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August 13: Manifesting Michael’s Plans of Correction for Personal and Planetary Transformation

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
August 13, 2023

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 

PRAYER:  Our Divine Parents, you have given us so much potential within our humanity to cultivate our higher spiritual natures.  And we thank you for all of the assistance from our Seraphim, our spiritual teachers, and guides for all their faithful devotion to us.  We have expanded and used our spiritual muscles to change our lives—to become better humans and more expressive of the divine plans that the Father in Paradise has seeded in us.  While we are far from perfection, we are striving.  And we are grateful for all the opportunities we have to master our human natures that we may become more like you, Father Michael, in the ways you developed your humanity when you were here as our brother Jesus as our way-shower.  

As we move into this circuit of conscious co-creation with our helpers and with you, with Monjoronson, and Machiventa, we thank you for continuing to feed our human natures with those frequencies we need that we can hold and send into the planet of our intentions for more change and more of the plans of correction to take greater foothold here, that we may be about the process of reforming this world according to your plans.  Thank you for this opportunity to be of service.  May your WILL be done through your MERCY and GRACE.   

MACHIVENTA:  Greetings, beloved brethren!  This is Machiventa, and I am pleased to address you today in this forum of intentional co-creation in the WILL of God.  Many of you have embarked upon this great adventure of self-mastery in developing your higher spiritual potential to be a part of your expression as a human.  Truly, this is a monumental undertaking that each one of you has the ability to manifest through your individual choosing and striving.   

We have been supporting you in many ways over the years since the circuits were reopened.  We have given you many lessons on practical spiritual development—on the practice of quieting your minds that you may reach the higher levels of consciousness that your Indwelling Spirits may indeed inlay the higher thoughts you need to cultivate your true spiritual potential.   

We have watched you carefully over the years, and sent forth those teachers and helpers to you that we knew you needed to support you on this magnificent journey of self-mastery and co-creation with the Paradise Father’s Spirit Within.  And now we have reached a phase where it is now important that more of your brothers and sisters engage in this process in a way similar to what you have achieved. 

As you know, planetary reclamation is no small feat.  From your perspective, we understand that it is quite daunting to you.  We appreciate that many of you have been trepidatious and even fearful about embarking on this path and process.  However, I say to you that this is part of your responsibility to God and to evolving Deity-consciousness of all Life.  And you cannot escape this path.  Yes, it is your choice to reject, but we would hope that you would see the magnificence of this journey and wish to embark upon it more diligently and committed each day to your spiritual progress. 

With that being said, therefore, I invite you to simply engage your intention to be a truth-revealer and light-bearer to your brothers and sisters.  The time is upon you for you to shine this light.  The Father Within you in ready and able to expand you in more of this LIGHT quality that you may indeed send this forth from your hearts and create a reverberating effect for another person to receive the spiritual energy they need to open to their own spiritual potential and the Father’s presence within them. 

You might consider this to be an action of great spiritual vitality.  Each one of you has the capacity to achieve it.  It is only by your choosing whether or not you can develop in this way.  And many of you have earnestly taken on this challenge with great faith and determination.  We applaud your efforts.  Now we look to you to be the encouragers of your brothers and sisters to take these next steps that this world may indeed become a shining example of what the POWER OF LOVE can do to create a more divine social that replicates the divine and the universe ways of LIFE.   

I will pause here for you to ponder what I am saying to you.  Take this into your Spirits.  Ask for more insight and guidance to illuminate your mind and heart about what it is that you can do to further your ability to a truth-revealer and light-bearer to your brothers and sisters.  (Pause) 

As the individual entrusted by our Father Michael to implement the plans of correction for His beloved world, I share this responsibility with you now.  While is it up to me to manage and supervise these plans, the plans are given to humanity to implement.  We have given you much support to encourage you to develop the planet according to Michael’s plans.  And we appreciate that you may not truly understand, know, or even intuit what these plans are.  But in today’s infusion, let me come close to you and share with you what those plans are.  Simply breathe and relax into the focus on MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION. Take them into your heart.   

