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A Celestial Plan for Making Socially Sustainable Decisions

We Are Here, and We Have a Plan.

Machiventa Melchizedek

The concern of the Creator, the First Source and Center, is with the individual. Out of billions of inhabited worlds, and trillions of sentient,  soul-filled individuals, the Creator’s concern is always with his relationship with the individual. And it is always with the individual that we begin. Our concern for society, for civilization is secondary and tertiary. Our primary concern is always with the individual and this is where we start.      
Message received by Daniel Raphael,  December 17, 2007, Evergreen Colorado Co-Creative Design
Teachers: Machiventa Melchizedek & Sondjah Melchizedek
We have our secrets, you have your secrets, combine them and make a plan, and the solution is there.

The Khoi San hunter !Nqate Xq Amxebe is quoted as saying, in the book, Africa, Speaking with Earth and Sky, by filmmakers Craig and Damon Foster, New Africa Books, David Phillip Publishers, 2005, p.23

A Collapse Foretold 

Never has there been a greater need for a combination of all our secrets, and for a truly workable collaborative plan for humanity’s future. Humanity seems to be on a collective collision course, which may, in our lifetimes, bring about a decimation of our human species, through a combination of man-made and natural catastrophes, including the possibility of nuclear war, famine, fatal epidemic diseases, natural disasters, and climate change.

Among the many texts from diverse sources that suggest alternatives and solutions to our current human predicament, there has emerged, during the last 30 years, thousands of messages transmitted by “unseen celestial teachers” which provide solutions that are far superior to many of those that are emerging from mortal sources.

These celestial teachers have names such as Machiventa and Sondjah Melchizedek, Monjoronson, Uteah, Rayson, Ophelius and Charles, among many others, and their transmitted messages can be found archived on more than 30 websites, including 11:11 Correcting Time, Center for Christ Consciousness,, Teaching Mission Network, Soultruth, Center for Sacred Studies, Truth Beauty and Goodness, Daynal Institute, BigMacSpeaks, Daniel Raphael Google Sites, 11:11 Progress Group,  ThereisaPlan, 7CoreValues, Mission Urantia, and many others.  

Most, but not all of the Transmitter/Receivers of these celestial teachings were readers of the Urantia Book, a spiritual, philosophical and religious book that originated in Chicago somewhere between 1924 and 1955, in a co-creative manner, in response to questions supplied by more than one hundred and fifty people.

A Time of Teaching and Correction 

This coordinated and consistent celestial contact started in a group in New Zealand and then expanded into the United States, gradually spreading worldwide. The individuals who were contacted reported experiencing verbal or visual input from unseen beings by apparently telepathic means. Most of these contactees were involved in groups studying The Urantia Book, unlike the original group in New Zealand. These various celestial lessons came to be known as the Teaching Mission. The Teaching Mission became highly controversial within the Urantia movement itself, however, as many questioned its authenticity. Nonetheless the celestial contact spread to include other social, religious, and spiritual groups. This planet-wide project then evolved into what is now called the Correcting Time.

The Urantia Revelation

The Urantia Book is an extensive tome of spiritual, philosophic, and scientific concepts purportedly written by celestial authors. Among other things, it describes a vast spiritual planetary administration of created and immortal beings in service to the soul growth of mortal individuals and explains that evolving mortals have been guided, supported, and mentored by eternal spiritual beings for hundreds of thousands of years.

Celestial Teachers

One of the primary teachings of The Urantia Book is that, during the history of humanity on our planet, humans have, at times, been in the presence of immortal spiritual beings. Machiventa Melchizedek and the being we know as Jesus of Nazareth are identified as two such beings, and their teachings represent “epochal revelations,” of which The Urantia Book claims to be the fifth such revelation on earth. It explains that our planet and its inhabitants are being prepared for a further epochal revelation, the coming to earth of a Magisterial Son, who will remain on earth until our planet has reached the settled status of Light and Life, a final evolutionary attainment on a world such as ours.

 Although science suspects that “there are over 700 quintillion” planets in the universe, the paucity of our data has led us to consider ourselves a rare and solitary inhabited  planet living in the “habitable, sweet spot” of a “Goldilocks” zone in our Milky Way galaxy, and our current religious beliefs support our “Rare Earth” hypothesis. The Teaching Mission materials hold, however, that we are not an orphan planet, but one embedded in an evolving spiritual universe, teeming with life.

Erik Zackrisson, an astrophysicist at Uppsala University in Sweden, found that, given our current understanding of the universe and the laws of physics, there should be 7 times 1020 planets in the universe. That’s 7 followed by 20 zeroes or 70 quintillion.

Conscious Contact

The Urantia book further teaches that our human minds are indwelt by a fragment of Divinity, which it refers to as a Thought Adjuster. This Thought Adjuster, which is bestowed by God, or the First Source and Centre of this evolving spiritual universe, acts as a Father to our immortal souls, while our human minds act as a mother. This God-fragment, according to the Urantia Book, comes to indwell our human minds between the ages of five and a half to six years on average, when each individual makes their first moral decision.

