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Setting goals
  • soil
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  • AIR
SOURCE: tmtransctipts teamcircuits email archive July 27, 1998
Teacher Abraham
T/R Nina

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[  ] soil   [  ] Land   [  ] Sea   [  ] AIR

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In mortal living, many expect their time to be God's time and are disappointed when goals are delayed. The wise mortal knows all goals are completed in natural evolutionary time.

A man who has been injured in an accident and is paralyzed does not focus on the end of his recovery, which is to be up and walking around, no. He focuses on the physical therapy he will have to endure to progress toward his goal of walking, all the while, looking for Father's open doors. If this man does not
appear to find the open doors towards total recovery, which would allow him to walk, he perhaps looks for those open doors which would find him employment, or purpose, or fulfillment in some other avenue.

Perhaps he may teach upon the hazards of his particular accident. A man who found himself unable to ever
walk again would surely experience crushing defeat, yes, but the spiritual man would redirect his goals towards fulfilling his mortal destiny in other ways. Yes, his defeat would be temporary; surely there is happiness to be found.

A Zebra does not make a goal of attaining spots like his fellow Leopard, no. Goals must be realistic. A man who is told he will not walk, and has put forth his best effort to no avail, in time, begins to accept it and redirect his goals. Of course, this is not done without every effort within his being. He is simply not allowing his adversity to make him lie down before his struggles with hopelessness. His goals must become realistic. Perhaps his next goal is to contend with the depression that has set in from his disappointment, yes.

Father wishes for your every abundance and opens those doors that you need in His natural evolutionary time. His path is always spiritual. Before material or personal fulfillment, He always chooses the spiritual. Know that Father will open doors of spirituality first. He desires closeness with you, and in closeness, there is always success. We know that Father has His own natural evolutionary time in which we must allow for when setting our goals. We know our goals must be kept within the realness, and always the first doors Father opens are regarding spirituality and closeness to Him.

I mean not to say there won't be things miraculous, no. Miracles are Father's immediate fingerprints, yes. These small miracle are however, usually performed to gain attention from a wide circle of people. You would perhaps experience a small miracle and go forth to share your joy and gratitude with another. The sharing of these immediate Fatherly fingerprints are indeed faith promoting, and there is no reason why you would not receive one.

The man who is downtrodden by his handicap and receives a phone call with a job offer, may certainly regard this as Father's fingerprints and reap the joy therefrom, but for the most part, your mental attitude is better balanced with the thoughts of Father's time is normal evolutionary time. You need not feel anxiety ridden over the time that passes to attain your goals, no. It is better for your to focus on the small steps you can take toward attaining your goals. Watch for Father's open doors to closeness with Him. Your closeness
guarantees a good balance in all you do.