TBG Style Guide
This TBG site — tbgcommission.org is built using the BookStack wiki app. BookStack was chosen because of its simplicity and effectiveness at publishing simple web pages. This also means that BookStack uses a simple styling approach and an optional page template tool. TBG uses both styling and templates.
BookStack does not offer direct access to html stylesheets (css). All styling is accessed through the standard wordprocessor tool bar in the wysiwyg page editor, or via the optional markdown editor. In the wysiwyg editor there is also a tool for accessing the page source code (third tool button from the right) where some additional page refinements can be made.
The Golden Rule of BookStack publishing!
When using the wysiwyg page editor:
NEVER copy content from a source outside of BookStack, and paste it directly into the wysywig editor panel. This will often bring all sorts of useless code into your BookStack page, significantly increase the filesize for that page, and potentially cause all sorts of annoying problems.
ALWAYS paste content from an outside source into the Source Code console (third tool button from the right) and verify that you are getting clean code. The Source Code console does a good job of stripping away useless code and making your pasted content conform to BookStack.
There are two exceptions to this Golden Rule.
Exception 1: You can ignore this rule when you copy and paste pure BookStack content from tbgcommission.org.
Exception 2: You can ignore this rule when you copy and paste pure ASCII text content from any external source.
TBG Commission uses the default sans serif font-face built into BookStack for all of its content, unless a special circumstance should dictate otherwise. In regards to font-face choice, TBG values consistency over artistic liberty. In special cases where more artistic text treatments may be required, it is recommended that an external wordprocessor, graphics package or page layout system be used and the final document be made into a PDF for distribution and or printing.
When using en external document creation tool, you must ensure that the source file(s) and software remain accessible to TBG Commission for future use.
TBG Logos and Signatures
Maintaining a consistent Truth Beauty and Goodness Commission identity is very important, and for that reason TBG uses only approved logos and signatures on all its content, both public facing and private. Logos and Signatures are addressed separately in the TBG Signature Guide.
TBG Commission will use any suitable graphics package as long as it can output to suitable formats such as PNG, SVG, WebM, WebP, PDF. When using en external graphics creation tool, you must ensure that the source file(s) and software remain accessible to TBG Commission for future use.
BookStack has a built-in graphics package, draw.io, that is fairly powerful and is easily accessible from the wysiwyg editor's toolbar by clicking on the right most tool button with three dots and choosing from the fly our menu.
We like to KISS!
Keep It Short and Simple! Simplicity is a key design principle. The easier something is to understand and use – the more likely it is to be adopted and engaged with. KISS, “Keep It Short and Simple” is thus a great rule of thumb to be applied when considering your design work in a larger context of usage. However, it is also important not to make things so simple that they compromise the functionality of the final design – users will live with a little complexity if it enhances their overall experience.
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