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August 9: Orientation to Universe Culture and Reality

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this opportunity to collaborate with our Magisterial Son and our Planetary Seraphim. Thank you for weaving us together in your LOVE through the circuits of Personality, Spirit, Soul and Mind that we may be as one in focused intention today with that great desire in our hearts to be of service to our world and to our brothers and sisters. You know exactly where we are in our process of transformation to higher levels of universe awareness, spiritual growth. And we thank you for the gift of our Indwelling Spirits to guide our thoughts today as we operate in your WILL and give that intention to our celestial helpers to minister in these circuits where we need more healing and transformation. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be of service. May your WILL be done now.


MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson, and I am pleased to join you once again in this forum of focused intention. Take a few moments to connect with your Indwelling Spirits. Breathe deeply and slowly as you relax your mental chatter, opening that portal where your Spirit can inlay Godly thoughts and feelings into your beings.

Drink deeply in your Spirit’s LOVE. Let it permeate you through and through. You are all so dearly loved, and it is important that you spend time in this state of communion each day to renew yourself in that LOVE as the intensity increases on this planet of spiritual pressure that is being applied. Sit in this place for a few more moments as you commune with Father Within.

In our last time together, you were guided to focus on INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE through the POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL. There is much change underway as many of you are witnessing in the instability that you are perceiving now through their cultures, through your institutions, through your societies. What many people do not recognize is that they are shaking off this rebellion mindset in favor of a higher level of awareness and orientation to the universe and the domain of your Divine Parents. You hardly know how to create a Godly civilization. But we are here to help you, encourage you, inspire you, and provide you with certain concepts that you digest as a collective mind and work towards implementation.

So as more institutional change is conducted through these circuits of planetary mind, we invite you to focus on these words and energetic dynamics today: ORIENTATION TO UNIVERSE CULTURE AND REALITY, ORIENTATION TO UNIVERSE CULTURE AND REALITY, ORIENTATION TO UNIVERSE CULTURE AND REALITY. Now before you engage your thought processes in asking what does this mean, move directly into your heart and feel the need for this to pervade the planetary circuits of mind.

We are here to provide you with information. That information is powerful enough to help you make more forward strides in the trajectory toward Light and Life. I am not suggesting that this will be accomplished all at once, for you know that this is an evolutionary unfolding of the divine plans of evolution for this world.

There must be individuals who are aware of a higher culture and wish to see it seeded it into this planet’s system of consciousness. So let this be your intention, your focus, your heartfelt desire for this to expand and to infuse these planetary circuits of mind going deep into the rootedness, if I may use that word, of mindal circuits, to adjust more of the way you, as a culture, perceive yourselves in relation to the whole. This world is a part of the greater whole of the Father's creative design of Life, and your Father and Mother are implementing this as part of their objectives to follow the Father's plans.

So, take some deep breaths again. Ask to be guided by your Father Fragment and allow these words to form upon your hearts: ORIENTATION TO UNIVERSE CULTURE AND REALITY, and send that out into the world. Let it bathe the planet. Let these energies flow from your hearts into the globe. You can use that counterclockwise spiral rotation or if you are being prompted by your Indwelling Spirit to focus in another way that is perfectly acceptable. We begin. (Pause)

Sense the need for these energetic endowments to penetrate and permeate into those areas where this is a very important and fundamental aspect of Spirit to function. Give us those energies of your hearts and souls that the Seraphim and the other helpers can add this into the circuits of mind all around the globe. This will assist more hearts to awaken the Spirit Within to foster more soul growth. And it is time for this world to grow and to grow up, as you might say: to become aware of its relationship to the greater whole, to become aware of the domain of the universe and the exquisite mercy ministry that is now being conducted upon Urantia. And as you focus outwardly on the planet also allow these energies to speak within your own minds and bodies that you become more aware of your relationship to universe culture and reality. (Pause)

What your Father Christ Michael has in store for this planet is beyond the scope of your understanding. His plans of correction are far-reaching and deepening and widening throughout these circuits of mind. It is His desire that His children would come to know Him—each and every one. Your Mother through the circuits of the Holy Spirit are clearing pathways for this reception of Michael and universe culture to become more available to human thought and feeling. This is part of the great awakening and it will continue to be so for a time to come.

You assist us in this attempt today as you continue to focus this orientation dynamic into the planet’s circuits of consciousness. Many new insights can spark human creative imagination, thereby allowing the dormant spiritual potential to activate. Once that activation is secure within the heart then the growth proceeds from there; stimulates the soul and provides space for more receptivity from the Indwelling Spirit to catalyze more truth and goodness to be revealed within human mind.

