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93. substitution schemes

The Substitution Schemes - Reviewed Impacts

By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq

Throughout this long recitation of wrongs and needed corrections and causes of international and global action, substitution schemes figure heavily.  

The first substitution of a British Territorial "President" for an American Federal Republic President occurred in 1856 with the election of James Buchanan, who was, like Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney, and prohibited from serving in the actual intended Presidential Office by the Titles of Nobility Amendment ratified by the States in 1819 and duly added to The Constitution for the united States of America. 

Having tested the waters with Buchanan, the Perpetrators next promoted another Bar Attorney, Lincoln, to occupy the same purloined office. 

None of this occurred with the knowledge or permission of the Federation of States or our member States.  This was all mischief and malfeasance occurring at the level of the Federal Subcontractors, and it was to have dire consequences for the Subcontractors and, because of continuing secret fraud and graft, for the country as a whole. 

The entire so-called American Civil War was an illegal Mercenary Conflict misrepresented to the people of this country and the men who fought it as a "War".  It was in fact never declared by any Congress and never settled by any Peace Treaty, because nobody in any Congress would accept the liability for it, and nobody that had authority to permanently end it was notified of any of these circumstances. 

Finally, our States were Summoned into Session in 2019 and Peace was mandated by the State Assemblies themselves, an action which obligates all Federal Subcontractors to stand down.  

Other long-delayed housekeeping was also addressed, and as of the first of October 2020, all the former British Territorial States-of-States formed in the West and also West Virginia which was formed in the midst of the Civil War under the provisions of the Northwest Ordinance, were formally enrolled as States of the Union.  

This means that all fifty (50) States are fully-fledged and formally enrolled as States of the Union and there is no longer any basis for a presumption of Territorial custody over them or their land assets. 

The proper declaration and recording and publishing of the members of the State Assemblies established their provenance and political status and inherent right to function in the capacity of the actual State Government, thus dissolving any pretense that our people voluntarily remained "at sea" and under the Territorial Government of the Queen, and also disproved any theory that the American Government is "absent" or "in interregnum".  

These events and actions have been given proper public publication and both International and Global Notice has been provided to the other Principals and their Agents. 

Other notable and less appropriate substitutions have been evident throughout our discussion of these matters set before the Vatican Chancery Court and Pope Francis.  

Substitution of British Territorial Persons misrepresenting American babies, substitution of Municipal Corporation franchises misrepresenting the estates of said British Territorial Persons, and even Derivatives of these Municipal Corporations being used to promote other schemes. 

To give brief examples:  using a gobbledygook Dog Latin sign in the form of, for example, LEONARD V OLSON --- to represent a bankrupt Puerto Rican Electrical Utility franchise corporation, or LEONARD V. OLSON to represent a Special Purpose Vehicle owned and operated by the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, and all of these used as means to latch upon some other American property asset as collateral and ultimately employed as a means to coercively control and entrap a living American named Leonard Victor Olson by process of presumption and a pernicious practice abusing the Postal System to provide separate jurisdictional addresses, all employed without disclosure. 

In other words, the system is designed to deliver a bill addressed to a Special Purpose Vehicle owned by the Municipal DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION to a commercial mail address indicated by the use of all capital letters style conventions and a Zip Code, to an American living in a different jurisdiction and under a similar name, in anticipation of tricking the American into paying the bill owed by the Municipal DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, and or otherwise providing a legal but unlawful basis for prosecuting the victim if he doesn't pay. 

It's all more proof in practice and evidence of grossly unlawful activity promoted and pursued and accomplished by the Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia. 

The Officers of the Universal Postal Union can quickly confirm that these conventions, including the use of Dog Latin to "represent" Proper Names, have been used as mailing addresses in The United States and many other countries.  

Substitutions of foreign "Congresses" for the Congresses we are owed, and substitution of foreign delegates operating in capacities never intended to represent the American States or People, are other egregious examples of self-interested fraud, breach of trust, and other crimes, all designed to access our assets and credit for the benefit of foreign interests. 

The British Territorial "Congress" elects representatives who act as Proxies for Registered Voters who are presumed to be shareholders of their corporations and the Municipal "Congress" then produces Congressional Members representing political parties drawn from the British Territorial Congress, to act as the plenary government of an unauthorized international city-state posing as "the United States".  

None of these grafters function in the capacity of Fiduciary Deputies acting for the States and People of this country.  All of them have adopted merely presumed to exist powers and have usurped upon the actual States and People.  They are all proposing to use impersonation and different assumed capacities to confuse their role and jurisdiction so as to defraud and deprive their employers of their lawful property assets and credit. 

And this has gone on, on a secret and clandestine basis, for over 160 years.  The Americans, convinced that the people working for them were also Americans and adopting American political status, never imagined that these people were in fact working in foreign jurisdictions and operating on behalf of foreign political and economic interests, because nothing appeared to change. 

Before the Civil War, Americans received their state-level government services from The State of Ohio, for example, and after the Civil War, they received these same services from the State of Ohio.  

Did you catch the difference?  Neither did they.  

This was especially difficult to discern, because for the most part, the same people continued to provide the same services as before.  There was no distinct changing of the guard or uniform or service staff to indicate that any change had occurred at all.  The same people elected as Governors continued to serve as Governors -- albeit, acting in a different capacity and in a different jurisdiction, serving a British Territorial military government instead of the State republican government. 

Other than the change from "The" to "the", there was a confused and misrepresented flurry of writing and endorsing new State of State Constitutions. 

For example, The State of New Jersey Constitution was replaced by the State of New Jersey Constitution. 

In most cases these were identical to the old State of State Constitution, except for language about slaves and slavery --- and everyone was left to assume that the new Constitutions were required to remove those references, not to usher in an entirely different service provider and different form of government.  

The truth of what we present here and before the world is adequately demonstrated by the perpetually repeated phrase "our democracy" and references to "democracy" promoted by the governmental agencies, politicians, and members of the military, always talking about "spreading democracy" and "danger to our democracy" and so on and on, when it stands plainly on the record of every nation that our country is not a democracy.  

The fraud can hardly be more directly observed than from their own mouths and in their own words.  

The British Territorial Government was set up as both a United States Territory and a British Commonwealth.  Their Municipal Corporations are run as democracies.  That's the only "democracy" to be seen anywhere in relationship to us ---  specifically, as Federal Subcontractors hired under the auspices of The Constitution of the United States of America.  

These same dishonest and disloyal Subcontractors contrived to operate a British Territorial Municipal Corporation as a military "democracy" on our shores.  That is, their District Government usurped upon our lawful government while receiving their paychecks from our largesse, and they have acted in breach of trust and violation of their service contracts for 160 years, all under color of law and a so-called "cloak of secrecy". 

Even the men serving this junta were deceived into thinking that they were honest soldiers and sailors, when they were in fact functioning as cheap commercial mercenaries instead. 

They accomplished all this via semantic deceits, abuse of the courts, complicity of the Bar Associations, and most of all, complicity of the banks, because if the banks had refused to fund all of this murder and mayhem, fraud, duplicity, and crime --- none of it would exist.  

Our history and the history of the entire world would be completely different. 

Whereupon it is time for the banks to be held accountable. They were served Notice of this in 2005 and again every year since then, to no effect; no doubt they imagined that we were all still asleep and unaware of the chicanery seeking to change our political status while we were babes in our sleep.  

We wish for all of these banks to be liquidated in our favor, and specifically in the favor of the lawful heirs of the so-called "legacy trusts" and "historic trusts" that belong to our people and our country. 

Issued by:  Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                  The United States of America
                   In care of: Box 520994
                   Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 3rd 2023


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