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113. Your Interests And Needs Have Impact On The Whole Of Creation

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My teaching, even as the whole leading of the Father throughout creation, is devoted to the benef...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

112. What Is One’s Learning And Its Meaning?

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Only two thousand years have passed since my sojourn among you in the human flesh. What progress ...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

111. Humanity Has Become Hostage To Advertisements

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

You see by yourselves what a multitude of different and nice products, goods, and articles are ma...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

110. Low Vibrations Of The Present Television, Radio, Press, And Online Do Harm To Humanity

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

You are constantly offered information that, actually, incites only low vibrations. You do not re...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

109. Association With Ordinary People Of Other Lands Draws These Lands Closer

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When I was in the human flesh, people were also interested in what was developing in other lands....

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

108. The Establishment Of A Living Relationship With The Father

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

I have already mentioned to you about that path how to set up a sincere and live relationship wit...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

107. Your Faith And Birth Of The Spirit

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

However, man is much more than a beast or an animal beyond comparison. He is a son or daughter of...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

106. Mutual Relationships

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

One of the most important fields of mortal life are the mutual relationships which manifest thems...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

105. The Father Has No Exceptional Son Or Daughter

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Priests are not exceptional people even though you consider them to be special people. Priests ar...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

104. Catholic Priests Must Have Their Families

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The Catholic church completely violates the free will of the Father once it forbids its priests t...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

103. Women Must Become Clergywomen As Men

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

As long as the church does not allow women to become religious leaders on an equal basis, such a ...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

102. The Bird Of The Soul Presently Is In Captivity In A Cage

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My teachings should not scare anyone of you for they are meant for you to discover the true peace...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

101. Relationship With The Father Does Not Come At Once As Is Also Witnessed By The Experience Of My Apostle

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

It is hard for you to believe my words, but for many years my words have been already testified t...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

100. The Help Of The Father’s Spirit Is Everywhere And Constant

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

In order to establish the correctness of information you must set up a direct bond with the Fathe...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

99. A Spiritual View Of The Environment And The Destruction Of Negative Emotions

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

By taking a spiritual rather than material look upon all creation, very soon and truly, you will ...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

98. A Parable?

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

All my teachings are simple, understandable to many, and produce joy for the soul. And this attit...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

97. The Impact Of Bribery

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When any doctor or any official of a state institution takes a bribe, he believes he has not done...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

96. The Father’s Love Is The Universal Medicine For Vices

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Love, only vibrations of the Father’s love and your complete devotion to Him, is the only means o...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

95. You Change Humanity While Changing Yourselves

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

By this teaching of mine I do not want either to scare anyone of you or to dispose you against me...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

94. The Idea Of Reincarnation

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

However, I have to adapt myself to the thinking of the people I have chosen that cannot be change...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee