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May 9: Seeding Reconciliation Into Planetary Circuits

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Paradise Trinity, Divine Parents, Magisterial Son, Planetary Seraphim, and all of our other celestial assistance, we elevate our gaze to the level of Spirit now. We thank you for connecting us as one in this intentional circuit to provide that human anchor for your presence, Father, to prevail upon Urantia for more planetary circuits to open to the higher call of Spirit. We thank you for all the corrections to be conducted in planetary mind to bring about more healing and transformation at a global level. Help us deepen into your presence, Father, taking us closer and closer to you that we may be as one with you in our intention to be of service to the greater good of the correcting time and all life here on Urantia. Thank you.


MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! I am pleased to be here with you once again in this forum of transformation. This is Monjoronson. Take a few moments to focus on me and the Magisterial Mission. I wish to come closer to you to provide you with those higher spiritual emanations of DIVINE JUSTICE to support not only your energy systems to become more calibrated to this, but also to provide that environment within planetary consciousness for this action to prevail. Allow me to move within you now, my beloved brethren as we begin this important time together of collaboration in Father. (Pause)

There is a quality within DIVINE JUSTICE that will serve as the focal point for our time together. I now invite you to allow the energetic dynamics of RECONCILIATION to move into you, providing you with the means by which those components of your beings that are out of alignment with Father’s WILL for your life to move into closer energetic proximity to Father's WILL.

As you allow these energies to move in you, feel that need to reconcile in you that which is out of alignment with more of what Father wishes to express and experience with and in and through you. As you open to this word value, invite its deeper meanings and implications to move in you now helping you in that important place where things can come into greater alignment with the Father Within. Focus on the word RECONCILIATION, allowing it to move within you now as I continue my ministration's in you, my dear brethren. (Pause)

If you are willing to do this, also invite your Indwelling Father fragments to help you see what still needs to be reconciled within you that you may cooperate with Father's presence more readily and easily a bit more each day. (Pause)

There is much to be reconciled within human mind. There are many influences and factors impinging upon human mind that have maintained a certain type of status quo thinking that has interfered with your reception from the Father Within. Whether or not you recognize what still needs to be reconciled within you, you can always hold that intention and that motivation for Spirit Within to help you in this way. Father seeks your willingness to cooperate with the natural order of life. And because so much of this has been disrupted upon Urantia, it is very challenging for you to recognize all of those factors and components which have drawn you off course. Invite this RECONCILIATION dynamic to support this awareness that you may more fully perceive yourself from Father's eyes that you may release what holds you back and be more reconciled with His presence in your life—in His plans and purposes for your lives. (Pause)

RECONCILIATION is a means by which conflicts can be resolved. There are many conflicts within human mind. Some are the natural process of evolution as the animal nature continues to yield to the presence of Spirit through your decisions, through your everyday life experiences. But then there are those conflicts which are hard to identify because they are so deeply ingrained, and yet the Father Within knows all, sees all. And when you appeal to His MERCY all of these disparate levels of conflict can be reconciled.

This this something you wish now to undertake, my brethren? If so, continue to ask for this RECONCILIATION dynamic to continue to provide you that inner environment for the Father's presence to prevail and bring about more healing an alignment in Him. (Pause)

RECONCILIATION is not only for the individual in your relationship with the Father to bring about more alignment in Him and His action through you. This also applies to the planet as a collective body, a united mindal endowment that brings about more healing and transformation.

