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Self regulation

We must rise to a more enlightened perspective of community and self determination
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive March 26, 2000.
Teacher Malvantra
T/R Jonathan









Both in an individual and the development of civilization have phases that are undergone that lead to the way of life that is found in Light and Life. Initially an individual or many individuals will behave anarchistically. There is little to no regard for the interactions of others. Then, at some point one individual develops manipulative powers and there arises the kingly state, or the totalitarian state or, in the case of the individual, the innocence of the very young child develops into a strong ego, the neighborhood bully or the one who wishes to control games and activities.

After significant episodes of hardship from applying this approach to socialization, the next development is the democratic, group regulated behavior. In the individual, one notices how the teenager is largely conformative to the peer group, almost fears rejection and will go to great lengths to belong. Your political systems today do well under democratic rule where the populace at large decides the progress and path of society.

Eventually there arises the higher state of self regulation. This form of behavior, of direction in choice making and interaction with others, is not unlike the interpretation of the Golden Rule that qualifies doing good unto others as how the master or the Father Himself would treat another individual. 

When one rises to this more enlightened perspective of community and self determination, there begins to take place an expansive adaptation to singular events. Now, at the end of this evolutionary climb is the individual who chooses, but this individual is markedly different from the beginning climb of behavior with full disregard for anyone else. Now the perspective is universal, is spiritually comprehensive.

As you consider coordinating with your fellows today, be mindful of the transitional phase you can foster wherein you will evolve from a democratic form where the "yes" votes win and the "no" votes do not, to the self regulating where each considers the Father's perspective, universal truths, and supports one another in these various endeavors. Your efforts will be successful when not done as a mob but are undertaken as enlightened and independent individuals who are sincere in helping one another, in contributing to each other's purposes as each is directed by Father to undertake.

When this spiritual maturity is attained wherein you are self regulating, a new independence is found. You are free from mass movement. You are free from tyranny either from another or from your own immature self power, but it is not a liberty of prime self-importance; it is one of universally comprehensive value. 

Spiritual development in the individual is not only the deeper development of relationship with God and the contentment, the peace, and the love that springs from this relationship; it is also the coordinated advancement of all levels of your being, your personality makeup, such that you can function anywhere in this wide universe and be a presentation of the light of Paradise.

You have and will continue to find the Father even now at the beginning of your universe ascent. But it is a long road ahead of you before you will be fully representative of the light of Paradise. In this process you will go through these stages of collective coordination following behind errant individuality and ultimately reaching an enlightened individuality in conjunction with the Supreme.