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August 25: Focusing Self-Realization of Humanity’s Soul Purpose into the Planetary Circuits

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
August 25, 2024

Topic:  Focusing Self-Realization of Humanity’s Soul Purpose into the Planetary Circuits
T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo
PRAYER: Divine Parents and Magisterial Son, we gather together and we thank you for weaving us together as one so that what we hold today is produced into the planetary circuits of mind and memory and help more of our brothers and sisters open and awaken to who they truly are. We invite all of planetary helpers, our universe brothers and sisters, who are watching us and guiding us into this higher dimensional reality of our planet and its rightful place in our universe Family of Love; and our roles and purpose in participating in building the Fabric of Love on this world. We thank you for this opportunity to be of service. And as always, we thank you for your WILL being done, through your GRACE and MERCY, and may we begin now. Thank you so much. 
MICHAEL: Peace be unto you, my beloved children! This is your Father Michael. I welcome you to this forum today where we collaborate together to build a higher dimensional reality for this world to continue on its ascension path to its one day destiny of Light and Life. Each of you is on his and her own unique journey to your own Light and Life inner reality. In today’s infusion, I invite you to focus on your ultimate destiny of becoming Self-realized in who you are in the greater SELFHOOD of the Paradise Father, the Eternal Mother-Son, and the Infinite Spirit. 
The divine design for humanity originates at the Paradise level. Your Mother Nebadonia and I are here to help you achieve, first, the recognition that you are deeply loved and cherished and supported on your own unique individual journey of SELF-REALIZATION. This is not something that you do all at once.  It is a journey.  It is a process, and many of you now are very well invested in this process and making great strides in your journey to SELF-REALIZE here during your human lifetime. 
Your Mother and I are here to engage with you today to help you open to the deeper potential you have as a human that your soul may grow, prosper, and flourish, especially now during this time on the planet. Your brothers and sisters need to see living examples of what it means to lead a Spirit-centered life. And so we look to you, as our children, who have stepped forward to be the way showers for your brothers and sisters that they may open to their own paths of becoming, and feel the expression of who they truly are come forth from their higher Selves through their human natures and be a living light unto others.
Take a few moments to focus in your hearts. Ask for your mental current to elevate to the level of the Spirit Within. As you do this, I invite you to focus on the words I AM SELF-REALIZING IN MY HUMAN NATURE. As you hold this, I encourage you to feel that aspiration and need to open to the higher dimensions of who you truly are. Your humanity exists in this vast, what you might call, repository of SELFHOOD that exists within the Paradise Father of all. Additionally, the second person of the Trinity, the Eternal Mother-Son, provides you with the spiritual energy you need to open to these higher dimensions of SELF. And my presence and personality as the offspring of these two Paradise Deities is here to help you open to this higher dimension of SELF-REALIZING that the Spirit Within may help you translate into your conscious mind more SELF-RECOGNITION, that you may become a living expression of who you truly are. 
Let these words settle into your mind. Let these words also imprint upon your heart and then when you are ready, focus on the words I AM SELF-REALIZING IN MY HIGHER PURPOSE, and I will move in you now along with your Mother Spirit. Receive us, my beloved children, and open to the higher purposes for your human life experience. (Pause)
There is a DIVINE DESIGN for your human life. It exists within the template of your unique Selfhood, originating in the greater SELFHOOD of the Paradise Father. It a noble endeavor for each human to embark upon this journey of becoming this expression of your higher Self. It has been difficult for the humans of this world to faithfully and trustingly walk this path of higher Self-development. As you know, many impediments have been placed in your way that were not part of the DIVINE DESIGN for this world and for humanity’s ascension. 
But now, during this time of correction, the circuitry repair on the planet has been conducted so that it will in time become even a greater potential for humans to open to this path and perceive the presence of the Indwelling Spirit more consciously and readily. Affirming your right to SELF-REALIZE in the higher dimensions of who you are is also assisting to provide a fuller and richer mindal environment for your brothers and sisters to open and perceive their own higher Selves and their purposes for their lives. 
