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April 28: Focusing Mother’s Universe Womb of Consciousness and Michael’s Spirit of Truth into Planetary Mind and Memory

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
April 28, 2024

Topic:  Focusing Mother’s Universe Womb of Consciousness and Michael’s Spirit of Truth into Planetary Mind and Memory
T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER: Our Divine Parents and Magisterial Son, we thank you for this opportunity to gather as one mind, heart, soul to focus where you guide us today into those areas of planetary mind and memory that need more healing and correction, that more of our brothers and sisters may perceive the call of Spirit Within. We are eager to collaborate with all of our wonderful helpers today, those of our planet and those who pray for us from beyond the realms of our world. We thank our universe brothers and sisters for their holding focus for us to liberate this world from the grip of evil and sin. As we focus today, may we all be guided by our Indwelling Spirits to hold the focus for where you direct us.  We are so grateful that we can collaborate with you and all of our wonderful universe brothers and sisters for the healing of this world. And may it be done now as a continuation of what we have been building on the planet as your WILL is done, through your MERCY and GRACE. Thank you.
MONJORONSON:  Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson and I will be conducting the energies of this call today as you join us in this focused intention for more spiritual energy and circuitry alignment to heal this world of its past ignominious legacy. To begin, I invite you to take some centering breaths into your hearts. Allow yourself to deepen into the breath, opening you to your Indwelling Spirit to guide your mind as we direct you where we wish to focus today. 
Collaborating with the Spirit of God Within is part of your human development. You are here on this world to learn many lessons about the nature and quality of LIFE. You have especially unique challenges on this world because of its rebellion status, but that does not mean you have to succumb to the influences that have been pervasive on this planet.
In today's infusion, I invite you to focus on your Spirit of Truth—the gift to you from your Father Michael that helps you perceive and discern what it is you most need to learn and apprehend about your own unique individual self that you may continue to evolve out of the planetary constructs of mind and open more to the MIND of your Mother Nebadonia who is the Universe Womb of Consciousness. 
Take a moment to focus on your Father Michael. He is your VINE—your branch of divine qualities that imprint upon your human nature is to help you grow in who you are. As you do this, invite your Mother to gently expand you in Her universe perspective that you may perceive more deeply and broadly from the Spirit of Truth within, assisting your Indwelling Spirit to shine more awareness upon your heart and mind of who you truly are. We will begin here and help you by making further adjustments in your energy systems to become more congruent with the Father's presence within through the circuits of the Spirit of Truth and Mother’s Universe Mind. (Pause) 
If it is helpful for you to focus, simply allow these words to circulate through your thoughts: I AM GROWING IN MOTHERS UNIVERSE WOMB OF CONSCIOUSNESS TO FEEL MORE OF MICHAEL'S PRESENCE WITHIN ME. I AM GROWING IN MOTHERS UNIVERSE WOMB OF CONSCIOUSNESS TO FEEL MORE OF MICHAEL'S PRESENCE WITHIN ME. I AM GROWING IN MOTHERS UNIVERSE WOMB OF CONSCIOUSNESS TO FEEL MORE OF MICHAEL'S PRESENCE WITHIN ME.  Allow yourselves this experience with your Spirit Parents, who love you and are here to help you grow in who you are for greater soul expression and experience. And we begin. (Pause)
If your Indwelling Spirit focalizes light on any of your memories, especially ones from the past that have caused you consternation or pain, invite your Divine Parents to shed and shine their love upon that memory so that you may begin to sense a new way to perceive it come into your thoughts and feelings. (Pause) 
Our last few times together, we have had you focus on FOUNDATIONAL LOVE to help you reach that inner depth where you exist in the primal relationship of Creator Parent and human child. Today’s infusion is designed to help you expand your perceptual capacities that you may perceive most broadly and widely from your Divine Mother and Father, growing in their support system of the way the universe conducts its affairs, shifting you more out of the planetary mind circuits and into the MIND of Mother, where you have more access to the mind of Christ and the growing body of Christ Consciousness that is a part of the universe reality growing in the Supreme Being. Some of you are beginning to tap into your Deity potential and this is good. But there is so much to do and a far distance to traverse before all humans of this world are aware of their Deity potential bestowed by the Paradise Father of all. 
