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December 24: Infusing Michael’s Peace into Planetary Circuits, Connecting with Michael’s Plans and the Paradise Plan of Perfection for this World

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
December 24, 2023

Topic: Infusing Michael’s Peace into Planetary Circuits, Connecting with Michael’s Plans and the Paradise Plan of Perfection for this World.
T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER: We are grateful for this time with you, Mother and Father and our Indwelling Spirits, as we hold focus today for more spiritual energy to bathe the planet, specially filling us with more love, peace, light, hope, and joy during this Christmas holiday season. We ask for our energies to unite with all of those heart energies focused on Jesus as we move into our celebration tomorrow. We ask for your WILL to be done through us holding focus today on whatever it is you know that we need to shine more TRUTH-LIGHT into the planet where more positive change can be conducted through all of our wonderful helpers—those of our universe brothers and sisters, our Planetary Seraphim, and all other personalities who are helping us on our transformational journey. Thank you for centering us in your LOVE that our focus may be strong, steady, full of love and peace and may your WILL be done now. Thank you so much.  

MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is your Father Michael, and I bestow my PEACE upon each one of you. Drink in my essence, my children. Experience the foundational PEACE that is part of your divine birthright, and simply allow all my presence to embrace you now as we began our call together today.  

Many of my children of this world have long prayed for peace to pervade this planet. As you know, this is a condition that we are establishing through many circuits and currents of spiritual energy to help the human mind and heart find a deeper level of peace within, that your thoughts and feelings may calibrate and cohere with the peace that passes all human understanding that I share with you, my beloved children.  

Take a moment to envision yourselves standing on the ground. The ground upon which you stand is very beautiful, fragrant, and there is a rich and delicious flow of energy from the ground soaking up into your feet and beginning to circulate through your energy system. This is the energy of your own PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION, and I invite you to simply see yourselves standing in this now as you engage with my PEACE more deeply, letting yourselves become more richly enhanced in those aspects of divine LOVE that are enfolding you. Experience this now, my children, as you stand in the perfection of your own divine plan given to you by the Paradise Father. Simply receive. (Pause)

If it is helpful to engage your thoughts as this energy embraces you, you may visualize the words: FATHER’S PEACE gently calibrating into your heart centers. Drink deeply in my PEACE, my children.  I freely share this with you. Invite my PEACE to engage with your memory systems, even into the cellular memory and your neurological pathways, which are ready to receive this now. (Pause)
As the energy circulate all throughout your being, feel that need to be more grounded into the physicality of PEACE where your body becomes so relaxed, so tranquil that you can begin to experience a deeper union with your own PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION and the LOVE in which you were created—your divine birthright. (Pause) 

Peace, as a global culture has yet to be fully established upon Urantia, begins with each individual making a commitment to live a life of peace. And to recognize that it is the Father’s nature to be loving, kind, compassionate that you may absorb these divine qualities and render you more peaceful in your expression of them to your brothers and sisters.  

Many people falsely believe that the peace of this world will be obtained through combative measures. This is not so. It is only by you coming into my PEACE and maintaining that stance when you are with your brothers and sisters that reflects this out into, what you might call, the field of consciousness for others to perceive that higher spiritual energy and essence, and it helps to calm their systems down that they may indeed open to this bigger meaning and value of what PEACE represents for their lives.  Most people crave and seek this, but they look in the wrong places.  

With my infusion into you today it is intended that you would be able to hold a larger measure of PEACE and maintain your composure when you are amongst those who may not be able to maintain that same posture as you do from an emotional standpoint. But this is something your brothers and sisters need, especially now when there is so much fear of the unknown, of the future, pressing upon the human heart. I am here to lighten your load and that of your brothers and sisters. And you can do this too, by maintaining a peaceful composure and demeanor all throughout your day. So, receive this more deeply and fully, my children. Rest in my PEACE and drink in your PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION that your Spirit is helping you absorb. (Pause)

One day, this world will be fully aware of what it means to live in peace. While this is still an oddity considered at various high levels of power and control, it is your destiny. You are just going through a very rocky phase of recognizing that war and conflict is not the means to resolve ideological differences. Peace must prevail in order for there to be a greater expression of divine TRUTH that will forever settle these ideological differences this planet is now outworking. 