Let them gently reverberate within you, connecting with your own individual plans of perfection held in safekeeping by your Spirit that what you can contribute to the manifestation and realization of MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION can be accomplished now.  There is a delightful synergy of what you can achieve in conjunction with the overarching correction that Michael’s plans have in store for this world.  Simply allow this connection to be made between you as the microcosm and the overarching plan as the macrocosm, and let the synergy move in you now, my dear brethren.  (Pause) 

MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION are vast and varied.  They will not be accomplished in a single generation by a single individual or group.  This is global effort.  While many strides have been made to implement these PLANS OF CORRECTION, it was first placed upon you to awaken to the call of Spirit Within. And now that this objective has been fairly well achieved, but not entirely, we are ready to help you move into another aspect of the plan for this particular period of time in which you now live.  While I could certainly convey to you what those plans are, that would certainly interfere with your own ability to intuit what it is that you can achieve through cooperation with your Spirit, who is well aware of what you can accomplish and well aware of what the global plans are.   

So, I invite you to tap into that synergy and to feel that need and motivation within for your own human Divine Life Purpose to also become more communicative with the overarching correction plan of Father Michael.  You do this through your faith-intention, through your heart’s desire so that your conscious mind, your intellect, may begin to pick up on the signals and give you awareness of what your next steps are and how you may further cooperate with those plans.  Sit with this now for a few moments.  Feel that desire and motivation and invite your Spirit to help you perceive this higher objective.  (Pause) 

If it is helpful to prevent your mind from wandering, simply focus on the words MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION, and feel that need to be more integrated into them through your own Divine Life Purpose for your human incarnation.  (Pause) 

Focusing on MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION sets up an intentional field for us to collaborate with you in the furtherance of those plans manifesting.  Because this is a universe based upon the gift of your choosing the ways of the Father, we provide you with the information necessary but it is up to you to intuit, interpret, and discern how you will go about best manifesting these plans.  But know that your own individual life purpose when you are fully invested and living adds greatly into the growing dynamic of the greater global plans to have a better chance to manifest and truly heal this world.  Each of you has a responsibility, and we have shared information with you about how that you may go about and truly manifesting this responsibility.  

But we cannot do it for you.  It is your choice.  We are here to encourage more of your brothers and sisters to take this on for themselves—to test themselves, to test their faith, to test their mettle, to test their resolve and the wide arena of human choice; that when it is directed towards Spirit, it can do mighty things indeed.  Just look at what your Father Michael accomplished in His lifetime as Jesus.  He changed the world! Now, will you have that same scope of influence?  Perhaps you will and perhaps not.  But how will you know what you are capable to achieve if you do not at least make a good effort.   

So, let these words settle.  Let your hearts be full of this motivation to implement Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION through your own individual unique voice and expression.  And what joy you provide to us when we see humans of this world responding in this way!  Truly if you could observe it from our perspective, you would be so hopeful and encouraged about the planet’s bright future.  Let this synergy of your own divine plans to engage with MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION for Urantia.  (Pause) 

I ask you now to attune your attention to the planet before you in your mind’s eye.  Invite the synergy of the MANIFESTATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION to shine forth from your hearts and engage with the planetary circuits of mind and memory.  You are in a more heightened state of motivation and intention. And that synergy between the individual and the global awareness can be augmented, and that is what we will add into this circuit.   

In your mind’s eye, if you wish, you may project the words MANIFESTATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION into the planet to spiral around in that familiar counter-clockwise rotation from the north to south poles and invite it to engage deep into planetary memory where human potential is now ready to be activated in a more spiritually aligned manner.  Do your best to hold this focus, especially feel that overarching willingness and desire for His plans to manifest throughout the planet.  We will do what we can to add your synergy into the growing planetary awakening and reckoning process.  (Pause) 

You might consider that a bridge is being formed between MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION and that which was infused into the planet of its original divine plans to form this seamless pathway for more people to engage upon this wondrous achievement of self-mastery to Christ Consciousness.  As you know, this has never been accomplished.  It is now up to you as a planetary culture to decide whether or not you wish to engage in this as socially inspired way of life.  And by holding this now, allow the synergy of the individual to engage with the greater whole, and we will weave these circuits of intention together.  (Pause) 

Invite the memory patterns of RECOGNITION OF THE PARADISE FATHER to engage with MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION at the planetary level.  Feel that intention for your brothers and sisters to respond to the LOVE of the Father within them, to have a deeper awareness that this divine LOVE is able to heal all pain and trauma, and uplift that person that they may walk on their path of self-mastery.  Hold that intention for your brothers and sisters to be lifted out of the muck and mire of human misery and desperation; for them to feel that innate bond they have with the First Source and Center as individuated personalities of great destiny.   

