What on Earth is Going On?
Foundational knowledge to shine a light into the darkness.
History: The best place to start is at the beginning
Mankind's efforts to build a global civilization began long long ago. First came the Babylonian e...
Deception: Can you see it, it's hiding in plain sight
The Roman Empire Hiding in plain sight is one of the oldest tricks in the book. It's an ancient ...
Law: What it is and where it comes from
There has been a recent increase in the talk about common law and natural law. Unfortunately ther...
Language: It's all about communication, or not
As stated in the History section, our current civilization is a product of the Roman Empire, and ...
Agenda: The Globalist effort
There is much published information that confirms the existence of a Globalist depopulation agend...
Odium: Why are — We the people — hated so much?
A long list of well meaning pundits have offered dozens of possible reasons why the Global Crime ...
Rabbit Hole: Going down and getting dirty
The term Rabbit Hole is a nice fuzzy metaphor that is superficially appealing to people, but the ...
Wisdom: A meme collection from the wise
Memes are popular and easy to share, so have at them, spread them far and wide. ...
Thought Starters: Restore broken thought patterns
In 1967 Ted Cook published a small booklet titled Thought Starters. In it are various thought pro...
Poetry: Because poets say it best
THINGS NOT DONE BEFORE The things that haven’t been done beforeThose are the things to try.Colum...
Cosmology: Without cosmology there is only aimless struggle
Mechanical inventions and the dissemination of knowledge are modifying civilization; certain econ...