I invite you to shift focus now into the usual patterns that we have co-created with you by allowing the RECONCILIATION dynamic to spiral around the planet in a counterclockwise rotation as you envision the globe in your mind's eye before you. Project the energies from your hearts with that heightened intention for RECONCILIATION to go deep into those areas of conflict as the many Seraphim and other helpers here take what you are sending forth from your hearts to weave into the circuits of mind all around the globe. Feel that energy of love for this world that you have to swell, to add into the RECONCILIATION that it may have more space to function in planetary mind. (Pause)

There are a variety of energetic components or dynamics contained within RECONCILIATION. One of them is FORGIVENESS. As you see this word RECONCILIATION bathe planetary mindal circuit also ask for more FORGIVENESS to prevail throughout this infusion. This will help with the emotional component of the healing process to help individuals lay down their conflicts, seek forgiveness as a part of RECONCILIATION and come into a greater whole dynamic for the Father's plans and designs for all life and to help with the correction plans for this world to prevail. Increase the intensity of your intention as much as possible for this adds the spiritual momentum—that current of LOVE that is so vital for this time of planetary change and restitution to the divine plan. (Pause)

If you wish, you may transfer your focus to a particular situation of conflict that is on your heart for healing. If you place your gaze on this conflict, we can follow that and add more of this RECONCILIATION dynamic to prevail. And if you wish, you may roam the globe, place your gaze where you see global conflict, and ask for that to open and receive the spiritual quality. However, if you wish to remain engaged at the global level that is certainly acceptable. Our focus is broad and yet it can be very specific. What we ask for is that heartfelt intention for more change to occur through human choice and we respond. (Pause)

As we continue to encircle the planet in this quality of RECONCILIATION, feel that intention for your brothers and sisters to receive this to help them in their daily lives. Ask for this to be applied liberally through the circuits of mind, particularly at the emotional level through the heart—through the Spirit of Knowledge—that more individuals may awaken to the call of RECONCILIATION within them. (Pause)

Invite these energies of RECONCILIATION to go deeper into human memory, building a bridge of healing between very divergent perspectives of life, bringing about a deeper understanding in human mind about the nature of reality and the spiritual dynamics of LOVE that govern life. Feel that intention to bring about more RECONCILIATION through the historic dynamics of mind that are a part of memory for humans to remember that all conflicts can be reconciled in peace, and love, in respect, in harmony, and in unity. (Pause)

The healing power of LOVE has never been fully developed upon this world. One day it will be operative throughout all circuits of mind, and humanity will apprehend how to harness, if I may use that word, its energies for all life to benefit. You are moving in that direction but as you know, much healing still needs to be conducted. One of the elements of this correction is through this endowment of RECONCILIATION and this is what we are about today—to send this deeper into planetary mindal circuits, deep, deep mind to facilitate more out working of conflict and to help you more naturally align in Father's presence for your lives that you may follow a natural trajectory of Spirit guiding you forward in fulfillment of the sacred purposes for your lives at this time.

Feel that intention for your brothers and sisters to open to this, so that more RECONCILIATION may move in them and that planetary mind continue to experience a groundswell of what it means to be reconciled in and with Spirit. (Pause)

Join with us now as we elevate our gaze to the Father in Paradise. Thank Him for this RECONCILIATION dynamic as it continues to bathe the planet. Let us come together in this circuit of worship. Appreciate all that has been given to you and to this world as part of Michael's plans of correction continue to unfold.

Father, receive our gratitude for all that you share of your divine NATURE with your children. Thank you for receiving the heartfelt pleas for more RECONCILIATION to hold this world and what this means for planetary upliftment. Receive our gratitude for your LOVE, for your MERCY, and may your presence continue to expand in these faithful children. Thank you. (Pause)


I will leave you at this communion point, my brethren, that you may stay in this space allowing the Father's presence to gain more access in your thoughts and feelings, leading you into greater loving service and action to your brethren. I am deeply grateful for your participation today, and on behalf of all of the united helpers coming from various points of origin, I thank you.

Know that much is underway on this world to bring about this great realignment with Father, and rejoice in the fact that all things are well in hand in Him. I leave you in His LOVE, my brethren, and remember to ask for this energy of RECONCILIATION to continue to grow and bear the good fruits of love, forgiveness, respect, compassion and tolerance to prevail on beloved Urantia. Good day.


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