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February 26: Receiving Father Michael's I am the Vine

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER:  Our Paradise Creator Deities, Divine Parents, Magisterial Son and Planetary Seraphim, we gather with you once again to add our willingness for more planetary healing and transformational change to occur. You know where we are on this trajectory and we thank you for providing those spiritual endowments that we can hold today, focus on within the arena of our minds and use our intentions to support that which you will bring in today. You know what we need, not only for our internal growth, but for that of the planet and for all life here. You know what our brothers and sisters need to help them open up to the beautiful spiritual nature that is a part of their humanity. And so, we are here to provide that support system for you to use as you weave us together as one in mind and soul and spirit. We thank you for this opportunity to be of service. May your WILL be done through your GOODNESS, GRACE, and MERCY. 


MICHAEL: My beloved children, PEACE be upon you! This is your Father Michael. Today we will resume where we left off during the last call. I invite you to focus on me as your Father and to have that willingness for your own human nature to receive and imprint upon my divine persona, that you may increasingly expand into the greater potential that you have as sons and daughters of God to achieve more of your human purpose seeded in you by the Father Creator of all.    In our last time together, I invited you to focus on me as the VINE through which my LOVE flows into you as you are held in the loving embrace of your Holy Mother Spirit, who is the WOMB OF LIFE and helps you gently expand into the spiritual potential that is a part of your existential personality. You are the branch and it is my desire that you, as the extension of me, would grow in love, peace, compassion, which feeds your potential to express more of the God nature out into the world. Your brothers and sisters need to see evidence of this Godly nature functioning in the material environment of your planetary culture.    As we have shared with you many times before, human spiritual potential has never been seriously considered or cultivated as a means by which you live each day at a time. This is all changing now as your Mother and I continue to minister to this world and feed you with what you need, that you may continue to grow, enhancing your human nature to become more loving, kind, understanding, forgiving, and merciful with your brothers and sisters.    I invite you now to open to me and let me feed you as I AM THE VINE—YOU ARE THE BRANCH. As you receive from me, also allow your mental current to elevate to the super-conscious level where your Spirit indwells your mind and also helps you stay focused, that your love capacity may indeed expand. Receive me now, my beloved children. Receive and feed upon my nature. (Pause) 

Invite my essence to penetrate into those levels where the unconscious activities of mind and body are conducted, even down into the cell memory your bodies contain. Deepen your willingness for my presence to penetrate into this level that you may surely be nurtured in what you need to receive your full divine inheritance, which I gladly provide to you, my beloveds. (Pause)  

At the core of your being is your existential personhood—the individuated expression of Godliness that you grow and perfect into your human nature one day at a time. This is part of your human makeup. And, there is an innate driving presence within this existential personhood that compels you forward to perfect your raw human nature to reach higher levels of Deity expression. It was one of my responsibilities as your human brother Jesus to grow my human nature in this way, and I share this experience with you. You can come to me as your brother, Jesus, and help you open to my human memory to support you as you undertake this on your own.   

It is your choice whether or not to develop yourselves in this way. The path is open and the way is clear. It is conditioned by your willingness to follow this divine trajectory over the course of your lifetime, even into your afterlife career upon leaving this world. Within your existential personhood, the trajectory is also an innate part that which you may call divine WILL,leading you forward under the guidance of your Indwelling Spirit, who is here to help you translate the higher Deity nature into ideas and concepts and feelings to stimulate your growth on this path. This divine WILL is also a part of your human cellular makeup, and it is now time for the physical body and its remembrance capacity to open to the trajectory of divine WILL.   

As I minister to you now, as my VINE feeds your branch, I invite you to receive a deeper level of REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE WILL to communicate into your cell memory, helping you release those ingrained energies that have placed much resistance on the human body and psyche from opening to this magnificent journey of self-perfecting. As you do this now, continue to ask your Spirit to help you, feel that need for the REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE WILL to penetrate into cell memory as your Mother and I, and many other helpers assist you now. Breathe deeply and slowly as we continue our ministrations, my beloved children. If it is helpful to focus, ask your Spirit to penetrate into the cell memory that more divine WILL may operate in you through my LOVE and your Mother’s action of the Holy Spirit. Invite your cell memory to gently communicate and calibrate: the REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE WILL and receive. (Pause)  

Allow these energies to continue to nurture you and help you release those influences that have shortchanged you from receiving your divine inheritance which I provide to you. (Pause)  

Since your human natures were divinely designed, they are innately good and beautiful. There is a purpose for human nature. It is in the cultivation of a planetary culture that reflects the divine ways of life.  Humanity has the ability to develop this over a long period of time. In today's infusion through REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE WILL into cell memory, the intention is to help you remember what it is you are here to engage and produce through your own efforts. You know you have been taken off course, and now it is time to return. To return to this trajectory of opening and following the divine leadings, not only in your own personal development, but for the planetary mindal system to regain its awareness and open to what this truly means over the course of the years of the implementation of my corrective plans for this world.   