Do you not wish to see your brothers and sisters become interested in their spiritual development?  I know you do!  So, hold this as best you can that the love you have for your brothers and sisters, and the LOVE of the Father within them may speak volumes to their hearts and help them perceive what true divine LOVE really means and how they can perceive it.  And as you do this, continue to focus on MANIFESTATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION to continue to engage in planetary mind and memory.   (Pause) 

In the coming days, I invite you to come to me with your questions and concerns about what it is that you can add to the growing manifestation of Michael’s plans for this world.  If you are unsure about what your contribution can be, I can offer some insights for you that you can take into your own Spirit and seek more clarification and edification.  Act upon the insights and guidance you perceive.  It is time to move out of the intellectual understanding of these concepts and to make them real through your actions.  How will you know what you are capable of achieving unless you act?  So, if you feel bereft of motivation, come to me.  I will encourage you.  But in the final analysis it is up to you and the Father’s presence within you whether or not you will take that mighty action to reveal the truth, to shine the light, and to show the way to your brothers and sisters.  (Pause) 

The path is before you.  All you need to do is take those action steps based on your best intuition and the guidance you receive from us in whatever way it is revealed to you.  (Pause) 

Continue to focus on MANIFESTATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION.  And at the same time, elevate your gaze to Paradise, thanking the Creator Deities for the overarching plan of evolution for this world to one day achieve its destiny of Light and Life.  Do your best to engage in worshipful thanksgiving of what you have been given, what this world has been given, that the synergy between the two—the macro and micro—dimensions may become more unified and harmonized.  And thereby enhancing your own unique ability to live as if you were in the presence of the Paradise Father Himself.  (Pause) 

Thank our Paradise Deities for their divine PLANS OF EVOLUTION, that it may reflect upon this world and bring about an enhanced synergy for more of it to be expressed through Michael’s plans.  Feel the gratitude you have in your heart for the majesty and grandeur of the evolutionary process of LIFE.  (Pause) 

Take a moment now to send your focus from Paradise and see yourselves standing on the earth.  And ask for the integration of your own unique divine plan to further engage with MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION.  Have that willingness to be more fully responsive to what He wishes for you to accomplish through your own unique efforts.  There is nothing to fear my brethren.  Michael’s LOVE lives in you.  His SPIRIT OF TRUTH can ring resoundingly in you of his presence supporting you when you engage in this manner.   

So, stand in your own divine purpose for your human life, and feel that need and interest and motivation for you and your plan to engage with Michael’s plans.  While you may not perceive what they are at this precise moment, trust that you will be given more insight when the time is right, when your Spirit knows you are ready to test the waters of your own ability to manifest what has been given to you.  Feel that need to be more fully integrated into what it is that you can offer to this world of your own unique gifts and voice. Invite that to also engage into the whole of the planet.  (Pause) 

Beloved brethren, STAND in the POWER the Father in Paradise has given to you, and learn how to use that wisely with discretion under the guidance of your Spirit.  All is well.  But we understand that you wish to see more spiritual change unfold at the material level.  Trust that it is underway.  The growing undercurrent of spiritual vitality is truly uplifting human mind and memory from its past distortions that you may see reality without that lens and engage more earnestly and sincerely with the POWER you have been given by Father Himself. 

Know that your Father Michael supports in every honest endeavor you make.  And together we will continue to assist as you make the changes you want to see on this world truly become a living reality.  I leave you in the Father’s LOVE, my brethren, and I thank you for your service.  Good day. 


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