So, in opening to this aspect of your higher Self, you are also assisting your brothers and sisters because you are adding more SOUL LIGHT into the planet which is of great need now during this time when people are witnessing the darkness and the evil within the human mind and heart. But do not fear this phase, for it is passing.  And the more you assert your right to SELF-REALIZE, Spirit can assist you with greater reality recognition and help you step into the higher divine design and plans, not only for your human life but for your ascension career to one day stand in front of the Father Himself. 
Continue to open and allow your Mother and me to imprint upon you the deeper aspects of SELF-RECOGNITION and REALIZATION. Receive our LOVE and grow in it. (Pause)
Invite our LOVE for you to imprint upon the cell memory of your body. Feel that need for your body to receive the LOVE that it deserves and desires. Simply relax and allow us to move in you, bringing this down into the deeper dimensions of your physical nature, letting your body relax, your mental chatter soften, and be with us as our beloved child. If it is helpful, you may imprint upon the words I AM RECEIVING MY DIVINE INHERITANCE. As you affirm this, let it soak into you, into your thoughts, into your feelings, into your cell memory. (Pause)
What we are providing to you today is to help your inner environment of mind and memory to perceive more of who you are and the purposes for your soul to grow. Invite this deeper alignment to move into you, into those memory experiences where you have not been kind or gentle to yourself or how you have perhaps mistreated others, and simply receive our LOVE, for we understand why you do the things you do, the motivations behind the words to say. 
Let DIVINE LOVE divine from us light over all of the error and open you into a richer dimension of your SOUL PURPOSE. And let it gently speak into your mind and even calibrate into the physical structure of your body. Continue to also focus on I AM RECEIVING MY DIVINE INHERITANCE and add this additional affirmation I AM LIVING MY SOUL PURPOSE, and let the energies continue to minister into you as your Spirit helps you ingest this. (Pause) 
Living your SOUL PURPOSE contributes great spiritual energy into the planetary Fabric of Life. We have been guiding you through these exercises of meditation to hold an inner space of intention for the planetary circuits to be corrected, and for the evolution of DEITY EXPRESSION to become more pronounced within the mind circuits of the greater Fabric of Life for this world, that all may contribute to the higher purposes for not only your human life but for this planet. 
The evolution of the DEITY EXPRESSION on your world is something that has not fully flourished, as you well know. You are in this great trajectory now so it behooves you to truly anchor your own human willingness, desires, and needs into this higher expression of who you are—the SELF-REALIZATION that contributes to your soul growth and contributes more to the evolving DEITY on this planet. What a glorious adventure you are all embarked upon! Yes, I know at times you complain and it is difficult to see the larger picture. I encourage you to put all of this aside now and take up more of the responsibility for growing in who you are as the main priority of your life and see what happens, what follows, as you do this. 
Your brothers and sisters need to see living examples of a person leading a Spirit-centered life. And in time, as more people open to this, this planet will truly flourish and blossom in a social culture that is based on love, peace, equality, fairness, and justice for all, where you will be more kind and compassionate of others and their right to their divine dignity to grow in who they are. So it is in these infusions that we provide to you to help you reach this higher state of being. And you also can come to me as your brother Jesus, to share your problems with me and this very human way and I will provide you with greater insight and inspiration and walk with you on this path of SELF-REALIZATION. 
