LESSON 6: Sons & Daughters of God
Prime Directive #3: Sonship with God the Father
Spiritual Bondage
Let us begin by touching on the negative of spiritual bondage. The intent is not to instill fear or to rebuke the spiritually weak into obedience, so we shall not dwell on it for long. The causes of spiritual bondage are many. Spiritual bondage is the illusion of mind that prevents mortal man from seeing and believing in his or her eternal inheritance as faith sons and daughters of the Universal Father. Spiritual bondage shuts out the Light and dims the call of the Father to bring all men and women unto himself.
Of the many causes of spiritual bondage, materialism and selfishness are the greatest obstacles and detriments to soul growth. The other is the feeling of unworthiness and the confusion about the requirements to enter this spiritual family of the Father. The religions of the world have taken a very simple truth and made a labyrinth of rules and conditions that keep the followers ever in doubt of their true standing.
Let's not dwell on spiritual bondage any longer, but always remember its power to undermine your faith if you unwisely allow yourself to stray into the dark corners of materialistic and selfish habits.
Sonship in the Kingdom of Heaven
The Master came to illuminate and to teach those poor in spirit who felt they were outside and unworthy of salvation. Those that have ears, let them hear — Christ’s message was simple: to declare the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. To proclaim the truth about man’s eternal destiny and his sonship with the Father, for all men and women are indwelt with the spirit of the Father — a fragment of himself that lives in the mind of mortal men and women. Jesus taught that all men are your brothers, not just the ones that belong to your club — that the indwelling spirit binds us in brotherhood and that we should love each other as Christ loved us. The Kingdom of Heaven is the living experience of faith and belief in this indwelling spirit of the Father and His promise of eternal life. The doing of the Father’s will is the co-creative process of the Kingdom believer to actualize the outworking forward progression of spiritualization and perfection — to find God and to be like Him — to answer the Father’s call, “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.”
Jesus said, if you sincerely believe this simple truth you are in the Kingdom, and you will know your standing in the Kingdom by the fruits that you bear. The Father holds nothing over your head — if you believe, you have entered. Plain and simple.
That is sonship and that is how we know that we have sonship with the Father — the creator of all. We know that all humans are the children of God, but what change, and what attributes define one who has sonship with the Father? Sonship is attained through the transformation of the soul from a state of blindness and darkness into a state of faith and light — a knowingness of ones eternal destiny — an acceptance of the inheritance of God’s eternal kingdom, and the realization of one’s place as a citizen of the grand universe. For one who has sonship with the Father, he or she heeds the call to perfection and is ever conscious of their forward progression and has a childlike faith and hunger for truth.
Those with sonship are not perfect, for they are all learning and struggling — discovering their true self and accepting their limitations while striving for self-mastery. They display the fruits of the spirit in their daily life — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control — they are becoming like Him and will ever reach to attain oneness with him. Those with sonship will increasingly live in providence, knowing that the Father knows what they need and will provide for their daily sustenance, and through the ministry of the Thought Adjuster, lead them onward to overcome their base natures and to know the better way.
Sonship with God also means that he or she is a partner with Him in His grand purpose. They will, more and more, do the will of the Father as the attunement of the mind responds to the leadings of the Thought Adjuster, and they willingly align their will with His. They feel the connectedness of all things and live a more harmonious life flowing with, and not against, the current of the river of life. Service to others becomes natural and second-nature — never a forced duty out of fear or expectant reward. They hunger for goodness and pray for the revelation and manifestation of higher spirit values in their lives. They recognize the divisions and barriers to true brotherhood and work to understand and resolve disharmony among his or her brethren.
Sonship is through family
Those having sonship are part of a family organism — they are in sympathy with the whole of the universe and they feel the pain of those outside the fold stumbling in darkness and yearn to bring them into the light. Each uses his or her gifts and talents for goodness and lives to be an example to those who are lost and scattered. They illuminate the path to a better way and forgo their own convenience to help those in need. Those having sonship will have an inner light that shines in the darkness and this light will be as a magnet to those that hunger and thirst for truth and righteousness, for which they will freely give.
All those who read this lesson and feel oneness in its message are on the path to true sonship with the Father. They recognize these attributes as reflective of their being or their future aspirations and are willing to trust God that he will ever draw them closer, because He loves them — they are his children.
The angels rejoice and cheer you onward and upward in your sacred journey to perfection.
The dignity of sonship
What is it to have dignity, and how does dignity relate to our spiritual walk with God? Human dignity is a quality and an attitude of self respect — a worthiness to serve God and man with a position of honor and value as a true son or daughter of the Most High. Once you have accepted sonship with the Father, you are to conduct yourself, your actions and reactions, with peaceful assuredness and confidence, and without doubt in your standing as to your eternal survival.
Many of you still persist to hold onto the old paradigms that you are lowly and unworthy sinners, never to be sure about where you stand in relation to God and whether or not you are truly “saved” and written into the book of life. Stop measuring yourself against the requirements of men and orthodoxy. If you are here reading this message, then you are one who has begun their search for truth and for God.
