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98. uncreating the monster

Uncreating the Monster -- Municipal Corporation Fraud

By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:

Incorporation became popular among war vendors-- what we now call "defense contractors" --  just prior to and during the so-called American Civil War.  This is because once a business is incorporated, the corporate veil that defines the business as a separate "person" protects the operators of the business from liability and the loss of their own wealth: the business can go bankrupt, and they, the operators, remain wealthy and unscathed by the results. 

Thus, incorporation allowed businesses to be run without accountability.  

Stop a moment and think about what this implies and how it changes the basic presumptions of good business practices, business ethics, and consumer protection.  Suddenly, we have all these giant corporations --- Remington, Colt, and Winchester, the gunpowder and explosives manufacturers, giddy with their lack of any liability for their products.  They could suddenly produce any product, poisons and mustard gas, for example, without any liability for the product--- beyond producing it --- or any concern about what it was used for.  

The business itself could be attacked and so there was some interest in saving their investment, but no personal loss to them beyond that, so the Robber Barons lined up and incorporated scads of businesses. Incorporation became the new fad.

Of course, someone had to pay the price for this unaccountability, and that fell, in the case of "government" corporations, on the public.    

In 1986, the "Territorial" Congress running the USA, Inc. Municipal Corporation conglomerate took things a step beyond that, when it offered to accept the remaining "product liability" for pharmaceutical companies engaged in making vaccines.  

Up until that point, corporations were at least accountable for the quality and purity and other aspects of the products they produced, but now, in the case of vaccines, the "Territorial" Congress waived that last aspect of liability for the manufacturers, and exposed consumers to all risks imaginable. 

According to this "Territorial" Congress, which is actually only a corporate Board of Directors for the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation and its subsidiaries and franchises, including the USA, Inc., and the DOD, INC., etc., the "Territorial" Congress itself a Municipal Corporation owned and operated by DOD, INC., would accept all liability associated with vaccines.  

The very last scrap of corporate accountability --- product liability --- was severed for the manufacturers.  The manufacturers could put cow dung in vaccines and be held harmless.  

We have already seen how the Municipal Corporations in the District of Columbia evaded the actual oversight of our lawful civilian government --- and their constitutional obligations--- by overstepping their granted authorities and creating a separate independent international city-state in the District of Columbia to serve as their civilian government oversight.  

At that point, we should have been freed of any supposition that we were responsible for their bills and chicanery or that we were in contract with them at all; but, they continued to claim that they were our Trustees and that they "represented" us --- behind our backs, of course.  They continued to pretend that they were legitimately operating under The Constitution of the United States of America or The Constitution of the United States, and to claim that our government was "absent", in "Interregnum", etc., even as they unlawfully converted our individual political status to that of foreign citizens via undisclosed registration processes. 

Unlawfully converting the natural political status of a living man to that of a citizen belonging to a foreign government is a capital crime under both the Geneva and Hague Conventions as well as international law more generally speaking, so again, we are presented with Municipal Corporations run wildly amok, committing wanton fraud and capital level felonies against their purported employers, and still contriving to pretend that their debts, including their debts accrued from their unauthorized war profiteering, are our responsibility, and that the cost of illegally occupying our States of the Union and numerous other countries were on our account, as a result of their obligation under The Constitution of the United States of America to defend us. 

It's all nothing but self-interested fraud and Breach of Trust and Breach of Contract, front to back and first to last, on the part of these Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia. 

We wish for all charges made against our assets and accounts by these Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia and their Officers to be reversed effective March 4th, 1861, the date that Abraham Lincoln unlawfully, illegally, and immorally appeared to enter our Public Office, while instead operating privately as the "President" of a foreign Municipal Corporation headquartered in the District of Columbia.  

These offending Municipal Corporations and their Principals, Officers, and Successors are all responsible for this Great Fraud --- not the American States and People who stand as the Aggrieved Parties and Priority Creditors.

We wish for all charges presented to date for the lives lost and maimed as a result of the actions of the Territorial Congress holding vaccine manufacturers harmless from any product liability at all, to be applied directly to the incorporated "Congress"owned and operated by the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, INC. aka, DOD, INC., and their parent corporation, the United States of America Corporation, and for all these receipts to be returned directly to our credit, in gold, and placed in our Fiduciary Account with The Global Family International Trade Bank, which we have chartered for the purpose of returning assets and prepaid credit to all the living people and countries that have been victimized --- including, but not limited to, ourselves.  

We anticipate that the burden of repayment, plus reasonable market interest, will completely bankrupt and collapse these Municipal Corporations operated out of the District of Columbia, and we note that the cost of their bankruptcy cannot be misapplied to the American States and People, but must instead fall upon the actual owners and operators of these criminally mismanaged Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia and elsewhere --- which does not include the millions of Americans who suffered non-disclosure and who were falsely registered as Territorial U.S. Citizens and impersonated as Municipal CITIZENS.  

The most efficient way to handle this in our opinion, is to directly transfer control of the Municipal Corporations to our lawful government, most particularly all banking and defense functions.  We will immediately begin a reconciliation and mutual defense operation to protect ourselves and the living people of all the countries impacted by the frauds and crimes of these Municipal Corporations, and we will accept all assets of these Municipal Corporations, material and non-material, as forfeitures.  

They cannot ever possibly repay the damage they have done and the faith they have broken, but to the extent that their assets and our assets which have been purloined can provide sustenance to the living and renewal for the Earth, it must be done and done quickly. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                  The United States of America
                  In care of: Box 520994
                  Big Lake, Alaska 99652

April 5th 2023


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