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Law: What it is and where it comes from

There has been a recent increase in the talk about common law and natural law. Unfortunately there hasn't been very many reality checks accompanying all this talk.

Reality check #1

Common law can be anything. It is not a specific type of law (although some people attempt to define it that way). What does the word common mean? To have something in common means that it applies to two or more people, a group. Therefore, common law can be any law that applies to a group, which can include all natural and artificial laws.

Reality check #2

Natural law is a lot more natural than the claims being made about it. Natural law contains no rights. Natural law as it exists on Earth is merely the outward and consistent expression of the survival mechanism of DNA based life forms. In simpler terms it is the mechanism that brings about the survival of the fittest. Any law and all rights beyond that are entirely man made and artificial.

Reality check #3

Being born on planet Earth as a natural living breathing man or woman does not grant you any natural rights. However, the fact of your natural birth does automatically decree to you two gifts:

  1. You receive the gift of temporary life (on average about 75 - 80 years).
  2. You receive the gift of a life supporting planet on which to live your temporary life.

That's the only birth right that nature offers you.


Reality check #4

Apart from the natural law described above, all other laws, and systems of laws, including all rights are entirely artificial and man made.

Reality check #5

But wait! Some will say "what about God's law?". That's a valid question that deserves a sensible answer. Everything we can observe and measure, as reasonable thinking people, tells us the following facts:

Our planet and the universe at large is made up of tremendous variety.

The free will of living breathing men and women reigns supreme over all other definable man made rights and responsibilities found on this planet. Free will is an inherent characteristic of the 2 gifts listed in Reality Check #3.

If there is any value in the pursuit of divinity, or Godliness, then to love your neighbor as yourself, and to do no harm (applied with reason and fairness) are the highest forms of divinity expression to be found on this planet. Beyond that the performances of Joshua ben Joseph (aka Jesus Christ) speak for themselves.

Beyond these simple facts lies a more extensive system of man made laws and statutes that is beyond the scope of this simple page. To learn more about this topic visit the Planetary Jurisdictions pages for in depth coverage.