We are taught that our souls grow in the measure that we make better decisions by aligning our minds to the guidance of our Indwelling Spirit Fragment, or Thought Adjuster, and that the final stage of spiritual growth happens when the immortal soul fuses with this Indwelling Adjuster.

A Grand, Subtle and Elegant Universe

The outspoken atheist and public intellectual, Richard Dawkins, in his book The God Delusion, sets out to debunk the God concept by insisting that it be used to “denote a supernatural creator that is ‘appropriate for us to worship’”. Nevertheless, in the first chapter of this book, entitled “A deeply religious non-believer,” he quotes cosmologist Carl Sagan, who wrote in the Pale Blue Dot, 

How is it that hardly any major religion has looked at science and concluded, ‘This is better than we thought! The Universe is much bigger than our prophets said, grander, more subtle, more elegant?’ Instead, they say, ‘No, no, no! My god is a little god, and I want him to stay that way.’ A religion, old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the Universe as revealed by modern science might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths.

There Is a Plan

The messages of the celestial teachers remind us that the universe is indeed every bit as grand, subtle, elegant and magnificent as Carl Sagan pointed out, and that unselfish love for others is the template for all spiritual growth. The Plan reminds us, however, that to participate in that magnificent universe, we need to strive to make conscious contact with the Source of that Magnificence which indwells us.

The core message of the celestials is that they are present on earth at this time, and that they have a plan. It is a surprisingly simple plan. Since the God-indwelled human mind and the growth of its eternal soul is of the greatest concern to celestial beings, who are tasked with the nurturance of our eternal souls, they are especially concerned with our daily practice of conscious contact with the Fragment of Divinity that indwells us.

They further remind us that the human family is the smallest unit of planetary sustainability and urge us to pay attention to the design of sustainable families able to nurture, care, and engender the spiritual quality of the souls of children during their formative years. In addition, they suggest a course on planetary management to teach us that future political-economic-societal systems will need to support the sustainability of the human family, if they are to succeed.

Families are essential for the continuity of worlds, 
         and your world is on the brink of extinction, because of this problem.

Sondjah Melchizedek

The celestial teachers suggest that rebuilding sustainable nations will, in the future, require the establishment of Family Learning Centers for Sustainable Nations, alongside schools. They urge humans to use seven minimum social sustainability values for all decision-making, namely life, quality of life, growth, and equality, with love, compassion and empathy, and to do so in co-creative design teams to harness the wisdom of collective decision-making, guided by these minimum social sustainability values.

The plan reminds us that although the risen Christ almost overnight became a religion, Jesus had his own religion, which was to go into his inner room and seek guidance from his Heavenly Father. We are urged to promote a restatement of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, proclaiming his messages of love and service, and the fact that the kingdom of God is within us. We are to live the truth of his teachings—to put them into practice—and not simply believe in them. We are reminded that the Way of God is always the way with most love in it, and that the solution to our challenges is to apply love, defined as “the desire to do good to others,” to them.

If humans were to allow themselves daily to be coached from within and use the seven minimum values of social sustainability (life, quality of life, growth and equality, with love, compassion and empathy) for all decisions, we would not have had slavery, apartheid, the Holocaust, the current catastrophic wars taking place in the Ukraine, Gaza, Myanmar, Sudan, DRC and other places, or the disastrous levels of domestic violence taking place in millions of homes around the world.

The solution to the problems of the world is mastery of our own lower natures by listening to our Divine Inner Guidance, raising compassionate children capable of forming their own loving and caring families, and effective collaboration with others by using the seven social sustainability values in the context of co-creative design teams, as taught by our celestial partners.

Can we afford to inch another step closer to global nuclear disaster, based on our own faulty human decision-making, including revenge and in defence of the borders of “sovereign” nation states? There exists a collaborative celestial/mortal plan for a more sustainable future. Isn’t it worth a few minutes of our time to explore these celestial suggestions for socially sustainable decision-making? 

Marthe Muller, Cape Town
15 January 2024


Marthe Muller Biography
Marthe Muller has been the COO of South African Women in Dialogue (SAWID) since 2010. After completing degrees in Philosophy and Political Philosophy at Stellenbosch University, she left South Africa in 1984 to pursue graduate studies in Women’s History at Sarah Lawrence College, in Bronxville, New York. She only returned to South Africa in 2000, having made a 12-year detour through Colombia, South America, where she worked in documentary film making and wrote, directed and produced an audio-visual course to teach English to Spanish-speakers. She has been involved with SAWID since 2003, primarily in the role of scribe and historian of the efforts of South African women to become the agents of their own development. Her passion is governance for the growth of souls.

Discover more about Marthe's life and her work. Available in English and Spanish.
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Quiza en el cielo
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