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March 8: Michael's Sovereignty

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you so much for all the ways you are helping us come into greater truth recognition in our own lives and all around the globe. We so appreciate our Seraphim who labor behind the scenes on our behalf and on behalf of this planet’s divine plan. We appreciate that we are in a massive outworking of a way of life that has deviated from the planet’s divine plan of evolution, and we are committed to helping this world on its rightful course. To that end today we thank you for connecting us to those circuits of mind and heart. We ask to be centered in our hearts to attend to those matters at hand that need more transformation. We invite them into this circuit along with all of the other helpers that you have assigned to assist us in this call today. May your WILL be done as we send forth the energies from our hearts for more planetary transformation to occur. Thank you.


GABRIEL: May the PEACE of Michael be upon you, my dear brethren! I am Gabriel here to facilitate your focus today that the Seraphim of this world and all of the other mighty, heavenly helpers can assist in the cultivation of the circuits for more positive and constructive light energies to prevail within the circuits of Urantian mind.

Take some very deliberate deep breaths. I use the word “deliberate” because you are becoming aware of the power within your minds. This is by and large an untapped reservoir of spiritual energy that you can conduct through your focused attention on what it is that we are bringing forward in terms of this world’s need for more light energy to do its work.

So be mindful as you take these breaths. Let your internal gaze move to your heart centers. Invite the presence of your Indwelling Father Fragments to stir within your hearts that you may be more constantly guided by the Father’s presence during this call today. Let the breath move you into a deeper space of spiritual presence securing you in a power place within to use in your focus today. (Pause)

Our Father Michael is a personality of great wisdom—wisdom that far exceeds any human ideation of what constitutes true spiritual insight. In today’s focus I invite you to now simply allow these words MICHAEL’S WISDOM to come up in your mind’s eye. See it, and if you have the presence of heart feel His presence in you. Our Father Michael is also a personality of great COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING, especially so in the persona as Jesus which is a part of Michael’s experience. He loves this world. His COMPASSION knows no human bounds. In keeping with our focus from our last time together on the quality, purpose, meaning, and value of REVELATION, let this energetic word dynamic now stream forth from your hearts and invite MICHAEL’S WISDOM to infuse this word energy to be applied in those areas where His presence is necessary for more healing to occur on this world.

This is a rather large focus today, but it is a necessary one as there is so much fear being manipulated and promulgated by certain quarter who are still recalcitrant and doing their best to deny the outworking of the divine plan upon Urantia. But Michael is SOVEREIGN and His POWER and AUTHORITY, MERCY and COMPASSION and His WISDOM are the guiding power of this Correcting time agenda, and you do well to not only trust in this but to focus on this now. Focus on our Father Michael and allow His presence to pervade these circuits of REVELATION where the Seraphim of this world and other helpers are now taking their place to seed this energy where it will do the most good. If it is helpful you may also see the name of MICHAEL simply moving through these circuits of REVELATION and allow His presence to prevail here. We will begin. (Pause)

That which Michael is is now being implemented and distributed through these circuits of mind. Allow your own energy systems to attenuate and attune to more of His presence that you are fortified in Him as more of the outworking of the rebellion is conducted and more TRUTH is revealed. This is a turbulent time upon Urantia and Michael is here to steady you, calm the waters of this turbulence, and secure you deeper into the inner bastion of your Indwelling Spirit that you may provide a means of stabilization for your brothers and sisters because you are strong, stable, and steady in your Father.

As you see the name MICHAEL in your mind’s eye, as you hold that focus over your hearts, let His presence expand within you, and know that this is His delight in expressing Himself in and through you. Also, allow the energies of REVELATION to move through those areas within you that Michael’s presence may expand and radiate outwardly into the world to fulfill those needs of His suffering children. (Pause)

We invite you to shift focus slightly allowing these words to shine forth from your heart centers into these circuits of REVELATION: MICHAEL IS THE REMEDY. MICHAEL IS THE REMEDY. MICHAEL IS THE REMEDY. See this as best you can in your mind’s eye placed over your heart centers, asking your Indwelling Spirits to send that forth into the circuits all around the globe: MICHAEL IS THE REMEDY. Do your best to contain your curiosity about what this means. Rather, simply feel your desire for more of this world to receive this endowment from Michael as the REMEDY for this planet.