You and many other groups have been focused on healing the past, and to help you outgrow those influences that have kept you in states of fear, unworthiness, lack of knowing your personal power and potential. This has now changed, and we are engaging at these deeper levels in your mind and memory, even down into the cell, to bring you back to the path. And that you would have a more productive experience in opening to, not only my presence but, to your Mother, to live in Her SAFETY and SECURITY and to experience more of the LOVE from your Spirit which guides you along this rugged but wondrous path of becoming more of who you are at your existential personality. As these words settle in, let them go into that place where you need, not only the feeling of being loved, but the conceptual framework to help you cooperate more in opening to these deeper places where you need the REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE WILL to help you make more forward strides on your path. And we continue to minister to you. (Pause)  

My beloved children, what beautiful souls you are all becoming! During this particular phase of the Correcting Time, stay true to your course of developing your soul. Look not to others to evaluate where you are on your path. Each one of you is so expertly guided by your Spirit. This is not a competition nor is it a race; it is your own unique ability to cooperate with the divine WILL within you and to learn what it means to follow where it is guiding you. If all of your brothers and sisters were participating in this, this world would surely be healed almost overnight. But since they are not or cannot, we are helping you receive this that you may continue to maintain that loving presence that radiates from the core of your beings out into your energy field, maintaining a stronger signal of love and compassion, peace and stability for your brothers and sisters to perceive. And herein is how this ripple effect moves out into planetary mind, helping more people open to their own purpose and spiritual potential.  

We are now ready to engage at the planetary level, as you have done so many times before. This focus will be orchestrated by your Magisterial Son Monjoronson.  While I continue to minister to you through this I AM THE VINE—YOU ARE THE BRANCH, I withdraw and leave you in His most loving and capable hands. In the coming days, continue to feed on me and ask for the REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE WILL to speak into your cell memory that you and I may become even closer and my divine nature refine your own human one and lead you into the paths of GLORY. Good day. (Pause)  

MONJORONSON: My beloved brethren, greetings one and all! This is Monjoronson once again delighted to be with you in this manner as we continue to collaborate together, building the spiritual circuits upon this world for more of your brothers and sisters to turn their gaze toward the LIGHT OF SPIRIT that not only shines upon this world, but lives within the core of their beings.    From your hearts now, feel that need for your brothers and sisters to receive from Michael, that their branches may open to His loving VINE, and that the REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE WILL penetrate into their own cell memories. You are ready to hold this now.  You have been prepared and all we ask is you project this with sincerity and love from your hearts to spiral around the globe in that familiar counterclockwise manner from the north to south poles. While Michael’s presence continues to bathe this world, invite these words: REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE WILL to communicate into cell memory as the angels of this world and the other heavenly helpers now move into your focus.   

Keep that willingness for your brothers and sisters to open to this strong. They may not yet perceive that they have had many influences placed upon them, that they may not feel what the true GOODNESS and TRUTH of what divine WILL truly means at its perfected level. So do your best as we minister now into planetary mind and memory, even into the cell that the REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE WILL may liberate your brothers and sisters from the fear that they have contained within them that prevents them from perceiving who they are as sons and daughters of the Paradise Creator of all. (Pause)  

There are mighty events occurring on your world which will benefit from this infusion. Maintain focus as best you can. Feel your need for more LOVE from Michael to flow through you that His children may perceive Him and know of His LOVE and value of each one, clearing the circuits of mind and memory, even into the cellular structure to receive the LOVE and LIGHT and LIFE it needs. (Pause)  

Hold that intention for their personality presence to embrace their human nature, bringing them back into the purity of who they are as children of God. Hold that willingness for cell memory to calibrate to the Personhood of the First Source and Center, opening more inner space within human mind and memory to perceive the Spirit persons who uphold them at fundamental levels of LOVE and LIGHT and LIFE. (Pause)   