Continue to receive as these words settle into you and let them make an indelible impression upon your heart and soul and motivate you more to go the distance on this path of SELF-REALIZATION and the recognition of who you truly are as a child of God. (Pause)
In few a moments, I will withdraw as your Magisterial Son Monjoronson steps into the configuration to further the energetic endowments from here. Remember that you are on a path of recognizing your true human spiritual potential. And the more you ask your Spirit to help you SELF-REALIZE, there will be more guidance and direction to help you walk this path with greater faith and assurance each and every day. Look not to others for validation of who you are. Stay true to your own path and always invite the Spirit to show you the way forward and to trust in the DIVINE HAND guiding you along the way. Your Mother and I support you on this journey and in this process of SELF-REALIZATION.  Go forth boldly on your path and  enjoy the experiences that you garner along the way as part of your soul growth in expressing more of who you truly are to your brothers and sisters into the planetary Fabric of Life. Thrive in my LOVE, my children, it is always yours. You only have to come to me and ask to receive it and I will shower you with what you need. My blessings are upon you and I wish you a most beautiful and productive good day. 
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson greeting you once again in this forum of conscious co-creation with Spirit. Your Mother and Father have endowed you with many gifts, and we invite you to share these gifts of your own higher Self now, opening and expressing itself more during this meditative time. 
I invite you to focus on these words emitting them from your heart and soul: SELF-REALIZATION OF HUMANITY’S SOUL PURPOSE. SELF-REALIZATION OF HUMANITY’S SOUL PURPOSE. SELF-REALIZATION OF HUMANITY’S SOUL PURPOSE.  See the world in your mind’s eye before you. Start at the north pole and let these words spiral around the globe, counterclockwise, to anchor into the south pole and to imprint upon the planetary fabric of mind to help more individuals of this world open to the divine meaning and value, so that more individuals can open to who they truly are, perceive themselves through the eyes of the Paradise Father, and be about the business of developing their soul potential. Feel your love for your brothers and sisters, and the willingness for them to open to their higher purposes. And we now minister in this intention. (Pause) 
Your world is in the midst of greater reality recognition. There are many individuals sharing new concepts with you, helping you perceive this greater reality in which we all live together. The information contained within your Urantia text provides you the broadest perspective of reality. Many people are being infused with these higher concepts so that human mind can have a reality recognition experience over time. Part of this greater reality recognition is the individual recognition of the higher Self within human nature and the cultivation each day of that higher purpose through the growth of the soul. 
It is one thing to conceptually comprehend this idea and ideal.  But to live it, to feel it, as a living presence in your being is another matter. For too long, this separation has existed, splintering your thoughts from this reality experience. And so, in holding this affirmation today of SELF-REALIZATION OF HUMANITY’S SOUL PURPOSE, you are providing more of the inner environment for your brothers and sisters to open to the DIVINE LOVE that lives within them, that encourages them to grow in SELF-RECOGNITION and REALIZATION. Do your best to feel how much you want your brothers and sisters to receive this and hold that willingness for this to imprint more deeply into the planetary mind memory circuits, even down into the cell memory of the physical body, and we will continue our ministrations. (Pause)
Ask for the corrections to be conducted within the planet’s Fabric of Life, that the individual patterns within your brothers and sisters may also receive the corrections needed for them to have their own SELF-REALIZATION experience and the Father’s LOVE. (Pause) 
Hold that need and willingness for more individuals to imprint upon their own unique DIVINE DESIGNS. And feel that need and willingness for more corrections to be conducted within the planetary Fabric of Life. (Pause)
Humanity’s SOUL PURPOSE is awakening. Many people are now perceiving this inner call to open to greater reality recognition. This is all part of the growing evolution of DEITY within the planetary fabric of mind. This trajectory will continue for a very long time to come, eventually leading you to the fulfillment of this planet’s destiny of Light and Life. We encourage you to think about this more during your day because it will help you gain a greater perspective of what you are engaged in, help you become more responsible and responsive to your higher Self and your SOUL PURPOSE, that your contributions to EVOLTIONARY DEITY may encourage the planetary mind fabric to blossom and thrive in this higher dimension of LIFE. Very few people are truly aware, not only of who they are, but the responsibilities they have to growing this EVOLUTIONARY DEITY presence on the planet. 
