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November 11: Implementing Divine Government

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, we for this time together with our Planetary Seraphim and for encircuiting us in your love as one. We thank you for the power you have given us that we may be creative in our endeavors with our celestial helpers to bring more peace, light, compassion, and especially love to our planet during this auspicious time. We center our hearts in this circle of intention with our collaborating our Seraphim that what we may produce from our focused efforts bring more truth and goodness and peace, and light into our world as your will is done. Thank you so much.


MANOTIA: Greetings, my dear brethren! This is Manotia. Many activities are underway upon Urantia as the circuits, not only the system but the entire universe of Nebadon, move into the bandwidth of Urantian consciousness. Recently in the country of the United States of America there was a major election held. We will continue to focus on the energies of DIVINE GOVERNMENT through these circuits of the Planetary Seraphic Governance to impart more of this dynamic to occur throughout the entire country.

This, you might appreciate, is a major change, and now that there is more of what you might consider to be change energies underway within the halls of governance in the United States, we are here to impart more of these circuits for DIVINE GOVERNMENT to help those newly elected leaders and those still in positions of influence to perceive a higher universe perspective—what you might call a divine calling for the ways of truth and peace and love and tolerance to prevail.

There is more I can say here, but in keeping with the plans for this call today I do perceive that it is better to simply invite you to focus on the word energies of DIVINE GOVERNMENT and to send that directly into the center of the country’s seat of federal government in Washington DC. If it is helpful, see this geographic region in your mind’s eye with the words DIVINE GOVERNMENT pulsing into this region. Let us form an energy field as it surrounds the entire geographic region, and let these energies move deeply into this circuit—into the history and into the potential of what divine government means for this country. Simply do your best to focus as we descend into these circuits now and provide what we can from the angelic realms to support this infusion to reach deep into this circuit of governance to provoke more change for divine government to prevail. We begin now. (Pause)

There are many personalities whom you have come to know from your Urantia text who are now imparting their energies into this circuit of DIVINE GOVERNMENT. Their presence will help those policy makers and decision makers to form the correct application of what government in a representative form needs to be. You might consider this to be a mighty outpouring of Michael’s ministry to this world to help this country firmly establish those divine ideas—truth, justice, mercy, fairness, and equality—to prevail here. Those in decision and policy making roles will need to receive much help in the coming years. And what you are helping to seed into this planet now are more of those celestial helpers to share their wisdom and experience to share with those in leadership.

Have compassion for these people in leadership for they need much support. They need these endowments of Spirit to help them open to more truth and light to perceive to the higher paths of wisdom and what it means to hold this sacred service as a representative of divine government. That is not to say that things will instantly change. You are moving in that positive direction now and we can do much to inspire those in these positions of influence. Let your gaze continue to prevail here upon the geographic area of Washington as these energies are encircuited there. Thank you. (Pause)

We now invite you to expand the range of your vision to encompass the entire United States of America. See these energies from the capital extend into the regional capitals of the states and then extending into the local regional municipalities. Let this circuit of DIVINE GOVERNMENT pervade the entire country now to help those in these positions of influence and power to perceive in this encircuitment. (Pause)

If you wish you may focus on the spiritual word UNITY and let it embrace the entire geographic region of the country. Let the meaning and the value of this word penetrate through this circuit of DIVINE GOVERNMENT to heal the polarization that is so rampant now. Let it stream into the minds of those who are carrying more of the divine ideals within their hearts to open to this great healing balm. Let it go deep. (Pause)

In your mind’s eye allow this word UNITY embrace the entire country forming a field of great LIGHT and LIFE as it moves into these areas’ circuits where the call for UNITY is required. (Pause)

We invite you now to focus on your Father Christ Michael. Ask for His presence to pervade these circuits now. Ask for more of His TRUTH and LOVE and COMPASSION to prevail through these circuits of UNITY IN DIVINE GOVERNMENT. (Pause)

Ask for His LIGHT OF TRUTH to penetrate areas of darkness where there still is some recalcitrant energies of the past. Ask for His TRUTH to blaze through the error and the shadow and the distortions that more UNITY IN DIVINE GOVERNMENT may prevail here in these circuits. (Pause)

Ask for His LOVE to go deep into those areas where there is still great distortion of perception. It is not so important that you know where these areas are as it is to desire your Father’s presence to pervade here through these circuits that we are helping to open through your efforts and intentions. (Pause)

Take a few moments to thank Michael for paving the way with these circuits of DIVINE GOVERNMENT to penetrate into these areas where there is great need for change and transformation. (Pause)

The Angels of National Life are now securing these circuits of co-creation. In the coming days we encourage you to ask for these circuits of DIVINE GOVERNMENT to penetrate into these deeper regions where more change can occur, more healing and unity can prevail. This country is ripe for healing. There are many who desire this now. And it is time to lay down these weapons of mass destruction of hate, intolerance, greed, corruption, and bigotry that Michael’s PEACE may prevail more in the hearts of the citizens here and expand out—out into the planet as a whole.


We have completed our objectives for this call today. We thank you for your continued trust and participation as Urantia becomes more fully invested in the life circuits of the universe. Remember to do your part each day for your own personal healing and transformation as well as asking for more planetary healing and transformation to occur. You have so much help at your disposal. We can only encourage you to take use of it and do your part each day to be the bearers of love and peace and light and truth to your brothers and sisters. Let them see the goodness in your hearts. Let them feel that presence of love exude from you for it is in you, and it is up to you to access this and make it real through your own effort and actions.

I withdraw now from this forum, but we are always on duty working on this planet’s behalf and all life here. Take heart that much good is unfolding on this planet and Urantia is truly being upstepped and revitalized as a vibrant member of the family of Nebadon in the creation of the Father’s LOVE. Good day.


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