Hold that intention and willingness for your brothers and sisters to open to the perfection of divine LOVE and WILL to penetrate into that yoke of resistance where much pain and suffering still exists. Hold that intention for this yoke to release through calibrations of divine LOVE and WILL, softening the resistance, liberating your brothers and sisters to experience more love within their beings. (Pause)  

As you do this, also step into that place where you feel compassion and mercy for your brothers and sisters who are still erring in their understanding of life, who are still focused on living a life of materialism. Have compassion for these individuals, for they have been deceived, and hold that intention for these deceptive energies to soften and release from this infusion of the REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE WILL through the perfection of the Father's LOVE. Ask for your brothers and sisters liberation from what has held them back from perceiving who they are as children of God. (Pause)

Ask for the memory of the Gospel that Jesus preached to bathe these circuits of memory. His Gospel is truly the liberation of humanity:  Faith in the Creator of all and loving service to humanity. It is time for this world to remember what your Father Michael left here in His persona as Jesus. It is alive. It is a living form that you can tap into and ask your Spirit to teach you its deeper meaning and value, and thereby you become a living expression of the Gospel of Jesus. This is what the world needs to see now.   

So, we invite you to hold this not only as an intention for your brothers and sisters, but for your own willingness to receive more of what this truly means to help you reach higher levels of your human expression where you radiate and live in the presence of God each day. Invite the LIVING GOSPEL OF JESUS to stream into memory that more of humanity may live the gospel of Jesus. (Pause)  

My beloved brethren, it is so encouraging to perceive how your tender human hearts are becoming stronger, and how you are all gaining in spiritual potency that your Spirit will help you learn to use with discretion and wisdom, compassion and mercy. Truly, this world has turned a corner and it is facing the trajectory of divine WILL.   I invite you to elevate your gaze to the Paradise level where the existential patterns and plans of perfection reside. Join with us now as we spend these moments in asking for that divine REFLECTION of Paradise to shine its LIGHT upon this world, through the grace of divine LOVE. And let that gravitational pull of divine WILL move the planet closer into what it is here to achieve as its destiny one day—the perfected state of humanity living in the era of Light and Life. Join with us now as we thank our Paradise Creator Deities for these plans of perfection escorting this world in its perfecting state in the Father's GLORY.   

May the divine radiance of Paradise GLORY reverberate in you, strengthening you in your core, your personhood, your potential and purpose, and feel that desire for all humanity to receive this divine radiance now, building more LIGHT into the areas of darkness, shining more TRUTH into the error. Building more goodness where there is a tendency toward evil. Letting the human nature become more beautifully reflective of the divine one. (Pause)  

Allow this reflection from Paradise to anchor you more fully into your purpose and potential. And take a few moments now to descend down to the earth plane where you are standing in that anchor of LIGHT, and you are asking for it to radiate into the core of the earth and to pulse upwardly into planetary mind that more individuals may open to the radiance of Paradise PERFECTION and GLORY.   

Hold that intention for their Indwelling Spirits to have more space to communicate into their human mind and memory, building them up in a quality of LOVE and LIGHT that is their deepest need at their core. And now, thank your Planetary Seraphim and heavenly helpers of other dimensional realms to integrate these energies into the planet as a whole, feeding more hearts and souls, Seeding more minds and memories. Let the GLORY and the RADIANCE of divine LOVE feeding your divine birthright and returning it to you that you may continue to evolve in your souls and together build this culture of the divine on this world. (Pause)   

While the objectives we asked for you to hold and co-create with us are now at a level where we no longer require your focused participation, know that these will continue to integrate into you personally and into the planet as a whole. You may not yet fully understand or appreciate what you have helped us achieve today. You are still growing in your faith comprehension of what it means to follow the divine leadings of your Spirit and to cooperate with the divine WILL and intentions for this world as given to this world by your Father Michael, now amplified by His corrective plans. In time, you will learn and you will appreciate all the ways you have been guided to collaborate with us in this most magnificent adventure of returning this world to the Family of Love—such a dearly beloved world in all of creation. 


As I withdraw in this manner, know that you may come to me. In your prayer times, ask for these dynamics to continue to uplift this world in its higher meaning and value of what it is in the Family of Love, and we will meet you in that place and add more spiritual energy that more healing and transformation may occur.    I thank you for your participation and I withdraw with deep gratitude for each one of you, that you may thrive in the Father's LOVE, become ever more beautiful in His GLORY.  Good day.


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