The changes that have been made to counteract the influence of the rebellion are still developing on this world. While much change has been accomplished, there is still way to go. It is the intention in today’s call that this would continue to assist the momentum and trajectory toward world peace developing, but it first must shine like a beacon within the human heart with the recognition that peace is the way forward for all life here.  

Continue to receive from me and allow your Indwelling Spirit to help you integrate more into your own PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION, and in a few moments, we will direct this energy into the collective. For now, simply relax in me and let my Fatherly embrace enfold you. (Pause)
Now, I turn you over to the capable hands of my brother Monjoronson, who will conduct the activities from this point on. As I withdraw from you in this manner, know that I am always with you. I am deeply grateful for your faith, your service, your dedication, and your love for this world, for me, for your Mother, for your Spirit, and for all life here in this marvelous creation we all share together.  

This world is heading toward this bright future ,my children. Know that my hand is steering this planet forward. Release your fears.  Trust more deeply in the PLANS OF PERFECTION within you. All your Spirits need is your cooperation. It is an easy thing to give. Just say to your Spirit, “Father, I am willing. I am willing,” and allow Spirit to guide you.  

I will be with you in whatever way you celebrate when you turn your thoughts to me. And as my presence continues to pervade this world, may you experience my LOVE, grow stronger and more vibrant within, and know that your divine birthright is being restored to you in various ways. And for you to learn, not only who you are, but what it is you are here to accomplish with me, with your Mother, and with the Spirit Within.  

Merry Christmas, my children! Live in my LOVE and always be at peace. Good day.  

MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! I am Monjoronson, pleased once again to join you in this cooperative forum of collaboration in the Father’s WILL. Now that you have been fully embraced in Michael’s PEACE, I invite you to send that forth from your hearts into the planet as all of our wonderful helpers take what you are generating and apply it into the areas where it will produce the most good. Simply allow the words: MICHAEL’S PEACE to spiral around the planet and move into those memory circuits where this is most needed for people to recognize and benefit. (Pause)

For the world to live in peace there must be a spiritual recognition on the part of humanity that peace is the way forward, and the way in which your planetary social institutions will repair themselves. Ideological differences generate such conflict, especially when people are still serving their own objectives and agendas instead of Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION, much of which is still unknown upon this world. However, in holding this focus today for MICHAEL’S PEACE to become more pervasive in human consciousness, you are providing a field of energy for more conscious recognition to stir within human mind and memory that peace is the way forward.  

There are still many who would foment war and conflict as a means to maintain their control. But I say to you, in holding this today, you have more power than they have. And the more you assert the planet’s right to be at peace and to connect with Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION based on the PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION for this world, you are now generating more spiritual current and energy for this to prevail and become more widely acknowledged within human mind.  

So, if this intrigues you today, I invite you to hold the planet, not only in MICHAEL’S PEACE, but in the PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION and MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION. There is a beautiful synergy here. It is now ready to envelop the world, even down into the memory circuits where the legacy of war has long held sway. By you holding this intention for more peace in the world to prevail, we can make those adjustments that need to be conducted for this to eventuate and become a way of life all around the globe. 

Ask your Spirit what is the best focus for you to hold as MICHAEL’S PEACE blends and intersects with the PLANS OF PERFECTION and His own personal PLANS OF CORRECTION, and simply feel the need for this world to become coherent with these dynamics. Invite this energy you move into the memory circuit where there is a legacy of war and conflict.  Let peace prevail—Michael’s PEACE. (Pause)  

There is a way of life in the universe that is based upon MICHAEL’S PEACE. This is the way of life the world has still yet to develop. You might consider this to be a universal quality of peace that pervades the way affairs are conducted in Michael’s universe domain through the agencies of your Holy Mother Spirit.  

