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LESSON 8: The Most Highs

The Most Highs
Are Vorondadek Sons.
At least 3 rule each constellation; each serves 150,000 years; reigns for 50,000 years. 

Constellation Fathers
Appoint System Sovereigns.
Constitute supreme advisory cabinet of Creator Son.
Courts of.
Frequently on Salvington.
Periodically send out broadcasts.
Reigning Most High is Constellation Father.

Exalted in constellation light and life.
Faithfuls of Days advise.
Gabriel commissions.
Have veto power over local system affairs.
Intervene at any time in affairs of inhabited worlds.
Occupied with groups, not individuals.
Overcontrollers of political evolution.
Rule fosters greatest good for greatest number for longest time. 

Rule in kingdoms of men
Rule chiefly through seraphim.
Rule through angels of nation life.
Rule through reservists.
Rule through Vorondadek observer. 

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