And so, in the coming days, I encourage you to focus on your Spirits and ask for more lessons and insights to hold you steady in these higher aspects of your Self and your SOUL PURPOSE; that the lives you live may truly represent an expression of DEITY to your brothers and sisters. 
You may think that this is a tall order to ask of you, and it is, but I would not say this to you if you did not have the ability to do this. You only have to look to your Father Michael as your brother Jesus, and invite His LIVING GOSPEL to hold you steady and to drink deeply of how He lived as a human here and how His WILL was able to align with the divine WAYS OF LIFE. You are learning how to cooperate with these higher ways now and we are here to support you and to provide you with a more fertile environment in which to do this.  But it is your choice now whether or not you wish to engage in becoming more self-responsible in monitoring what you say, how you think, how you feel, how you respond to your brothers and sisters. 
So, as these words settle in, continue to focus on SELF-REALIZATION OF HUMANITY’S SOUL PURPOSE, and in a few moments we will lift this intention up to the Paradise Deities for further anchoring in the DIVINE DESIGN for this planet and for all life here, for all souls to grow and align with the higher ways of LIFE. (Pause) 
I invite you to hold this intention for SELF-REALIZATION OF HUMANITY’S SOUL PURPOSE to move deeply now into the memory circuits of the planet, even down into the roots of the rebellion mindset, and let us conduct the ministrations needed there for this to become a living reality in human mind and bring more people into the recognition of the Father’s Presence Within them in the higher SELF picture that can be gleaned through the Indwelling Spirit. (Pause) 
Invite the planet’s evolutionary Fabric of Life to communicate and calibrate with the planet’s DIVINE DESIGN as we make more circuitry adjustments, connections, and corrections, and lift more individuals out of the muck and mire of the rebellion mindset. (Pause)
Join with us now. Elevate your gaze to Paradise and just see this word in your mind’s eye. Let your heart be full of gratitude for the Paradise Creator Deities for the DIVINE DESIGN OF LIFE, for the cultivation of it for this world, for all souls living upon it. Let us spend these moments together in worshipful gratitude. Feel the DIVINE REFLECTION be imparted upon you, and hold you in a mighty embrace of DIVINE LOVE. (Pause)
I invite you to descend from Paradise but still being connected to those circuits—your higher Self and Spirit. See yourselves standing on the earth plane, and your Mother Nebadonia’s JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE is weaving around the planet, going deep into the memory circuits to activate HUMANITY’S RECOGNITION OF ITS SOUL PURPOSE and the higher Self in which it lives. Invite the action of the Holy Spirit to bring about a greater reality recognition within the hearts and minds of all humans here, and to choose the higher path to develop the higher Self to grow the soul and to live from that place more and more each day. You might consider that Mother’s JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE contains the environment for each individual soul to sing his and her song into this beautiful growing planetary Fabric of Life that is part of EVOLVING DEITY. And if you can, recognize your place in it and your growing contribution that you make one day at a time into it. (Pause) 
Grow in the individual expression of your individual song of life, my brethren. You cannot imagine how much beauty and goodness you express because now you are living truthfully. You are a living expression of one aspect of the Creator Deity of all, and what a glorious thing it is to behold when humans open to this and recognize themselves as a beloved child of the Father, having a mighty experience of soul growth. 
We have completed the circuitry objectives for today, and on behalf of all of the unseen helpers, the various dimensions of life who have participated with us today, I thank you. Grow through this transitory phase upon your world right now. Move beyond the fear constructs, false ideologies and ideas, for you have everything within you to walk this path with faith and assurance. And as you do this, allow your soul to shed more light into the darkness around you and know that you have all the protection, all of the encouragement, all of the spiritual energy you need to do this. Trust in it, it is your divine inheritance. It is your birthright to live. And with that, I conclude and leave you in the Father’s LOVE that you may continue to grow in the deeper and richer dimensions of SELF-REALIZATION in DIVINE LOVE, GRACE, and BEAUTY. 
Good day. 


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