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April 14: Growing in Foundational Love to Facilitate Humanity’s Conscious of Recognition of Evolving Deity

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
April 14, 2024

Topic: Growing in Foundational Love to Facilitate Humanity’s Conscious of Recognition of Evolving Deity
T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  We come to you today, Mother and Father, with the intention to collaborate with our wonderful helpers—our universe brothers and sisters, our planetary Seraphim and Midwayers—to build more of the circuits of FOUNDATIONAL LOVE on this planet for our minds to open to the spiritual potential that has been seeded in us by the Paradise Father of all.  We thank you for weaving us together as one unified focus so that what we generate from our hearts is a mighty potent force of GOOD to bathe the circuits of human consciousness and help more people feel the call of Spirit Within.  We are grateful for this opportunity to be of service to our world in its greatest time of need.  And as always, we thank you for your WILL being done through your GRACE and MERCY.  Thank you so much!
NEBADONIA:  Greetings, my little children!  This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks!  I invite you to take a few moments to focus on me as your loving Mother.  Each one of you can perceive my gentle internal touch, gently expanding within you.  This is an energy that you not only need, but is here to help you grow in your ability to capture more truthful information and to let it become a living, growing spiritual reality in your conscious mind.  
Many of you have been in this arduous process of soul-making, gathering the information from your Spirit to live according to what you have been learning, and to express that in a way that is uniquely yours to share with others.  This is part of how you evolve in the DEITY CONSCIOUSNESS that is part of the expansive nature of EVOLUTIONARY DEITY or the Supreme Being.  
This world is beginning to appreciate that humans have incredible spiritual and creative potential.  And you are in a very long learning curve of how to adjust your thinking so that the Father has more presence in you to guide you forward and that you may express of this Deity potential each and every day, a little bit more one day at a time.  
So take some deep breaths.  Invite my presence in you to expand you, to secure you in more of the FOUNDATIONAL LOVE that you need to support your continued advancement in expressing how the Spirit is moving in you and how you may contribute to the growing DEITY CONSCIOUSNESS on the planet.  And we begin.  If it is helpful, simply focus on the words:  I AM RECEIVING FOUNDATIONAL LOVE.  I AM RECEIVING FOUNDATIONAL LOVE.  I AM RECEIVING FOUNDATIONAL LOVE.  I will minister to you now, my beloved children.  (Pause)
The foundation of your consciousness rests in me.  As you continue to receive, feel that need for FOUNDATIONAL LOVE to move into those areas where you may not even know yourself that there are deficiencies of this deep, deep level of my LOVE for you.  
It is certainly acceptable for you to claim your divine inheritance to not only receive but perceive FOUNDATIONAL LOVE within you, even down to the memory circuits of your mind and body system.  So just allow my presence to move in you now.  Feel that need to be fully awake and alive in my FOUNDATIONAL LOVE for you.  (Pause)
All through your universe career you will learn new facets about the function of MIND and the WOMB OF CONSCIOUSNESS in which you live as part of my BEING.  At your human level, however, FOUNDATIONAL LOVE is a core component of your human composition.  And it is my delight to help you receive the full endowment of this now that you may find inner peace, strength, fortitude to open to what your Spirit wishes to convey to you, letting you release the past influences that have held you back from growing in your true human potential.  
You are among some of the courageous souls on Urantia at this time who are daring to make such a remarkable change in who you think you are, how you live according to the divine plans for your lives, and doing your best to love your brothers and sisters during this difficult phase.  It is therefore important for you to be so secure in my LOVE for you that you can stay this course with greater faith and assurance that is well and there is nothing to fear.  So grow strong in my LOVE for you, my children.  Continue to receive from me and more internal changes are within you to re-orchestrate the patterns of your thoughts and feelings to render you more Spirit-led and directed.  (Pause)
Your evolutionary potential toward DEITY CONSCIOUSNESS is just beginning to show some wonderful fruits of the Spirit to the planet.  Truly, this is a remarkable time upon this world when more individuals respond to something that they have not conceived of previously.  What joy you give to us when we see the inner soul lights coming on through conscious recognition that there is something more to cultivate in life.  And this is part of your divine inheritance being restored to you, part of the activities of DIVINE JUSTICE helping you become consciously aware of who you are that you may choose the Father’s path for your life and step away from the insidious influences that have curtailed your potential.  
