LESSON 10: What Went Wrong
The list of things that have gone wrong with mankind's administration of the primary jurisdictions is so extensive that it would require many volumes to document them all. In keeping with the brief nature of these lessons only a short selection of the most crucial breaches will be presented.
Based on the best understanding currently available, the bulk of the problems seem to be traceable to three major sources, each responsible for its particular brand of corruption.
The Roman Empire and its enclave known today as the Holy See and the Vatican (deceit).
Westminster and the Inner City of London (greed).
Washington DC (violence).
While many details of these breaches remain hidden or have been altogether lost, enough is now known to be able to paint a basic picture of what happened. While many important things happened in earlier times, let us begin in 530 AD.
The Justinian Deception
What problems did Roman Emperor Justinian cause in regards to our primary jurisdictions?
Justinian is famous for the uniform rewriting of Roman law, the Corpus Juris Civilis, which is still the basis of civil law in many modern states. The Corpus forms the basis of Latin jurisprudence (including ecclesiastical Canon Law).
In so doing, Justinian created the greatest deception concept ever perpetrated against living man in modern known history, he killed man without any one ever knowing that they were all legally dead, sacrificed at birth, dumped into the sea (the conceptual Sea jurisdiction) in order to be salvaged by the Roman Empire (and later by Britain, and eventually by the United States) before they were ever aware that they were assumed dead, lost at sea and never likely to return.
Justinian and his legal team, between 530 and 560 AD, created a governmental masterpiece of modern day deception in order to deceive the public into falling into the private military contracts of the Roman Empire, under the direct control of the Vatican in order to forgo the true lawful justice of the Land and Soil jurisdiction.
This remains the greatest and most flagrant encroachment of the Sea jurisdiction onto the Land ever to be undertaken. It is the ultimate act of inland piracy and barratry.
The Papal Breach of Covenant
As if the legal corruption of Emperor Justinian were not enough, more was to come from Rome. This time as religious corruption and oppression.
Franciscus is a Latin given name, originally an epithet meaning "the Frank, the Frenchman". It was applied to Saint Francis of Assisi (1181/82–1226 AD). Francis of Assisi began preaching around 1207 and travelled to Rome to seek approval from Pope Innocent III in 1209 to form a new religious order.
The original Rule of Saint Francis approved by the Pope did not allow ownership of property, and required members of the order to beg for food while preaching. The austerity was meant to emulate the life and ministry of Jesus Christ as Assisi had falsely interpreted it. This distorted and poverty stricken mindset continues to plague much of mankind to this very day, and now manifests itself in the great disparity between the wealthiest 1% owning about 50% of the world's wealth and everyone else having to make due with what's left.
This is NOT the example that Jesus Christ gave mankind to live by.
Jesus promoted material and spiritual prosperity, and equality for all, and it has always been the Church's responsibility to uphold Christ's original teachings, and to secure and promote this prosperity and equality for all mankind, and not merely for the 1%.
Since 1209 AD there has existed a breach of covenant between the Universal (Catholic) Church (claiming to represent God) and mankind. As Adam and Eve long ago defaulted on their original responsibility, likewise did the Papacy default on its responsibility to mankind by adopting Francis of Assisi's abhorrent and false beliefs of not allowing the ownership of property (the value of one’s work) and requiring members to beg for food and shelter, contrary to Christ’s simple teachings of prosperity for all, and thereby enslaving mankind and the planet with a bankrupt mentality.
The Royal Breach of Covenant
The Queen of England, Elizabeth I, was called the Virgin Queen for her alleged virginity which, politically, was the result of a clever mix of moralizing political communication and religious deception, inspired by the Cult of Mary the Mother of Christ. A sophisticated psyop was orchestrated to position Elizabeth I as the Mother of the Nation in England’s collective consciousness.
She never married and died in 1603, aged 69, without an heir after 44 years on the throne. She died without naming a successor, so her first cousin twice removed from her grandfather Henry VII, King James of Scotland, was selected to rule. Yes it’s the same King James who ordered the Bible translated into English in 1604 and was published in 1611. This has effectively resulted in a fraudulent line of succession ever since.