In today's infusion, it is designed to help you open to this broader bandwidth of spiritual circuitry to which you have access, and to help your energy systems open and calibrate to who your Divine Parents are, and to provide you with an infusion from them to secure you deeper into FOUNDATIONAL LOVE that you may truly be about the Father's business and how you are being guided forward by your Spirit. Simply receive what is now gently stirring in you. Drink deeply in the well of your Mother’s Universe Womb of Consciousness and invite Michael’s Spirit of Truth to resonate more resoundingly in you, helping you perceive what you need to learn at this particular time in your journey. (Pause) 
The planetary mind memory system is shifting into the higher circuits of universe mind. There is a concerted effort by many humans of this world to make this what you call a major shift to forward. And it is true that many circuitry adjustments and enhancements are underway in human mind. Many of you are beginning to taste and experience that expansive presence of your Divine Parents. I encourage you to continue to develop your relationship with them during your meditation times or even throughout the day, placing your thoughts on Mother and Father when you feel the need for a break in the tension and stress of the day or when you simply want to reflect and be appreciative of what has been given to you. Let them become your mom and dad, letting the synergy of their relationship uphold you in expansive ways to help you make that adjustment in the circuits of your mind and memory systems to be more influenced by Mother’s Universe Mind and Michael’s Spirit of Truth. What do you bring to this to make this real? Your willingness to receive and to become as a little child of faith, trusting completely in the divine affection your Mother and Father have for you. Let these words settle in so that your own inner foundations of love may expand the qualities of divine LOVE from your Spirit Parents at the universe level. (Pause)
The hunger for truth is so ripe upon Urantia. Many people are ready to perceive the truth of what has occurred upon this world. Even though they are ready to open to the truth, they may not be able to handle what this truly will reveal to them. That is why we are taking such devoted care to prepare you to be the truth-revealers to your brothers and sisters, not only through words, but through the circuits of the soul and the heart so that you can love them, comfort them, guide them when the time comes when they must reconcile what has occurred here. You are approaching that point of reckoning. And this is why we are taking such devoted care of your minds so that you can stabilize your brothers and sisters because you will be in a heightened and enhanced state of love to support them, and to guide them through a morass of what they must witness to perceive their own inner foundation of LOVE and the Father's presence within them. 
So know that you can grow in these divine qualities and capacities to render you more stable and steadfast during this period of reckoning now underway on the planet. Be compassionate toward your brothers and sisters who have yet not been able to perceive the truth. But know that the time is coming when they will and you will be able to help them move through what they are experiencing into a higher and more beautiful dimension of the Father’s LOVE. Continue to imprint upon FOUNDATIONAL LOVE of your Mother and Her Universe Womb of Consciousness and your Father Michael’s Spirit of Truth. (Pause)
As we move into focus into the planetary circuits of mind and memory with this infusion from Mother and Father, I invite you to feel within your heart that willingness and aspiration for your brothers and sisters to attune to Mother’s Universe Womb of Consciousness and Michael's Spirit of Truth. As you see the world before you in your mind's eye, I invite you to focus on the words MOTHER’S UNIVERSE WOMB OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND MICHAEL’S SPIRIT OF TRUTH. Hold that focus as best you can upon the planet and feel that great need for more circuitry connections and corrections to prevail, that more individuals may tap into this higher dimension of MIND and perceive more of who Father Michael is. 