You are now moving in a new realm where your creative imagination is being very strongly influenced by the Father’s presence within you.  Pay close attention to what thoughts come to your mind that seem to be a new way to look at things—an interesting concept you have not considered, a deeper feeling of connection that seems unusual in your emotions. These are all the indications you are indeed responding to the inner spiritual changes underway, and that you will continue to trust in this natural process that you may become more of what the Father has truly seeded in you to experience and express with a joyful and glad heart and soul.  
As I continue to minister to you, feel that need, aspiration, motivation, and initiative to live your life with a deeper dedication to EVOLVING DEITY CONSCIOUSNESS upon this world.  This is your privilege to cultivate and it is part of your cosmic duty.  Some of you are becoming more consciously aware of the importance of this now.  Let these words settle in.  Let them not only deepen into your emotions and let these words expand your creative concepts of how you live that you may follow the divine leadings more faithfully and constructively each day.  (Pause)
Sometimes it is challenging for you to conceive of what has been given to you by the Father in Paradise to cultivate during your human lifetime.  The environment in which you live on this planet has not been conducive to spiritual growth.  Do not let that deter you.  Instead come to me, come to your Father Michael, come to your Indwelling Spirit and simply ask for more illumination to breathe new light in your mind and fill you with truth about who you are and to stimulate your creative imagination. 
Yes, it is this simple, my children, but we understand why it is difficult for you to make this internal shift so that you are less impacted by the material world and more influenced by the spiritual world within you.  But when you make this change, then all things become new in you, and you grow one day at a time, moment by moment, in this inner dimension that is limitless, full of so much potential for you to explore!
So, yes, my children, relish your human nature.  Cherish it.  It is a gift.  It is a short lifetime when contrasted against the span of eternal life.  So make the most of this time in which you live presently, and let it be the catalyst for you to deepen in the FOUNDATIONAL LOVE of your divine inheritance that you may cultivate the potential DEITY EXPRESSION in you that grows the higher spiritual consciousness on this planet.  (Pause)
Before I take my leave of you in this manner, receive my JOY and delight that I take in each one of you.  Let it bubble up from a deep well of LOVE within you that you may experience a greater sense of light-heartedness and effervescence of renewal and vitality to stimulate your creative growth and faith in who you are walking and growing on this divine path of becoming what the Father has seeded in you.  (Pause)
My beautiful, precious children, what more can I say?  You live in me and I live in you.  Come to me when you need that mothering touch in your life and know that I will respond.  You are my precious children, and I delight in watching you grow, taking back your rightful divine inheritance of the Father’s presence in you and continue to expand in the creative consciousness of what is occurring upon this planet and how you may be a more potent contributor to the growing good and all of the love that comes from that.  Thrive in this, my children, and know I am always with you.  Good day.  
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren!  This is Monjoronson, and I am pleased to rejoin you in this beautiful forum where so much spiritual energy is now being generated by your Mother’s presence within you.  Allow the FOUNDATIONS OF LOVE AND LIGHT AND LIFE continue to expand you gently.  (Pause)
Shifting the planetary awareness to the concepts of growing the Deity presence on the planet is a major step forward in your social evolution.  Many years of preparation have been carefully cultivated for the humans of this world to open to these broader cosmic concepts.  Many individuals have been prompted with messages and inspirational ideas that they have shared with their brothers and sisters over the years to reach these new level and awareness of who you are and how you participate in life.  Now the planet is ready to take another step forward, and this is in the realm of allowing the growing concept of how you participate in the EVOLUTION OF DEITY to be shared with more individuals. You might call this the return of your GOD-POWER, and you are all learning to how not only live from that space, but how to use the gifts of Spirit when you interact with your brothers and sisters.  
Now we call upon you to take more bold steps in conveying this love to your brothers and sisters, not necessarily through words.  Some people are still resistant to TRUTH, and there is little that you can say to them that will budge them from their deeply embedded ideas and traditions.  So what we ask of you is to become to these fonts of FOUNDATIONAL LOVE, flowing with goodness, light, beauty, and truth, that by living in this state you are actually a power-source of spiritual energy that sends a mighty wave from your being to hold and potentially captivate another person with this FOUNDATIONAL LOVE for them to receive.  
