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Glossary of Jurisdiction Terms

The terms listed in this glossary are defined according to their usage and meaning on this website,
Some of these terms have additional definitions and meanings that are beyond the scope of this site.
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admiralty Refers to the system of laws, courts, judges and Bar attorneys that govern the sea jurisdiction, and also to military (navy) might to police and control the use of the sea jurisdiction.
admiralty law Admiralty law or maritime law is a body of law that governs nautical issues and private maritime disputes. Admiralty law consists of both domestic law on maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private parties operating or using ocean-going ships. While each legal jurisdiction usually has its own legislation governing maritime matters, the international nature of the topic and the need for uniformity has, since 1900, led to considerable international maritime law developments, including numerous multilateral treaties. Admiralty Law is also known as Martial Law.
Admiralty law may be distinguished from the Law of the Sea, which is a body of public international law dealing with navigational rights, mineral rights, jurisdiction over coastal waters, and the maritime relationships between nations. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has been adopted by 167 countries and the European Union, and disputes are resolved at the ITLOS tribunal in Hamburg.
air One of the four primary natural planetary jurisdictions, and by extension, a man made conceptual jurisdiction derived from this primary natural jurisdiction. The man made air jurisdiction is entirely incorporated, and operates at the extreme opposite of the unincorporated man made soil jurisdiction.
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circumscription A real or imaginary boundary around a two dimensional area or a three dimensional space.
commerce Refers specifically to an interchange of goods, commodities or services, especially on a large scale, that occurs only in the international jurisdiction of the sea and/or in the global jurisdiction of the air, in between incorporated businesses and persons (not people).
See also: trade.
concurrency A power held or a claim shared by more than one authority or jurisdiction.
corporate A corporate body is a group of people or an organization that operates under a single name and is often treated as its own entity. There are many different types of corporate bodies. Despite their names, not all corporate bodies are directly related to the business world. Some of these bodies are involved primarily in the government at some level or in representing members of their religion. Usage on this website usually refers to private territorial governmental organizations operating under the international sea jurisdiction and subject to a constitution.
county A large sovereign division of the soil jurisdiction for the purposes of local administration. Can include farm land, surface water, and one or more villages, towns or cities.
court In a broad sense; a place for the hearing and determination of cases. There are many types of courts and each jurisdiction has its own specialized system of court. The onus is on the reader to clearly identify which jurisdiction is in play and then locate the applicable court definition for that jurisdiction.
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Holy See The 0.49 km2 (0.19 sq mi) of circumscribed soil and land, in the current city of Rome, claimed as the sovereign jurisdiction of the Holy Roman Empire.
incorporated To be legally incorporated, as a franchise, most frequently within the air jurisdiction under a Municipal charter. A type of company, a legal entity where the ownership has been arranged into shares. A shareholder has no responsibilities to the company and the potential losses of the shareholder are limited to the value of the stock turning to zero in the case of a bankruptcy.
judicial Used on this website to refer to judicial powers (not processes).
juridical Relating to the administration of the law.

The right to “speak to” an issue, enforce a contract, exercise some right or agreement, within the context of a juridical framework. Jurisdiction involves:

  • an action;
  • a right to take that action; and
  • a juridical framework.
Justinian Deception

A powerful form of written deception attributed to Roman Emperor Justinian.


land One of the four primary natural planetary jurisdictions, and by extension, a man made conceptual jurisdiction derived from this primary natural jurisdiction.
landowner A living man or woman, on record as populating the soil jurisdiction, who lawfully owns one or more demarcated areas of land, including the soil on top of it.

There are two different kinds of positive law attached to the three primary jurisdictions inhabited by Persons:

  • The air jurisdiction is divided into ecclesiastical (Holy See,
    Papacy) and secular municipal law (Vatican, Pontiff).
  • The sea jurisdiction (British Monarch/Britannic Majesty) is
    divided into maritime (aka “civil law” or “commercial law”) and
    admiralty (martial law).
  • The land jurisdiction is divided into public and private law, or as
    they are more popularly known, common and statutory law.

