LESSON 7: The Spirit of Truth
The Spirit of Truth — The Comforter
"And so did the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth bring to the world and its peoples the last of the spirit endowment designed to aid in the ascending search for God.” Urantia Book 194:2.20
The Spirit of Truth in the Bible
Throughout the New Testament the Spirit of Truth is confused with the Holy Spirit. While the two are closely related and work in harmony, they are two distinct Spirits.
Despite this widespread confusion, John did speak the truth about the Spirit of Truth when he stated:
- “When the Counselor comes...he will bear witness to me.” John 15:26.
- “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” John 16:13.
- “The Counselor...whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” John 14:26.
What happened at Pentecost
Jesus lives in truth-taught believers.
“Many queer and strange teachings became associated with the early narratives of the day of Pentecost. In subsequent times the events of this day, on which the Spirit of Truth, the new teacher, came to dwell with mankind, have become confused with the foolish outbreaks of rampant emotionalism. The chief mission of this outpoured spirit of the Father and the Son is to teach men about the truths of the Father’s love and the Son’s
mercy. These are the truths of divinity which men can comprehend more fully than all the other divine traits of character. The Spirit of Truth is concerned primarily with the revelation of the Father’s spirit nature and the Son’s moral character. The Creator Son, in the flesh, revealed God to men; the Spirit of Truth, in the heart, reveals the Creator Son to men. When man yields the ‘fruits of the spirit’ in his life, he is simply showing forth the traits which the Master manifested in his own earthly life. When Jesus was on earth, he lived his life as one personality — Jesus of Nazareth. As the indwelling spirit of the ‘new teacher,’ the Master has, since Pentecost, been able to live his life anew in the experience of every truth-taught believer.” Urantia Book 194:3.1
You are not conscious of the Spirit of Truth
“Do not make the mistake of expecting to become strongly intellectually conscious of the outpoured Spirit of Truth. The spirit never creates a consciousness of himself, only a consciousness of Michael, the Son. From the beginning Jesus taught that the spirit would not speak of himself. The proof, therefore, of your fellowship with the Spirit of Truth is not to be found in your consciousness of this spirit but rather in your experience of enhanced fellowship with Michael.” (2061.2) 194:2.4
Having embarked on the way of life everlasting, do not fear the limitations of human nature. At every crossroad, the Spirit of Truth will speak — ”This is the way.” Urantia Book 34:7.8