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LESSON 6: The Creator Son

To a local universe, to all practical purposes, a Michael Son is God. Urantia Book 5:3.6

ORIGIN AND NATURE (references are from the Urantia Book)

  1. Sometimes the sovereign of Nebadon is referred to as Christ Michael. 21:0.3
  2. Our Creator Son is the personification of the 611,121st infinite concept of the Father and the Son. 33:1.1
  3. Each Creator Son is the unique, unqualified, and final expression of the infinite
    concept of his origin. 21:1.2
  4. When the concept of absolute ideation in the Eternal Son encounters an absolute
    personality concept in the Universal Father — there flashes into existence an original
    Creator Son. 21:1.1
  5. Each Creator Son is endowed with spiritual drawing power in his own realm. 20:1.13
  6. A Creator Son is limited by space, but not by time. 34:3.5
  7. There are more than seven hundred thousand Creator Sons in existence. 21:1.4


  1. The Creator Sons are preceded in universe organization by the power directors and
    other Third Source beings. 32:2.1
  2. From the energies of space, thus previously organized, our Creator Son established
    the inhabited worlds of Nebadon. 32:2.1
  3. Each Creator Son is accompanied by a Creative Daughter of the Infinite Spirit — the
    local universe Mother Spirit. 21:2.2
  4. The first creative act of the Creator Son and the Creative Mother Spirit produces the
    chief executive — Gabriel. 32:2.6
  5. The Creator Sons earn their sovereignty by bestowing themselves in the likeness of
    their own creatures. 120:0.1
  6. The Michaels are the most versatile and powerful of all divine beings in the local
    universes. 33:1.2
  7. The local universe of Nebadon has 3,840,101 inhabited worlds. The local system of
    Satania has 619. 32:2.9
  8. In accepting vicegerent sovereignty, a Creator Son takes an oath not to assume
    complete sovereignty until he completes his seven bestowal experiences. 21:3.12


  1. In each bestowal experience the Creator Son adds to his nature that of the creature.
  2. Jesus of Nazareth was on his seventh bestowal when he sojourned on Urantia.
  3. The Creator Son is truly “the way, the truth, and the life.” 21:6.4

The Michael bestowals were:

First — a Melchizedek.
Second — Lanonandek Son.
Third — Material Son.
Fourth — Seraphim.
Fifth — Spirit ascender.
Sixth — Morontia mortal.
Seventh — Urantia mortal. 119:0.7

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