You might say that this is a large focus for today, and it is! And we can make changes here in what you are providing us. So, keep that intention keen and strong and rooted in love, compassion, and forgiveness. And let this world orient itself to universe culture in the reality of Christ Michael as its Father and Sovereign. (Pause)

Ask for the social isolation that has occurred on this planet from its rightful place in Michael's family to end, and for more hearts to be awakened to the freedom that the Father provides to you that your volition may align more with Spirit values and realities, and become these living vessels of Light of TRUTH and GOODNESS and BEAUTY to your brethren. You have suffered as a planetary culture of this social isolation. Let that be at and now, and let you emerge victorious, confident, strong, motivated by Spirit, to engage with this universe culture in the ways you are being guided by your Spirits and by those helpers all around you.

Let your own ORIENTATION TO UNIVERSE CULTURE AND REALITY go deep and spark in you a new fervor to become more Godlike. You can certainly ask Michael, as both your Father and Brother Jesus, to help you emulate those divine qualities that He is and He demonstrated here during hHs human life. We continue our ministrations helping this world ORIENT itself to the CULTURE AND REALITY OF NEBADON. (Pause)

We invite you to shift focus slightly. Operating within circuits of mind is this context in concept of social isolation. You see it now outworking through this pandemic you have been experiencing. You might consider this as a material representation of how you have been isolated from the rest of the universe due to the rebellion. We invite you to focus ORIENTATION TO UNIVERSE CULTURE AND REALITY upon this energetic dynamic of social isolation. Feel your desire for your brethren to be released that they may be more fully open and able to be calibrated to this higher social dynamic and structure.

If you wish, you may see those words SOCIAL ISOLATION simply pulsing in this higher field of ORIENTATION TO UNIVERSE CULTURE AND REALITY. Let us perform our ministrations to recalibrate this field that more LIGHT and TRUTH pervade it, and more change in the human heart be conducted through these collective circuits. Hold your gaze on ORIENTATION TO UNIVERSE CULTURE AND REALITY as best you can upon those words of social isolation and its energetic dynamic. (Pause)

What will these spiritual endowments do in planetary mind? You will bear witness to this in the coming months and years. More truth will be revealed through these circuits. More perspective will be gleaned as your own Indwelling Spirits help you orient yourselves from this planetary culture to the universe one. This is something that will grow gradually, but now it is time for this to be imparted. Shake off vigorously the rebellion mindset and open to the truth of your relationship to this part of reality—your universe family and home. (Pause)

Come home, my brethren. Come home! Let these energies stir deeply within you that you may feel this place of HOME within you. Michael has prepared a place for you in His home and now it is time to stand firm in that place—your own unique place in His home. It is not so important that you know what that place is as of yet, for you will learn, you will discern. And as you deepen into this orientation dynamic, we will allow for its growth to pervade the planetary mindal system and assist more of your brothers and sisters to awaken and participate. So, let these energies and words settle in more deeply and evoke more spiritual dynamism to develop within you. We will continue for a few more moments. (Pause)

The great planetary change is upon you, my brethren. Move gracefully in its energies. There is much to learn, much to appreciate, and much love to be shared. This is your prime purpose in life: to love, to be loved, and to give it generously and profusely as best you can each day. Recognize your importance to the whole and let humility and faith guide you on this path as the proportional relationship of this planetary part awakens to its relationship to the greater whole. (Pause)


We thank you for your participation, my beloved brethren. The Seraphim have indicated to me that they have what they require from your hearts and souls to continue their work. And you will continue your sacred work in the coming days, recognizing your relationship to the whole, your responsibilities to the Father, to Christ Michael and Mother Spirit Nebadonia, to your brothers and sisters, and to all life itself here.

It can be uncomfortable at times when you feel those growing pains, helping you perceive what you need to let go that more spiritual dynamism and insight may be added into you. Welcome and relish and cherish this time of change. It is Michael's WILL for this world, and every time you become consciously aware of your role and responsibility, you add more light to the world.

In the coming days, I invite you to come to know me more and of my mission and ministry upon Urantia. During your times of stillness, invite me to come to you that you may grow in perception and feel my LOVE and COMPASSION and MERCY to help you become stronger in your own ability to relate to this collective planetary structure of consciousness with greater love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness. This is your responsibility and we encourage you to fully embrace it. And you will see mighty things shift in you as you build more light—your own light—into this world.

I leave you with much to integrate and consider today. As we continue our ministrations into the planet, add your own love and light into it as well, and together we will build a mighty society of the Father's LOVE on this beautiful but beleaguered world. Good day.


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