4. Planetary Transformation
Planetary healing follows a process similar to individual healing, the difference is that it manifests through group dynamics. Our social institutions are embedded with distorted mindsets that maintain unstable ways of life. These mindsets must be transformed by the higher values of Truth Beauty and Goodness which will bring love, compassion and peace to our social institutions.
Our global culture exhibits these distorted mindsets at all levels of life — how destructive and unstable they are. We are now at a dangerous precipice, and a most opportune time to awaken to a collective perspective that there are superior and wiser approaches to our social and systemic ills.
The healing of our planetary consciousness is now well underway. People are being internally stimulated by spirit guidance, providing antidotes to the human suffering and misery that contribute to the illness of the planet. Love must dominate. Compassion must reign. Understanding must thrive. How much we grow as a civilisation is the sum total of how much each one of us grows individually.
The innate urges of primitive man for self-preservation, self-maintenance, and self-perpetuation are the basic blocks from which early civilisation springs. Today our massive belief systems span a wide range of institutions: religion, commerce, medicine, science, education, social customs and more. How can we change our beliefs when they are so intricately tied together by massive ideas that have been around for ages?
The struggle we face today as an advancing civilisation is that we must now re-pattern ourselves in a superior way that will allow the dominant forces of the past to be overshadowed by better methods and processes, all guided by, and responsive to, wisdom.
What on Earth is Going On?
Foundational knowledge to shine a light into the darkness.
There is a Plan
Transformation at all levels: Individual > Family > Community > National > International > Global
The Goal
A roadmap for true stability in harmony with the Divine plan. Our planet's evolutionary progress has now reached the point whe...
The Rules
The matter of Planetary Jurisdictions is the foundation of all governance. It is a huge subject that has been extensively resea...
The Process
Evolution is the fundamental process of life and it comes with certain built-in limitations. When one of these limits is reache...
The Procedures
Evolution is here to stay. It is the path of all life on our planet, but evolution comes with certain limits. When one of these...
The Risks
There are risks involved with every project, and a global scale initiative for re-aligning the planet with the Divine plan come...
The Roles
The Office of Planetary Management.
The Requirements
Filling the gaps in mankind's spiritual development. “There is a mission on this world to share spiritual insight that has man...
Enhanced Spiritual Infrastructure
Enhancing spiritual infrastructure to uplift and transform the way forward. This section discloses some of the work carried ou...