Feel this intention and let the words: MOTHER’S UNIVERSE WOMB OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND MICHAEL’S SPIRIT OF TRUTH to spiral around the planet. The circuitry connections are already there. What we ask you to hold is that willingness for your brothers and sisters to receive more of the circuitry connection that will help them in their own healing processes and open them to more FOUNDATIONAL LOVE, which is the greatest healing balm of all. Hold focus as best you can, especially with the heart desire for the healing of your brethren. (Pause)
Invite the energies to move down into the planetary memory circuits and just allow these words to infuse the memory system: REMEMBRANCE OF THE UNIVERSE MOTHER AND FATHER. REMEMBRANCE OF THE UNIVERSE MOTHER AND FATHER. REMEMBRANCE OF THE UNIVERSE MOTHER AND FATHER. Hold this as best you can, helping your brothers and sisters have a deeper well of divine LOVE from your Spirit Parents to help them release what no longer serves them and their highest good. (Pause)
It is time for Urantia to step out of its spiritual orphanhood and rejoin its universe family. As you hold the focus on these circuits of planetary memory opening to remembering who and what our Divine Parents are, also focus on these words as best you can: PLANETARY RECOGNITION OF CHRIST MICHAEL AND MOTHER SPIRIT NEBADONIA. PLANETARY RECOGNITION OF CHRIST MICHAEL AND MOTHER SPIRIT NEBADONIA. PLANETARY RECOGNITION OF CHRIST MICHAEL AND MOTHER SPIRIT NEBADONIA. Feel that need for this planet to be parented by your Universe Spirit Parents and help more people make that shift into the universe circuits of MIND where the Spirit of Truth can help them perceive what is real and what is accurate. (Pause)
Invite my DIVINE JUSTICE to resonate resoundingly through the circuits of mind and memory where there still is distortion, where peoples’ minds are still perceiving in the distorted ways in which the planetary mind functions, adding to the spiritual vibrancy from DIVINE JUSTICE that more people may perceive who they are as universe sons and daughters in a loving family of LIFE. (Pause)
There is one additional focus to add. I invite you to focus on these words: IT IS TIME TO RE-PATTERN URANTIAN MIND AND MEMORY. IT IS TIME TO RE-PATTERN URANTIAN MIND AND MEMORY. IT IS TIME TO RE-PATTERN URANTIAN MIND AND MEMORY. Simply hold focus on this, having that deep aspiration and willingness for these energies to soak, absorb into the planetary mind system that may open to this greater divine design of the universe for this world to evolve out of the past and into its bright future and destiny. (Pause)
Growing your soul during this period of Urantia’s evolution to its destiny of Light and Life will be an experience you will cherish over the long course of your eternal career. You may not fully appreciate the significance of this where you are presently, but one day you will be truly amazed at what a human can do to participate with Father’s WILL. Now I invite you to simply think about this and allow all of what we have held together to stir more deeply in you, helping you appreciate more the gifts you have been given, which you are now beginning to truly notice and act upon. 
So lift your gratitude up to the Paradise Deities. Let their divine REFLECTION shine upon you as you offer your thanksgiving of the beauty of your lives, quality of your souls, gaining vital universe experience during this time upon this world. Appreciate the challenges you have been given for they are the mighty gifts of soul development that you have the privilege to cultivate. Savor these challenges and know that mighty things are being honed in you as a representation of the Father that is uniquely yours to express. (Pause) 
Allow your gratitude to continue to elevate to Paradise and allow the divine REFLECTION of FOUNDATIONAL LOVE, at the Paradise level, to anchor more deeply in you. (Pause)
Take a few moments to descend from Paradise. See yourselves standing on the earth plane in the field of FOUNDATIONAL LOVE, and Mother’s Universe Mind is holding you steady and strong and Father’s Spirit of Truth is pulsing through you, liberating you from false forms, ideologies, patterns expanding you in TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY and helping you perceive the real you—the living eternal you that lives within. (Pause)
Allow your spiritual inheritance from your Parents to secure you more deeply into your birthright that you may precede on the path of soul growth, living a life of love peace and service, growing in your capacity to express yourself in these ways one day at a time. 
The threshold of spiritual energies we have collaborated with you has been achieved. Grow in what has been given to you and observe how these changes not only play out in you, but have expression into the planetary circuits of mind and memory. Keep holding that intention for your brothers and sisters to be liberated from the past that their human minds and memories may be cleansed of the impurities of rebellion and be directed more, not only to your Divine Parents, but to the Spirit within them of the Father in Paradise. 
On behalf of all of the celestial hosts and your universe brothers and sisters, who love you and support you, I thank you for your continued steadfast dedication and devotion to your own personal spiritual development and service to this world. Know that many more new enhancements of who you are and how you can precede ensuring Father's LOVE is growing within and one day you will become what you truly seek to embody, a living expression of divine LOVE. And with that, I withdraw and wish you a most bountiful and blessed good day of peace and joy. 


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