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93. Once Again About A Spiritual Teacher

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When empires break down there is much confusion around. However, the greatest confusion is not wh...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

92. My Warning To You

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

I, whom you know as Jesus Christ, address you by these teachings to warn you, each of you, who ha...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

91. Send The Vibrations Of Love To The Present-day Pharisees By Your Sincere Common Prayer

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

I, whom you know as Jesus Christ, address all of you. Assemble together in collective prayer, ope...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

90. The Double-dealing Of Modern Pharisees

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Modern Pharisees behave in the same refined manner as they behaved in the times of my living in t...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

89. Whose Darkness Is It Today?

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Тhe same is happening in your modern times. And now, among you, there are many Scribes and Pharis...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

88. Those Who Nailed Me Down On The Cross Were Innocent

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

While I was being nailed on the cross as a man among men I could have liberated myself as a spiri...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

87. Assistance By Prayer Is The Most Effective

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Being aware that you can help each other, not only to protect someone from falling into such a de...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

86. Energy Vibrations Pass Information Through Consciousness And Sub-consciousness

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When you are searching for answers within your own selves do not think that you get them by merel...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

85. My Childhood Was Not Perfect

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My trust in the Father and my leaning upon the Father did not come to me at once. That was a long...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

84. A Real Replacement Of Your Mind By That Of Mine

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The assertion: if your mind, rather than helping you is impeding you, then change it by mine, is ...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

83. Heart And Mind

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

What I am revealing to you now shall have a big impact on the life of each of you provided that y...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

82. Low Vibrations Are Harmful To All

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Too great an expansion of the cities sets up a multitude of concentrated venues that are dominate...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

81. The Most Efficient Economy Is The One Grounded In The Father

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Your motives in all your activity would be transformed from selfish into divine, for the benefit ...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

80. Pass Your Hard Burden Over To The Father Or To Me

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

While reading my teachings you will begin to feel their rightness depending upon the degree of th...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

79. Spiritual Leaders Are Real Yet, So Far, Invisible

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

How many scientific forums have you held to which you have invited your brethren who have already...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

78. The Limitedness Of The Present-day Economy

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

It is even worse in economy since you look upon it only from the vantage point of material wellbe...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

77. The Harm Of Modern Sport To Humanity

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

You are playing down the sport achievements that you have made into a dirty business by traumatiz...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

76. Cooperation Instead Of Competition In All Spheres

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

A competitive struggle in any field; politics, economy, science, art, sports is nothing but the c...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

75. Democracy Is Worn Out

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When I was in the human flesh among you, I saw a better political and economic structure of the s...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

74. The Soul Dominance Within Human Mind

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Then each one who has thus opened up their soul shall experience not only the Father’s love, but ...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee