Threat Risk Assessment - Overview
Must align the TRA Framework with the Light and Life values/framework
- Personal Growth
- Family
- Religion
- Language & Education
- Culture
- Ethics
- Governance
- Economy & Finance
- Race & Biology
- Science & Technology
Do a mock TRA of our overall planetary situation.
Roles and Responsibilities
Business Processes
Assets Required for Membership ???
Unique Assets
Threat Identification (a list or matrix) - historical - existing - future threats
Vulnerability Identification (a list or matrix)
Risk Profile - immediate - short term - long term risks
Threat Occurrence Probability - low - medium - high
Threat Occurrence Impact
Determining Residual Risk
Impact Statement - physical - mindal - spiritual / individual - group
Additional Documentation
The basic steps of a threat risk assessment are:
characterize the type of system that is at risk
identify specific threats to that system
determine inherent risks and impacts
analyze and identify existing controls that may prevent, mitigate, detect, or compensate for potential threats
assess the extent to which existing controls successfully mitigate the threats
determine the likelihood of a threat occurring based on current controls; and
calculate a risk rating based on a combination of impact and likelihood of occurrence.
The greatest institutions are the ones that have survived for generations because of careful planning by their founders. Once they realized how important their cause was and how important it is to continue this work to benefit mankind, these wise founders began to lay the ground work and create the foundations for future generations to continue that work.
With great foresight, the founders of these institutions engineered their systems to be flexible and adaptable to changing conditions, and changing societal values, for if it were not for this flexibility, future generations would quickly fall away and the original idea would fade from memory.
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