The peace in the universe and the way affairs are conducted at this level can calibrate down into the planet. So, while at the same time you are asking for MICHAEL’S PEACE to prevail, you can also hold that intention for your universe brothers and sisters to share their ways of peace with you, that this planet may also be held in this collective energy of UNIVERSAL PEACE, and grow in this broader and higher recognition of the correct way in which to conduct its affairs. There is much love being extended from your universe brothers and sisters to help you in this way, and this provides more light circuitry for the Planetary Seraphim to weave this into these areas where peace is most required and necessary to change the mindset and lead more people to recognize the Spirit Within. (Pause) 

Invite this infusion to go into memory, especially into those areas where the legacy of war has been long maintained. Invite the light of MICHAEL’S PEACE to calibrate and to bring these memory circuits back into COHERENCE with MICHAEL’S PLANS and the PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION for this world. (Pause)
Invite my DIVINE JUSTICE to also ring resoundingly through these memory circuits that more of your brothers and sisters may hear that inner call to awaken and to become reconciled within themselves to the Father—to bring them more space and light to perceive truth and to choose. (Pause)  

Join with us now as we move our focus to the Paradise level.  There is a PATTERN OF PERFECTION at this higher level for this world to achieve one day.  Thank the Paradise Creator Deities for their PLANS OF PERFECTION which are beyond human comprehension at your stage of development.  Feel that need for that REFLECTION to shine mightily upon this world and for the human mind and memory system to become more COHERENT with those PLANS OF PERFECTION, that MICHAEL’S PEACE may reign supreme, ringing resoundingly in the hearts of His children and to draw all humans back to the Father—the center of all reality.  Join with us in experiencing the joy of communal worship together as we give thanks and as the Paradise REFLECTION shines upon this world its great LOVE.  (Pause)   

Invite the Paradise REFLECTION to shine upon the planet, as it is held in MICHAEL’S PEACE and the PARADISE PLAN OF CORRECTION, according to Michael’s plans. Ask for this world to become more coherent with the Paradise REFLECTION and the PLANS OF PERFECTION. And may each one of you receive a mighty embrace of divine LOVE to further align you in your own PLAN OF PERFECTION your Spirit is guiding you to achieve. (Pause)  

May your individual plans become more communicative with one another; bring you into closer relationship with those who are resonating at these higher spiritual levels that you may produce more of the fruits of the spirit individually and collectively, and help your unawakened brothers and sister to see a higher reality from how you live and deal with the circumstances of life. (Pause)
See yourselves descending from the higher levels of Paradise but yet standing on the ground in your own PLAN OF PERFECTION becoming more encircuited in it. Let these circuits extend far and wide throughout the planet, building a mighty network of circuits now calibrating to MICHAEL’S PEACE all around the globe. (Pause)
My dear brethren, what we have created today will have a mighty impact on Urantian mind. Trust that good things are developing now upon the planet. More light is pervading human consciousness. The heart is healing and becoming aware of its higher connections to Spirit. While there is still much to go and more corrections to be made, know that you have made an indelible mark by holding focus for more change to occur and to bring more people back into their hearts to recognize the Father within themselves. It is a mighty change when humanity will fully recognize the Father in Paradise, the SOVEREIGNTY of Christ Michael, the sanctity of all LOVE, which you are on that path now and it is unstoppable.  

On behalf of the mighty Seraphim and all of the universe brethren who have participated, I thank you. We hope you will enjoy your Christmas and holiday celebrations in whatever ways you conduct them. We do enjoy how humans celebrate their holidays. And we treasure those moments when we can witness you truly being happy, joyous, especially being around loved ones.  

Know that these energies will also integrate into you over the next several weeks and months and may you find your own treasure chest with the PATTERNS OF PERFECTION deep within you and spend this next year in conscious cultivation of the great spiritual potential you have been given as a gift of LIFE and divine LOVE. 

Merry Christmas, my brethren, and with that, I withdraw. Good day. 


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