The soil jurisdiction is populated by living men and women and operates lawfully and peacefully under natural law, a system of right, or justice, held to be common to all humans and derived from nature (natural law) rather than from the rules of society (positive law).

law of the sea

Law of the Sea is a body of international law governing the rights and duties of states in maritime environments. It concerns matters such as navigational rights, sea mineral claims, and coastal waters jurisdiction. While drawn from a number of international customs, treaties, and agreements, modern law of the sea derives largely from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), effective since 1994, which is generally accepted as a codification of customary international law of the sea, and is sometimes regarded as the constitution of the oceans.

Law of the sea is the public law counterpart to admiralty law (also known as maritime law), which applies to private maritime issues, such as the carriage of goods by sea, rights of salvage, ship collisions, and marine insurance.


lawful Applies to unincorporated living men and women (lawful people) and their unincorporated businesses (lawful Persons).
lawful person See: lawful; person.
legal Applies to incorporated business entities, and incorporated Special Purpose Vehicles such as a Person (the word ― Person ― capitalized, is a legal designation) of the sea jurisdiction, and a PERSON (the word ― PERSON ― all caps, is a legal designation) of the air jurisdiction. In the legal arena special attention must be paid to the way words and terms are written. As a general rule the sea jurisdiction uses word capitalization (Camel Case), whereas the air jurisdiction uses ALL CAPS. Both approaches are considered as legal (but not lawful).
legal person See: legal; person.
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man; woman A man is a real, natural, sentient, DNA based biological organism in which the blood flows and the flesh lives, and having free will.
municipal A term relating only to the incorporated franchise system of the air jurisdiction originating in the Vatican.
nation; national The word nation can have many meanings depending on the context in which it is used. This website uses it to refer specifically to sovereign nations of the land jurisdiction.
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peace; peaceful The opposite or war or aggressive conflict.
The permanent state of operation of the soil and land jurisdictions.
people Living breathing real biological men and women in whom the blood flows and the flesh lives, who populate the soil and land jurisdictions.
person Fictional non-living entities, such as but not limited to incorporated businesses and chartered franchises, Situs Trusts, Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trusts.
pontiff The secular head of the executive arm of the Holy See. Commonly referred to as the pope. For the purposes of jurisdiction the concept of pope must be divided into pontiff and papacy, as each one plays a different and significant role in relation to jurisdiction.
See also: papacy; pope; Vatican.
papacy The ministerial head of the Holy See. Commonly referred to as the pope. For the purposes of jurisdiction the concept of pope must be divided into pontiff and papacy, as each one plays a different and significant role in relation to jurisdiction.
See also: pontiff; pope; Holy See.
pope See: pontiff; papacy.
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sea One of the four primary natural planetary jurisdictions, and by extension, a man made conceptual jurisdiction derived from this primary natural jurisdiction.
soil One of the four primary natural planetary jurisdictions, and by extension, a man made conceptual jurisdiction derived from this primary natural jurisdiction. The soil jurisdiction is entirely unincorporated, and operates at the extreme opposite of the
incorporated air jurisdiction.
sovereign A real living man or woman that exercises absolute permanent 1st degree authority in the soil jurisdiction, and optionally, by extension in the land jurisdiction (2nd degree).
sovereignty Absolute authority or rule as exercised by a sovereign of the soil or by a sovereign state of the land.
trade Refers specifically to an interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a large scale, that occurs only in the national/international land jurisdiction, between unincorporated businesses and people.
See also: commerce.
unincorporated The opposite of incorporated. Having nothing to do with the incorporated sea and air jurisdictions. Only unincorporated people and entities can lawfully operate in the soil jurisdiction.
Vatican; VATICAN Refers to the primary parent franchise operating as the incorporated seat of authority of the sea and air jurisdictions as it has been delegated to it by the sovereign Holy See (soil and land jurisdictions).
war The opposite of peace.
The permanent state of operation of the air and sea jurisdictions.
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