53. invisible contract frauds
The Invisible Contract Frauds
By Anna Von Reitz
Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:
It must be universally acknowledged that things which have substance are by nature more undeniable that those things that exist only in the province of the mind, where apart from verbalization, they remain mutable and subject to discretion.
Thus contracts which are unilaterally created by the action of one Party and those contracts merely implied and presumed to exist, are of an inferior quality to any consensual contract and also any contract which is written; and let it also be observed that a contract which is written and signed and countersigned by agreeing parties in wet-ink and with a meeting of minds and full disclosure of the particulars including the means of termination of the contract, is superior to all others.
It further follows that in the realm of contracts that contracts within the jurisdiction of the sea and of the air, may suffer multiple defects that are not allowed in the jurisdiction of the land. That said, even such malleable contracts as may be established in the sea and air jurisdictions must conform to logic and may not assume grossly inequitable contracts to be valid.
It is often said that the one contract that cannot be broken is the one that you are totally unaware of, and so it is that contracts in the sea and air jurisdictions may be foisted off on the unwary and used to entrap and secure ownership interests and obligations that are logically insupportable --- and yet these vaporous and sometimes literally unconscious contracts stand until they are recognized for what they are and overturned.
The undisclosed Municipal citizenship contracts that Mothers have been asked to sign giving away a public ownership trust interest in their babies is an example.
There is no full disclosure either of the content nor the consequence of the offer nor is the role of the persons making the offer disclosed, much less is the resultant conversion of political status of the baby and the loss of his or her birthright estate discussed. The only telltale evidence of the criminally undisclosed contract is the Birth Certificate itself, and as neither the nature of the Birth Certificate nor its meaning as a clearinghouse certificate is discussed, the baby impacted by this unlawful conversion scheme is left at an extreme disadvantage by the non-disclosure surrounding these practices.
Even the hospital personnel responsible for soliciting these contracts have no idea what they are or what they are actually used for and have no idea where they go or what they are used for once the Mother signs the dotted line. The documents solicited disappear. They are no longer part of the hospital's records and are not archived. This is because technically, these forms that our Mother's sign are not the hospital's forms --- they are private contracts obligating the baby to serve as a Municipal citizen of the United States.
These private contract documents are sent on to the Depository Trust Company/DTTC in New York, and there they remain, forming the basis for trading upon both the Public Trust Interest and the Private Trust Interest procured by each of the Dead Baby Scams --- (1) seizing upon the "abandoned" Afterbirth materials and using this as an excuse to create a private trust interest in the name of the living baby, and (2) having the Mothers waive the baby's birthright estate without the benefit of disclosure and unknowingly creating another infant decedent estate in the public trust interest.
No equitable consideration was ever given in exchange for any of these convenient undisclosed contracts; the baby is too young to remember, the Mother was never given full disclosure, and later, a veil of secrecy descends upon the meaning and purpose of the Birth Certificate, which is again, foreign and illegal in this country.
99% of Americans have had no idea of what a Birth Certificate is or what it means. The only hint of a Public Notice ever given that it was a clearinghouse certificate appeared in Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address. Thus, the Mothers were entrapped and thanks to non-disclosure, were left with no basis to judge whether they should accept or reject this contract offer --- or even know that it was a private contract offer obligating their baby to a lifetime of enslavement.
In the same way, The Pledge of Allegiance was made ubiquitous and passed off as an innocent declaration of patriotism and support for the American Flag, when in actuality, this "pledge" is a verbal contract in the nature of Feudal Pledges to a Monarch and the nature of the Title IV Flag receiving this binding contract is also left conveniently undisclosed.
The Title IV Flag in its specific dimensions is a version of our American Flag entrusted to our British Territorial Municipal Subcontractors to use in the exercise of their delegated powers. Thus, the Title IV Flag is an American flag, but it is on loan to our Subcontractors, and when innocent schoolchildren obediently pledged their allegiance to it, they were conscripted and obligated to serve the British Territorial Subcontractors, not their actual country at all. None of this was ever disclosed or discussed in the schools and other places where these "pledges" were witnessed.
These contracts are self-interested and deceitful and defective on many counts for failure to disclose the existence of the contract and contract offer, failure to disclose the identities and nature of the parties to the contract, failure to establish the competency of the parties, and a great many other defects, but so long as these invisible contracts remain and go unchallenged, they stand by default.
A slightly different lack of disclosure impacts all military service contracts, which are objectively presented as contracts entered into as employment contracts akin to indentured servitude for a period of years; however, a different form of deceit and non-disclosure impacts these contracts. They fail to disclose the nature of the service itself. Every effort is made to present these services as honorable institutions of a national military, but they are not. They are mercenary services and have been mercenary services since The American Civil War. As a result, young people are being used as cheap mercenaries engaged in wars for profit set up by the Municipal Corporations. The privations and sacrifices they endure for the love of their country are misplaced accordingly.
We wish for the defects of these contractual practices to be fully recognized and for these presumed obligations to be set aside en masse, with the burden of proof being placed upon the Municipal Subcontractors to produce fully disclosed and consensual citizenship contracts, or else Cease and Desist all demand predicated on the existence of such obligations.
We wish for all military service contracts to be reformed and fully disclosed and for the military services to return to the status of an honorable national military service --- not a commercial mercenary service anymore.
If these Municipal Corporation Subcontractors want mercenaries to fight their filthy illegal "wars" they can pay full price and give full disclosure.
Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
May 10th 2023
See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
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