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June 28: Identify with Father

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, as we center ourselves into our time together, thank you for strengthening this connection with our Seraphim, with our Magisterial Son and with all of the helpers who are assigned to support our work in collaboration to build the circuits of LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE through our hearts into out our system of consciousness. As we take some deep breaths and settle into our hearts may we all be connected in the various circuits of Spirit, mind, body, Soul and Personality that we are all acting as one in your holy WILL. We are grateful to be of service to our world, to our brothers and sisters, to you, to our universe brothers and sisters, and we ask that your WILL now be done through us. Thank you so much.


MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson, pleased once again to join you in this circuit and forum of co-creation in the Father’s WILL. Take some deep breaths for several minutes now. This is a time to deepen into the spiritual energies that run through your being. Ask for these energies to deepen in you, moving into those places where you need this refreshment of Spirit, to open those places of potential within you that you may be of greater service to your world during this time of great need and change.

Allow the spiritual currents to circulate throughout your beings, gently upstepping the vibrational rates of your mind and body to calibrate to the higher levels of mind of what you might call super-conscious levels where your Indwelling Spirits reach down and communicate to you the Father’s LOVE. We will remain here for a few more moments as you deepen into these energies. (Pause)

All Urantian life is buzzing with change. The myriad circuits of evolution are opening, expanding in this change dynamic. As we have informed you, there is great outworking occurring on your world in these circuits of mind that impact your material reality. You are witnessing how this is playing out upon your world in a very rugged, intense collective manner.

What our intention for this call today is designed to promote is more unification in these circuits of mind for more healing to occur through these various dimensional circuits of mind. You might consider this a purging of the virus of rebellion that has long impacted how Urantians think, conceptualize, and emote their feelings. What we invite you to focus on now is on the Father in Paradise, the First Source and Center of all life, for it is in Him that all things originate.

You originate in the Father. You have a mighty connection to Him and this connection can be strengthened and amplified. It is up to you to decide how much of the Father you wish to imbibe. You do this by identifying with Father as your Source and Center for your lives. You move from your own self-created identity—your self-concept that you amass through your life experiences base on based on your reality perception into a greater awareness of being like Father in a particular way. Father has designed you to participate in this great adventure of life and creation.

We invite you now to focus on this concept/quality of identifying more with Father. Allow these words to form within your mind’s eye as you place them over your hearts. I IDENTIFY WITH FATHER. I IDENTIFY WITH FATHER I. I IDENTIFY WITH FATHER. Focus on these words now, my brethren. Allow the deeper meanings of what this simple phrase means to your overall energetic system. Allow the deeper meaning and value of this simple affirmation to deepen in you into those places where you need to IDENTIFY WITH FATHER, that it can begin to operate, activating certain potentials within you. I will help you in this identification process. Breathe and relax as I IDENTIFY WITH FATHER moves in you now. (Pause)

You might ask, “Where does this identification with Father begin?” As you journey inward to the Father, you will explore this rich dimension of the Father’s presence within, able and aptly guided by your own Indwelling Spirits to help you perceive into the mysteries of life and how you originate in the First Source and Center. Holding this as a focus helps you to align with Father and His desires and plans for your lives. It is a very important step in your soul growth when all aspects of your being are fully identified with Father. This is the state of being that your Father Michael achieved as Jesus during his human life time. You can always appeal to Him and His Personalized Adjuster to help you perceive more of what this can disclose for your life.

For the present moment, however, we invite you to simply allow this energy to deepen within you. For there is an innate identification process underway to help you perceive that you originate in the bosom of the Father and you take up space in His heart. Allow these words to settle in for a few more moments, and then we will ask you to join us and focus these energies into the collective: I IDENTIFY WITH FATHER. Continue to breathe deeply, slowly as these energies continue to penetrate and help you in how you view yourselves in your self-concept. (Pause)

The Seraphim are now in place to impart these energies into the collective. It is fundamental for more transformation to occur on Urantia in the circuits of mind for this identification with Father to expand and take deeper root. Would you not wish your brothers and sisters who have yet to awaken to learn of the joys and peace that that comes with identifying with Father? If so, then simply project these words: I IDENTIFY WITH FATHER out into the collective from your hearts, holding that steady gaze letting these words spiraling around the planet. Allow the love in your heart to flow through these words. More of your brothers and sisters may feed upon this powerful dynamic of identifying with Father, for there is much repair needed at fundamental places within the human mindal constructs to bring you back to the Father’s bosom where all LIFE originates and proceeds outward to the great cosmic organism of LIFE.