The application of what we are providing is moving into some very deep areas where we are carefully cultivating new connections for Michael’s presence to prevail in these circuits all around the globe. (Pause)

The power in your attention to what you focus upon sheds more TRUTH-LIGHT into these circuits. You would do well to recognize your abilities to be agents of change, creative and dynamic, as you learn how to apply spiritual power, not only during this call but in your own times of stillness and inner guidance to be a planetary healer. Let these words MICHAEL IS THE REMEDY to continue to stream forth. (Pause)

As we move in the circuits wherein you are affording us more spiritual energy from a human level, we invite you to envision the globe before you in your mind’s eye. See these words: PLANETARY MANAGEMENT to embrace the planet. When you have a clear image of this, whatever way is suitable for you, write MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY, POWER AND AUTHORITY to superimpose the PLANETARY MANAGEMENT dynamic. MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY, POWER AND AUTHORITY, MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY, POWER AND AUTHORITY, MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY, POWER AND AUTHORITY superimposed upon PLANETARY MANAGEMENT embracing the globe. (Pause)

Let your thoughts be directed to where your Spirits are guiding you to focus that this energetic dynamic may penetrate into various circuits where Michael’s presence is still necessary and required for more healing to occur. (Pause)

The Planetary Seraphic Hosts and the many Legions of Light stream into these circuits bringing into fruition spiritual vitality to unlock certain thought-forms and experiences for more healing to prevail, more correction to realign human consciousness in the ways in which you think and feel to reflect more of the Indwelling Spirits’ guidance and perception. (Pause)

There are many discordant, what you might call, “belief fields” containing information that is erroneous now being outworked. You might consider the scourge of atheism to be the most maligned energy upon the planet for it is saying something very profound in its denial of the Father in Paradise and the Deity relationship with humans. We are now addressing this, so continue to hold focus on PLANETARY MANAGEMENT and MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY, POWER AND AUTHORITY while a number of other circuits are engaged.

Focus on your own Indwelling Spirits to be guided where you can best focus during this particular part of our call. Reinforce in your own heart the need for divinity to amplify your own energy systems. The POWER of the Father within you is indeed mighty and you do well to cultivate your relationship with the First Source and Center each day. Because the more you do this, whether or not you recognize what it is you are accomplishing, you are adding more spiritual energy into the planet. And this is part of your cosmic responsibility as an evolving ascender. So feel your desire for more of the presence of the Father in Paradise and MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY, POWER AND AUTHORITY to prevail in these circuits where we are now focused. (Pause)

This is a time of trial and tribulation for many who have still to awaken to the power of Spirit Within. But as we humans and celestials collaborate will there be more jubilant awareness pervading the circuits of mind because of the recognition of great transformation occurring. Keep yourselves focused on this part of the great outworking. Let your minds gravitate toward the good, the true, the beautiful. Michael will fortify you in His presence more and more where you will receive more revelatory insights from your own Indwelling Father Fragments.

In our final moments now, elevate your gaze to Paradise and simply thank our First Source and Center Creator Father for the gift of the Spirit and the presence of Personality. These two divine attributes live within you and it is up to how much to cultivate your relationship. Simply hold that attitude of appreciation and recognition for the divine gifts. Let us spend these final moments in communion and worship.


Father Michael, bring us to the Father of all in your LOVE and MERCY, and may we recognize our relationship to our Paradise Source and become ever more mindful through the circuits of human mind and the presence of Spirit Within. We lift our brothers and sisters of Urantia to this circuit of worship and may the Paradise SHINING illuminate the heart and embrace the soul and unite Urantians in divine LOVE. (Pause)

In your mind’s eye, see these words: STAY THE COURSE. Let them envelop you and ask them to go deep into the planet to help other people on their journeys stay their courses of healing and transformation. (Pause)

In the coming days focus the FAITH relationship you have with Michael and the Father in Paradise and our Holy Mother Spirit to continue to feed you with the merciful applications of divine LOVE an keep you steady and strong as more revelation embraces the world and MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY, POWER AND AUTHORITY becomes more imbued into these circuits of PLANETARY MANAGEMENT.

Allow yourselves to return to the focus of the room in which you are now engaged. On behalf of all of the heavenly helpers, I thank you for your efforts today. May you become aware of your roles during this time of change more and more and remain steady and steadfast in Spirit. Trust Michael’s hand guiding this planet forward, and know in your heart and soul that all is well. I leave you in His LOVE and MERCY, and we will continue to collaborate together not only during the next call but in the period intervening. Good day.


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