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Mankind is one big family
  • soil
  • Land
  • Sea
  • AIR
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive March 29, 1998.
Teacher Elyon
T/R Jonathan

How the wisdom coding system works.


Type of wisdom (purple box)

 E  = Evolutionary wisdom 
 R  = Revealed wisdom 
 H  = Hybrid wisdom (evolutionary + revealed mix)

Target audience (green box)

 P  = Personal 
 G  = Group (non-personal)

Type of content (yellow box)

 C  = Curated content (paraphrased, re-written, enhanced, translated, etc.)
 O  = Original unedited content from external source (direct excerpts, complete content, etc.)
 M  = Mix of both curated and original content.

Reliability factor of content (blue box)

 1  = High
 2  = Average
 3  = Low 
 X  = Cannot be determined.


[  ] soil   [  ] Land   [  ] Sea   [  ] AIR

  • Check boxes indicate to which planetary jurisdiction the contents of the page is applicable.
  • Can apply to one or more jurisdictions simultaneously.
  • All the applicable jurisdictions will have a check mark.
  • For additional information about the scope of these jurisdictions please refer to this chart.
  • For additional information about the properties of these jurisdictions please refer to this chart.

SOURCE: This row is used for recording useful information about the source of the wisdom entry. In most cases a hyperlink to the source document may suffice, but additional information may also be recorded in this row such as author, document name, ISBN # etc.








 There is great significance, in the truth that we are all one family of mankind. I would address you on the
notion of belonging. It is difficult during times of challenge to feel the sense of fraternity when it is perceived by your senses that you are estranged from others, for you are grappling with personal lessons which appear unmanifested in the actions of others. This is an important time for you to pursue the inner belonging with the Father, that purr of perfection within. It is also important to pursue counsel, feedback from your fellows, to eliminate isolation; that solitary trek through your difficulties is unnecessary. Lessons
are learned only by yourself. However, the many helpers about you are always ready to provide guidance, and even when guidance is not available, support is.

Let us realize that belonging can be considered as the two words "be" and "long". You will for eternity be part of the family; never will it just cease to be the case. True, the young children of our Father are often struggling with the sense of singular existence, struggling with what seems to be odds in the world about them. This is only evident on worlds who have lost the guidance that planets unlike yours have. In cases such as the conditions found on Earth, we stress to you the importance of becoming the initiator of the
understanding and the experiential demonstration that you belong to a universe of friends and fellows who are all part of the Father's family.