The Rules
The matter of Planetary Jurisdictions is the foundation of all governance. It is a huge subject that has been extensively researched and documented by various groups and individuals. There are numerous levels of application, with the largest one being on the global scale, and many intermediate national and local applications. While national application has certain commonalities across all nations, there are also many aspects that are peculiar to individual nations.
The subject of Planetary Jurisdictions is inextricably connected to matters of law. The Truth Beauty and Goodness Commission promotes education only, and does not advocate taking personal action in any matter concerned with Planetary Jurisdictions. Any and all actions undertaken in regards to Planetary Jurisdictions comes with the highest degree of personal responsibility and are subject to consequences. There can be grave consequences to be encountered by anyone making a mistake in relation to these jurisdictional matters. YOUR PERSONAL FREEDOM AND WELL BEING IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, PLEASE PROCEED WITH GREAT CAUTION !
The following links will give you access to external sources of information that emphasize planetary jurisdictional matters from various perspectives.
The American perspective: Anna Von Reitz
The British and Commonwealth perspective: The Bridge
The New Zealand perspective: Living in the Private
The Global perspective: The Vatican Code of Canon Law
The 7 Rules of Control
You control what you consume.You don't have to ingest garbage media presentations of any kind i...
Planetary Jurisdictions Curriculum
A 10 lesson course in the fundamentals of the planetary jurisdiction system.
DISCLAIMER Certain facts are buried under so many layers of distortion and subterfuge that it...
LESSON 1: Fundamentals
Let's start by shining a light on some of the key elements and attributes of the four primary jur...
LESSON 2: Natural & Artificial
One of the most important aspects of jurisdiction is the recognition of the fundamental differenc...
LESSON 3: People & Persons
The previous lesson shed light on some of the differences between natural and artificial as they ...
LESSON 4: Sovereignty & Delegation
Let's begin this lesson with some definitions. Sovereignty: Complete independence and self-gov...
LESSON 5: Circumscription
Circumscription is the demarcation, or boundary, of where one jurisdiction ends and another begin...
LESSON 6: Encroachment
When it comes to feeding ourselves, most of us understand the difference between natural foods an...
LESSON 7: The Interface
The subject of the jurisdictional interface is an unavoidable consequence of an evolving and imma...
LESSON 8: Design & Merit
By now you may still be wondering why all four natural jurisdictions are sovereign, but only two ...
LESSON 9: The Big Picture
The most difficult thing to understand about our primary jurisdictions is how they are supposed t...
LESSON 10: What Went Wrong
The list of things that have gone wrong with mankind's administration of the primary jurisdiction...
Planetary Jurisdictions Charts
Assorted charts and diagrams.
4 Jurisdictions Flow Matrix
Notes about this flow matrix. The process of civilizational growth is based on merit. It is de...
Light and Life categories by planetary jurisdictions
Notes about this entity diagram. As this diagram illustrates, the major 10 categories of Light...
Jurisdictional Progress of Civilization
Notes about this flowchart. This simple flowchart gives a bird's eye view of the problem of ju...
Jurisdictional Progress of Civilization Timeline
Notes about this timeline. This simple timeline offers a quick reference to the main personali...
Glossary of Jurisdiction Terms
The terms listed in this glossary are defined according to their usage and meaning on this websit...