stand tall, strong in Father and know at deep levels you are His beloved child.

I invite you to join with us, elevating our gaze up to the Paradise level and the Creator Deities for their divine reflection to shine forth upon Urantia mind. Flood your heart with gratitude as you lift the world up to them and ask for their reflection of LOVE to reverberate into this world at all levels. Let this divine reflection also extend into your heart and soul, giving you more of that spiritual energy and Personality strength to be who you are and to grow in your soul. (Pause)

As you engage at this level, invite the integration process to weave these higher divine reflections from Paradise into the circuits of planetary mind and memory. Envision the world in the bosom of the Paradise Father connected to the PERSONALITY CIRCUIT, and ask for that circuit to reveal what humanity needs to know and experience. (Pause)

Take a moment to see yourself descend from Paradise but contained within the projection of the divine shining to stand on the earth plane in your rightful in the continuum of LIFE, receiving the GRACE of the Father, strengthening you in who you are; that you may express more of your potential and grow your soul. Shine that beacon of LOVE and LIGHT from your heart into the planet. (Pause)


The winds of change are upon you, my brethren. We are behind that supporting you through this rugged period. We do appreciate that this is a confusing time for humanity, but for those who know the truth, let this be a period of rejoicing as you recognize the ways Spirit are indeed forming a new culture on this world. All of the help you have is right within and your helpers of Spirit are waiting for you to invite them for their wisdom and experience to support you in your expression of what you can do to aid in this time. Remember your cosmic responsibility, and the more you do this, the more you will grow and more will be added to you.

The integration process within these circuits is making its way through planetary mind. The objectives we wished to fulfill through your participation have been completed. On behalf of all of the (I struggle to find the human words to express) the vast retinue of LOVE from your helpers that have participated. Receive our deep gratitude for your participation.

May all things hidden be revealed in the TRUTH and in the LOVE of our Paradise Creator Deities, your Father Michael, your Mother Nebadonia, and may humanity now awaken and reckon in its potential to build this divine social order upon this world in loving service to humanity and to LIFE itself. Good day.


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