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February 23: Revelation of Truth and Goodness

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this time with you and all of the wonderful Planetary Seraphim and other helpers that you have assigned to this planet and to this call to assist us today to build more of the circuits of LOVE and LIGHT and LIFE into the constructs of our system’s consciousness. As we settle into our intentions, into our hearts, may we all be encircuited as one, soul-to-soul, heart-to-heart, Spirit-to-Spirit, personality-to-personality. May what we project from our hearts be put to use for your higher purposes for this world in whatever way are in alignment with your divine WILL. And thank you for your divine WILL being done now. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to be of service.


GABRIEL: Greetings, my beloved brethren! I am Gabriel. I welcome you to our time together today as Urantia continues on its way toward these very wonderful times of Light and Life that will one day be a part of your planet’s way of being. Turning a world around to reflect the divine ideals and patterns of LOVE is a great undertaking, and many of you are beginning to perceive the long years of preparation that have been provided to this planet with the correction of its evolutionary process. Many of you appreciate from your Urantia text that divine revelation is not only fundamental but crucial to forge the evolutionary path based upon divine plans and purposes.

There have been many types of revelations upon your world. Some very personal—unique to an individual. Some much broader in scope designed to change the way the entire system of consciousness relates to the greater reality of which we are all a part. So it is in keeping with this dynamic today that we invite you to focus on the word REVELATION. Now this word denotes a particular type of concept rich with meaning and value. Its purpose is to reveal TRUTH and GOODNESS to the human system of consciousness of the reality of divine LOVE and the Spirit Personalities who embody that highest quality or degree of divine LOVE.

As you know, there are many deficiencies upon your planet in understanding of its place in the universe. Many people have been sorely impacted by this deficiency, and the quality of revelation is such that we can provide a broader range of perspective to help the citizenry of this world comprehend its rightful place in the family of LOVE. There are many ways this revelation dynamic functions in human mind. Some people are ready to pick up on these signals of revelatory TRUTH and GOODNESS. We are here to amplify that today as more people are being encouraged in their awakening. What we invite you to focus on today is the desire for more REVELATION to assist in the mass awakening that is well underway.

Over the past several sessions together we have invited you to participate with us on the MASS AWAKENING in the institution of the Church and in the institution of Governance. Revelation energies that you provide to us today will continue to facilitate more change into these two institutions, but it has also wider application. And so we begin the endowment of more revelatory TRUTH and GOODNESS into other circuits, some of which we have not yet addressed at this point.

But it is not so much a matter that you know what these circuits are as you hold that desire for more REVELATION to infill those areas of deficiency--ignorance of the divine plan and the place that this planet has in the family of LOVE. As well, this will also help your own inner growth by helping you receive more of this revelatory dynamic in your own system to help you clarify your thinking, stabilize your emotions that you may be steady and secure as the change approaches this world.

So as we begin, take some very slow deep breaths, letting your bodies relax, letting your minds become more clearly focused on this word REVELATION and what it wishes to disclose into these circuits all around the globe. Let this word energy dynamic also move in you, uplifting you into places of greater perceptual context of divine WILL in your life. Let us pause here for a few moments while this word communicates with your own system of consciousness, and then we will move into the collective: REVELATION, REVELATION, REVELATION. (Pause)

Great truths are being revealed to the human mind. This is part of the correcting process and put in place by our Divine Parents to assist the citizens of this world to receive a greater picture of reality through this infusion of REVELATION. It is designed to remove the blinders from human vision and to, as you might say, unstop the ears so the sweet emanations of the divine Inner Voice can be perceived. We invite you now to simply focus on this word energy dynamic of REVELATION.

Project this from your hearts with the keen desire that more revealed TRUTH and GOODNESS permeate these circuits of Urantian consciousness all around the world globe, going into every circuit that exists on the planet. There are many, many powerful spiritual beings who can take this and apply it and weave it into a more collective web of light to bathe the planet with the MERCY of the Father’s LOVE. So do your best now by projecting that word from your hearts into the globe before you in your mind’s eye. Let it spiral and deepen into the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise direction. We begin. (Pause)

The energetic dynamics in this word’s fact, meaning, and value discloses information fundamental to your world’s spiritual development. You might say it acts as a clearing house to instill information of a higher nature—divine inspiration you could call it—to help not only individual but collective consciousness ascend to higher dynamics of living. There must be a recognition in human mind that truth is good for you, that it is constructive, it is positive, it is edifying to all.