When you identify with Father, you become more Father-like. Those divine qualities and attributes are shared with you, and your Indwelling Spirits are able to translate these divine qualities into your minds to help you comprehend what it means to be like the Father in Paradise. The universal bestowal of Thought Adjusters during the event of Pentecost is also a part of this identification with Father process. So you are assisting us in various ways as you hold this focus, letting the energies move in you and through you and out into the collective. (Pause)

As these energies continue to be applied into various places and circuits all around the globe, we invite you to focus on these words: UNITY THROUGH DIVERSITY. In our last time together we focused on DIVERSITY IN UNITY. You might consider this dynamic to be a two-way flow of how the Father in His UNITY creates and multiplies DIVERSITY all throughout His creative domain. There are sacred harmonic patterns within this dynamic, and we invite you to simply allow these words: UNITY THROUGH DIVERSITY to also merge with I IDENTIFY WITH FATHER. There is a harmonizing effect here to expand these circuits of mind to retain this type of coding and language which are all parts of the sacred harmonic patterns that come from the First Source and Center and distributed throughout the circuits of LIFE.

While these energies do not only reverberate in and through you, hold that focus as strongly as you can and let that be applied where it can do much good to assist in this MASS AWAKENING process underway. The Father’s UNITY is powerful indeed, and how it diversifies throughout creation is a marvel. You will be exploring this very, very rich dimension of the Father for many, many ages to come in your ascension career.

Yet here and now you can be more firmly established in this, taking its rightful place in your mindal systems to correct any imbalances or misalignments that may have been a part of your structure affecting you at very deep levels, many of which are not entirely aware—consciously recognized within your own thoughts and feelings. So let the part and the whole benefit greatly from this infusion today. As you as the part, hold that focus for the whole to receive. (Pause)

As these energetic changes and endowments start being applied into the collective, invite the sacred harmonics of these patterns of UNITY and DIVERSITY to multiply in the IDENTIFICATION WITH FATHER. Your brothers and sisters need to experience the beauty of this relationship between Creator Parent and human child. When more individuals recognize their innate status, more transformation can occur in the fabric of Urantian consciousness. These endowments are meant to facilitate more MASS AWAKENING and the awakening is working at very fundamental states, awakening the spiritual energy, awakening the identification awareness of each individual as a part of the Father in His unified wholeness. (Pause)

The patterns of Paradise are part of your constituent makeup and you have an eternity to develop these, learn what they are, express them as you move through this evolutionary time-space continuum under the guidance and supervision of your Spirit Parents. Shift focus slightly and simply take a few moments to thank your Father Michael, your Mother Nebadonia for the gifts they have given you to experience life as an evolutionary ascender. Michael fortifies you for the adventure you are now embarked upon. Mother provides you the loving, stable environment in which to grow. And all of this is conducted through the overcontrol of your Personality. That gift of quality that helps you IDENTIFY WITH FATHER, so be grateful for everything that you have been given and know that there is much to learn through this organic process of spiritual development and soul growth.

The more you experience this, the more you become identified with Father and your soul grows and you become better able to help your awakening brothers and sisters understand what it is they are about during this auspicious time. But they do not need to be forced to recognize what is in them. Just as you opened to Father, give them time and space to open to Father within them by being loving, kind, compassionate, and patient with them. Tend to their needs by allowing the love to flow from your hearts and the energies contained there to gently reverberate in theirs. Their Indwelling Spirits know what to do. You are simply providing a sacred and safe place for them to more fully awaken and develop their spiritual potential.

So you see, my brethren, everything has been given to you, and things are falling to their rightful placement within your consciousness system that reverberates into the collective. So let your gratitude to Michael and Mother be made clear to them. Let your heart energies flow to them, and then thank the Father in Paradise for the gifts that have been seeded in you, and we will reverberate this collective gratitude energy into these circuits of consciousness in great need. (Pause)

All life is an exploration, my brethren. You have embarked upon a mighty adventure. You are becoming more aware of what an adventure this is. Does it not fill you with wonderment and awe at what has been provided for you? The sense of wonderment can fill you with the same joy you experienced as a child when you felt inspired and creative. Let your creative gifts blossom now, my brethren. The more you IDENTIFY WITH FATHER, the more you will intuit and interpret your creative gifts as the Spirit Within guides you in their expression.

One day when all of the circuits of Urantian consciousness are aligned in Father’s WILL will you see days of Light and Life exist upon this world. You are all in this process now and it is good that you become more aware of your role and responsibility in and to this process. Give more of your volition to the Father and you will see great things occur within you and be able to express mighty qualities of LOVE and all of its attributes to your brothers and sisters.


I will leave you now in this manner. The Seraphim continue to take these energies you have generated and apply them where they will do much good. During your stillness allow your focus to remain on I IDENTIFY WITH FATHER and this dynamic process of UNITY AND DIVERSITY. There is much spiritual energy upon the planet now for these dynamics to be applied where they can take root and liberate the hearts and minds of many. And the more you IDENTIFY WITH FATHER, more you will be able to use your particular gifts and abilities in alignment with holy divine WILL.

I thank you for your participation with us and we will continue our sacred collaboration with you in two weeks. Thrive in how you are growing more identified with Father and live that love that you were born to express as best you can in each day, moment by moment. Good day.


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