Elizabeth I was also called the Witch Queen of England because of her strong interest in the occult sciences and her extremely close ties to the occultist and renowned necromancer John Dee.
The breach of covenant created by Queen Elizabeth I was twofold.
First, by failing to provide a proper heir she opened the door to those who would lead England astray with the compromised James of Scotland.
Second, by commandeering individual sovereign consciousness (free will) into a potent and harmful Luciferian witches’ brew of collective consciousness, by resurrecting ancient Egyptian rituals that would allow her to be unknowingly worshiped by her people and still reign over them after her death, like a phantom. This is the reason she did not designate a successor. The results of this breach are still felt today as massive distortions of collective thought which hinders mankind's individual free will and sovereignty to govern himself, thereby making the masses vulnerable to, and compliant with, the rule of despotic and tyrannical rulers and governments.
The Washington D.C. Bribe
This may well qualify as the single biggest successful bribe in the history of mankind. The one offered Jesus Christ may well have been bigger, but it was absolutely rejected.
To understand the consequences of this bribe we need to look back and understand where it came from. In the Legal world of Statutes we find a threefold system of Court.
The three jurisdictions of Court are as follows:
Ecclesiastical courts (based in the scriptural law of the Old Testament).
Admiralty (military) courts.
Maritime (commercial) courts.
The last two Court jurisdictions were handed to the Inner Temple in the Inner City of London after Elizabeth I built the Navy financed by the House Pallavacini of the Holy See. Under command of the Private Crown of the Inner Temple (not the Monarchy), these jurisdictions passed over to Washington D.C in the contracts made after WWI. It was part of the bribe that brought America into the First World War.
Admiralty and Maritime are the jurisdictions operated by the Inner Temple, itself tied to the Holy See via Templar.
Elizabeth I built the Navy, financed by the House Pallavacini on behalf of the Holy See. This in turn gave the Inner Temple its rights to oversea the jurisdictions relating to the Sea.
Ergo, Washington DC, as the head of the Navy, on behalf of the Inner Temple, administers all the cargo for the same. This is why all our birth certificates and governments are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. This is also why Washington DC now has over 1000 military bases all over the world in nearly every country (with only a few exceptions). This is also why the gold fringed US Admiralty War Flag is so prevalent.
Note: The flag displayed in the image below is not the sovereign American peace flag of the natural people of the Soil and Land jurisdiction. The flag displayed here is the Admiralty war flag of the artificial and fictional Persons of the Sea jurisdiction.
If these lessons have been of value to you then tell your family, friends and colleagues about them.
As a parting gift to further assist you in your study of jurisdictions, here is a 35 page manual offering in-depth technical coverage of these jurisdictions, as a free download: Jurisdiction Specification Manual 1.0.pdf
This web site provides fundamental and conceptual explanations of our planetary jurisdictions without delving into the domain of practical application. Now that you have an adequate understanding of these jurisdictional concepts you may wish to take the next step and explore the various avenues for personal and practical application.
This link will bring you to an external blog site: livingintheprivate.blogspot.com that provides a treasure trove of serviceable knowledge. For your convenience we also offer you a free printable copy of this blog site as a downloadable 177 page PDF booklet: Living in the Private.pdf
TIP: To easily navigate through the booklet use the Bookmarks panel on the left side of the screen. Clicking on a link that is on the page itself will direct you to the original blog site.
Caveat emptor: As a general rule, the practical application of jurisdictional matters is often swayed by, and subject to, the various influences of the country, state, province, administrative region, territory, prefecture, oblast, or homeland in which you permanently reside. The above noted blog site is somewhat tailored to certain matters as they function in the country of New Zealand. For this reason we advise that you use any information wisely, and that you carefully verify all published information against the idiosyncrasies of your current operating environment. What works flawlessly in one place may be totally inappropriate in another. In all matters of jurisdiction it is imperative that you proceed with an abundance of caution, an abundance of knowledge, an abundance of patience, and an abundance of respect towards the authorities and powers at play.
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