What we are helping your world and you accomplish today is this clearing and cleaning activity of those circuits whereupon a false picture of reality is still impacting human thinking and feeling. Our Father Michael as a Personality of great LOVE, COMPASSION, and MERCY desires the liberation of all of His children from the influences of error and sin. This endowment of REVELATION is designed to act as a liberating energy that the human mind can perceive more truth, goodness, righteousness. It enables the Indwelling Spirit to inlay more guidance to an individual to choose a higher way of life. So you see, my brethren, REVELATION has many, many applications and functions throughout the planet to build the liberating quality of life in the Spirit that is sorely needed at this time for this world to continue on its path toward Light and Life. So let this focus of REVELATION continue to move into the planet as we make those changes and apply these energies where more good can be produced, become more operative. (Pause)

As the revelatory energies move into the collective circuits of your institutions, the thought patterns and the emotional memories contained within those particular institutions will be reformed. This dynamic of REVELATION has the ability shed light, to make visible that which is out of alignment, to reveal that which is in alignment with divine WILL and action. It is not only clearing what is in error but it is clarifying for people to see a better way. It is a dynamic to be embraced, and the more you invite this energy to work in you then you can expend it more out into the collective with great love and compassion for your brethren and for this world, for more correction to occur, for more goodness to stir in the heart, for more love to predominate in human behavior.

So these are just a few of the actions now underway, but there is so much more that is occurring, and it is all a wonderful collaboration of human will and divine WILL in action that is now prevailing in these circuits all around the globe. Continue for a few more moments on this word quality REVELATION as we continue our application. (Pause)

Our Father Michael wishes to share more of His presence through these circuits to assist in the revelatory process and its operation. Shift focus slightly and allow His name to imprint upon your heart centers. Let His presence envelop you and His LOVE embrace you, and allow this intimacy that you have with your Spirit Father to permeate you. And then, with all of the love and desire you can muster allow His presence to move through out into the globe with these words: REVELATION OF TRUTH AND GOODNESS THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL. REVELATION OF TRUTH AND GOODNESS THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL. REVELATION OF TRUTH AND GOODNESS THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL Hold this now. See this now. Project this now into the globe as we continue our efforts for more manifestation of divine WILL and action to prevail. (Pause)

REVELATION is upon you, my beloved brethren. How will you respond as more TRUTH and GOODNESS is revealed to this world? These are there very dynamic times for all life here. Some changes will be able to be implemented with ease and speed and others will take time and effort. Cultivation of a planetary consciousness system in TRUTH is like a gardener tending to the plants and flowers that are loved and cherished. There is a period of pruning. There is a time of preparing the soil in order for the plants to flourish and produce its bounties of nourishment. You might consider that this world is a beautiful garden that is being carefully, patiently, and lovingly attended the divine gardener of our Father Michael with the action of our Holy Mother Spirit.

So as this REVELATION OF TRUTH AND GOODNESS THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL continues to move in these circuits, know that this is the time of pruning and that the soil is being infused with the nutrients it needs for the human mind to flourish and blossom. And to further this metaphor, know that there are still many weeds in the soil that are now being outworked through this hand of the divine gardener. And for some it is a time of pain and suffering, but it will lead to great joy once this weeding process is completed. You are in this phase of weeding and pruning presently but it does not mean it must be painful or fearful for you.

The Spirit Presence within you provides you that upliftment through this time that you may stay the course, growing in faith, growing in love and compassion for your brethren, for this world. And so it will always be until this world has attained its destiny and the way life is conducted is fully aligned in divine WILL. So remember that you are here to fulfill your own purpose and to help in the fulfilment of this planet’s destiny. You can determine what role and to what degree you wish to help the world. We place no demand upon you other than the encouragement to participate. We leave that to make those decisions with your Indwelling Spirits and that your inner motivation, your spirit guidance give you the necessary momentum and stamina to live this path of Spirit.


So in our final moments together let these words settle in and project the REVELATION OF TRUTH AND GOODNESS THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL into the circuits all around the globe and we continue our efforts to bring more LIGHT and LIFE and LOVE to this world in great need. (Pause)

We thank all of you for your participation today. It is a time of great joy for us to collaborate with you as we hope this has been time of joy for you to collaborate with us. Remember that this is a human and spiritual bond and collaboration that is always a part of the divine plan. Continue to grow in your role in this collaboration that you may call upon us during your times of stillness and prayer that these circuits of the planet continue to receive the revelatory information and energy it needs, to continue to progress and to continue to foster love, abundant life, prosperous life, healthy life, glorious life all around the globe.

I leave you now in the GLORY and MAJESTY of our Divine Parents, and I thank you for being of service to us today. May you all prosper during this time of change and become ever closer to the Spirit Within to perceive and live divine WILL as best you can each day. Farewell.


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