History: The best place to start is at the beginning
Mankind's efforts to build a global civilization began long long ago. First came the Babylonian empire, then the Medo-Persian empire, followed by the Greco-Macedonian empire (all three were failures) and finally the Roman empire, which is the current system of control and rulership under which we now live and work.
The key to really understanding why our current civilization is so dysfunctional is found in a proper understanding of what the English language calls jurisdiction. There are many kinds of jurisdictions and they all deal with the same thing. Jurisdiction is about who has authority or control over something. It is the very bedrock of our civilization.
The Global Estate Trust
If you've never heard of the Global Estate Trust you're not alone because few of us ever have. That's because it sits on top of the very foundation that our modern civilization is built on, our four primary planetary jurisdictions. As it is with all foundations, these jurisdictions are buried deep under the very structures they are designed to support. Foundations are the domain of designers, architects, and engineers, not media talking heads, politicians, or the general public. You wouldn't ask a hair dresser to fix the engine of your car now would you? Likewise the engine powering our civilization is not something the general public usually understands.
The Global Estate Trust and the system that was put in place long ago to protect, manage and exploit it, is a gigantic umbrella trust under which resides many other smaller subordinate trusts. When added together these trusts are now worth quadrillions of dollars (measured in USD). The system for managing it has recently expired and must now be rebuilt from the bedrock up. COVID-19, vaccines and vaccine passports, plandemics, bankruptcies, and several other things, are all part and parcel of the effort to rebuild this gigantic trust system. With that much money at stake, greedy, immoral, and criminal people will stop at nothing to make sure they can retain power and control over it.
You may ask; "why would such a system expire?"
Because it was designed that way. The core mechanics of the system operate like this:
- The system we have operated under during our lifetime was designed with a very specific life span of 210 years measured according to the Gregorian calendar. After which time the system becomes invalid (bankrupt) and must be entirely reconstructed if it is to continue. FYI: the 210 year span began in 1789, and ended on November 7, 1999. Since November 8, 1999 we have been in a rescission period, during which time a new system for administering the Global Estate Trust is being built, and its assets being transferred.
- This 210 year lifespan of the system is divided into three time spans of 70 years each.
- At the end of the first 70 year span, the system provides the option of going through a Reset to initiate a second 70 year span.
- At the end of the second 70 year span (at the 140 year mark), the system provides the option of going through another Reset to initiate a third 70 year span which will complete the 210 year cycle.
- However, a third 70 year reset is not permitted. Once the 210 year cycle was completed in 1999, the system had to be reconstructed. This total reconstruction is that great event that is being called The Great Reset as opposed to merely another Reset.
Learn more about the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 (the existence of life) which is at the root of the Global Estate Trust, and how it lays claim to your life, your property, and even your soul: Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666. To gain a proper understanding of jurisdiction it is helpful to study a little history and understand what happened in relation to the Magna Carta.
The Magna Carta, a Summary
Magna Carta 1215 A.D. In signing the Magna Carta King John silently invoked the 1213 Papal agreement relinquishing his crown to the Pope. Thereafter, all lands explored and claimed in behalf of Catholic Monarchs and including the British Monarch as a vassal of Rome, were in fact first and wholly claimed in behalf of the Holy See, which returned a portion of the profit to the vassal monarchs in the form of “jurisdictions”. The Holy See retained the global jurisdiction of the air, granted jurisdiction of the land to temporal authorities (recognized monarchs), and granted the international jurisdiction of the sea to the British Crown Temple to be administered under the ancient Law of the Sea (international admiralty) and Law Merchant (now Uniform Commercial Code).
When it comes to our planet there are 4 primary jurisdictions that constitute the foundation, the natural and artificial bedrock on top of which our entire civilization is built, supported and maintained. These are known as Soil - Land - Sea - Air. When something goes wrong with one or more of these primary jurisdictions then the entire civilization that is built on top of them will suffer the consequences. We are experiencing such consequences today as a direct result of the gross misadministration of two of these jurisdictions, the Sea and Air.
Jurisdiction is a big topic and there is a separate section dedicated to it. It offers a series of essential lessons, the really important lessons you were never taught in school, never taught in church, never taught by your parents, never taught by your governments and leaders. These lessons will give you a solid grounding into the fundamental system that makes our entire civilization work. It's a free high quality educational resource. Simply follow this link: Planetary Jurisdictions.
If you would like to know more about real American history (not the propaganda of government text books and Hollywood movies) a good place to start is with the Jural Assembly Handbook by Anna Von Reitz.
Note: This link will take you to the Anna Von Reitz web site.
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