Do you understand what I saying to you, my brethren?  Do you understand that this is part of your responsibility to the Supreme Being? If not, take a few moments and invite your Spirit to help you appreciate more depth of meaning and value so that this becomes more of a priority for your life to live in this exquisite realm of FOUNDATIONAL LOVE.  (Pause)
So now, come from this place of your ability to perceive this deeper level of LOVE within you.  Project it from your hearts.  Let FOUNDATIONAL LOVE from your heart to spiral around the planet and hold that intention for the growing awareness of humans to evolve in DEITY CONSCIOUOSNESS to pervade this world—mind and memory.  (Pause)
Let these words spiral around the planet:  I AM EVOLVING IN DEITY CONSCIOUSNESS.  I AM EVOLVING IN DEITY CONSCIOUSNESS.  I AM EVOLVING IN DEITY CONSCIOUSNESS.  As you hold focus, invite the Personality Circuit and individual Personality of each Urantian to open to this awareness.  Hold this as best you can and simply ask for the Spirit Within of each individual to respond accordingly to what you are generating from your heart that the Deity presence of each individual may register an awareness of this into human mind and memory for where is receptivity known by that individual’s Adjuster.  (Pause)
Invite this energy to move down into the memory circuits, especially into that place where the human mind has questioned: “What is my purpose; who am I; why am I here?”  Let this I AM EVOLVING IN DEITY CONSCIOUSNESS to speak volumes into the memory circuitry to help more people become aware of their own FOUNDATIONAL LOVE and the purposes for which they have been created.  (Pause)
Invite Mother’s FOUNDATIONAL LOVE to be spread far and wide to each individual on this world, building them in an inner reality to light-over the deficiencies, self-delusion, and deception that each person may open to the truth of who they are within them, given to them by the Father in Paradise through the gift of PERSONALITY.  (Pause)
You are moving into a period now where there will be mighty RECKONING conducted on the planet.  This is part of the sorting of the rebellion energies from the divine endowments from the Father and your Divine Parents.  It is a necessary phase to undergo, but there is nothing to fear from this experience for it truly will liberate you from the past and give you more spiritual energy and stamina to open to who you are and operate more from your spiritual potential.  
For some, however, it will be difficult.  They will not understand what is occurring within them.  It will seem that their minds are being split into two camps—that between good and evil, and they will need to choose.  They will feel an inner urging to make a decision.  Of course, we leave that up to each individual to make that ultimate decision, and that is why we are providing you with all of these corrective measures so that the maximum amount of individuals will choose and become more aware of who they are and seek to live according to the divine WAYS and WILL of the Father and all LIFE. (Pause)
Do your best to maintain your emotional composure and mental balance and clarity.  We say these things to you to prepare to witness what is to come, and it is our intention to give you the maximum amount of support that you may remain steadfast and stable as this reckoning continues to part the ways.
In our final moments together, continue to focus on I AM EVOLVING IN DEITY CONSCIOUSNESS that more individuals may respond to this inner call and choose the path of Godliness.  (Pause) 
Once again, I invite you to lift your gaze to Paradise.  Extend your gratitude to the Paradise Creator Deities and the magnificent divine plans of evolution they have cultivated for not only this world, but for all of the evolutionary spheres in all of the superuniverses of all LIFE.  As you do this, bask in the divine REFLECTION of their LOVE and may it secure you in a deeper FOUNDATIONAL LOVE ANCHOR, grounding you in your divine inheritance and what you have been given to co-create with Father Within.  (Pause)
You may stay connected to Paradise and also see yourself standing on the ground.  You are standing in your DIVINE LIFE PLAN and the words I AM EVOLVING IN DEITY CONSCIOUSNESS is gently rising up from the earth plane to feed you in mind and body, bringing your memory system back to time and place when you become more aware of who you are in the Father.  (Pause)
Grow, thrive, and prosper in who you are, and also desire that for your brothers and sisters as well.  Let that be one of the focal points where you place your intention each day.  (Pause)
On behalf of all the unseen participants who have collaborated on this call today, I thank you.  It is truly a remarkable time upon Urantia to observe how you are making these internal changes which will lead to major reform in the outer world.  Be patient with this process, and be forgiving and patient with your brothers and sisters who are still confused and unaware of who they are and what is occurring on this world.  Take inspiration from your brother Jesus and go about spreading “good cheer.” And as all things become renewed in Spirit, know that you have helped tremendously in turning the tide even further that this world may feel the full gaze of Paradise energy drawing it forward to Light and Life.  
I will leave you now, my brethren, for you have much to consider and integrate.  I will rejoin you in two weeks to further the transformation of Urantia through your mighty participation.  Thank you.  May you all have a joy filled day of peace and love.  Good day. 


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