If you sincerely believe in this sonship with the Father and you are working to love and serve your brothers and sisters, even though you may stumble along the way, willing to shake the dust from your coat and begin again — know that you are indeed written into that book, and conduct yourself as a representative of the kingdom who enjoys full diplomatic immunity from unworthiness and unrighteousness. With all humility, gratitude, and confidence; hold your head high knowing you house the jewel of the ages within you, the indwelling spirit of the Father, who will safely pilot you to those blessed shores of paradise.
You are being trained for great service in the kingdom. Use this dignity and assurance as a representative of Christ Michael and join with spirit to make a difference in the lives of all you know and meet, to fight the good fight, and to put into practice all that you have learned.
Forgive those who treat you unjust, for they fail to see the seal of eternity written on your soul, for they are unaware of their own divine spark and must find their way to truth and understanding on their own path. When they see the dignity of your countenance they will be attracted to your Light like a moth to the flame. Use this power of Light to teach and serve those who stumble in darkness.
Spirit works in unity and with those who have sonship. We are of one mind and work unendingly together to bring all into the family of the Father. Those of you who are spiritually aware are highly valued conduits of Light on the material plane. You are like life rafts floating in an ocean of flailing swimmers. With dignity, selflessness, and confidence, toss your life line to those in the water, and pilot them to safe harbors.
This in no way is a pursuit of selfish intent, but rather, a co-creative partnership between the Indwelling Spirit and the soul of the individual to develop the qualities and the capacity necessary for eternal life and sonship in the Father's creation: Childlike faith in the sovereignty of God; mercy, understanding, and compassion for one's fellows; a heart for service to one's fellows; genuine love for the Creator and His creation; the realization of the oneness and the connectedness of all things and beings; and pursuant to the likeness of God through the attributes of Truth Beauty and Goodness.
This is not a list to be crossed off as you make your way through life on this world, but rather, these things are to be learned and experienced — woven into the fabric of your life, here and hereafter, building upon previous lessons as you discover new meanings and values that develop the character and the personality of the soul — the harvesting of survival value experiences, your eternal heritage.
Throughout your eternal career you will continue to learn and grow; teach and serve, and discover new meaning and values as you increase your capacity for understanding the mysteries of God. For as you transition from one level to the next, so too will you receive this greater capacity for understanding. You will forever find increase in the desire to become godlike the more you understand how to discipline the mind and use the gifts of God power given to the worthy souls who align their will with the Creator's Will and to do those things that create progressive change in the lives of others, while you change as a result of living this divine love-path.
It is very important, for the continued progress of the individual, to rid yourself of the self-limiting thoughts and emotions derived from fear, an unforgiving spirit; and guilt as a result of some past failure, real or imagined. Ask for forgiveness and make your amends so you can start out with a clean heart, as it were, and move forward in the divine pursuit of perfection attainment. God loves all His children and desires all to partake of the grand adventure of eternity, to become perfect, like He is perfect — to seek Him out as you marvel at the sublimity of His creation.
Perfection is not automatic or quickly attained, it takes real courage and real intuitiveness. It takes patience and determination on your part to create change in the way you think and feel. What small step can you take today to move in the positive direction of perfection attainment? Search your soul and make that move, for there is no greater achievement than to move closer too, and become more reflective of our beloved Creator.
Sonship in the Kingdom, as a new child of God beginning his or her journey in the Kingdom, like a toddler he or she is not always certain of how to gain access to the throne of grace, and how to really know what the Father’s will for their life is. Thus begins the exciting adventure of discovery and great soul growth! This process of discovery, growth, and progression goes on throughout eternity. Each day while exercising the fruits of the spirit in your relationship with God and man, you take one step closer to Him and God takes two steps closer to you. He unfolds and reveals his will according to the faith of the individual. The Master said, “If you but had the faith of a mustard seed, you could command this mountain to remove itself into the sea, and it would obey your command.” Faith and belief are key to knowing the will of God.
Closet Cleaning
What is meant by this? It means that it is time to let the meaningless trifles and unimportant distractions of living go free from your mind and to recognize and to pursue the things of greater value in life.
These are the decisions and feelings that have survival value, those things that contribute to soul growth that you will carry with you into eternity. Every day that passes brings opportunities for you to make decisions that could have lasting and weighty value for soul growth and for the spiritual nourishment of your brothers and sisters.
Let us be conscious of what things we allow to occupy our grey matter and let the “small stuff” go and start to see beyond this temporal life into the larger view of eternity. Yes, you must still go to work, raise your families, enjoy your life, but while you are doing those things, be conscious of your life mission and to your role as one who has sonship with the Father. In the coming days you will have many opportunities to make those decisions to act in accordance with the Father’s will. When acting selflessly and in service to others will you have help form above. Use this great power of unity with spirit and spiritual brotherhood to co-create the greatest outcome.
Trinity of Being
The Trinity of Being is: Truth Beauty and Goodness. As you progress and become more and more like your heavenly Father, your personality and your very nature will reflect this Trinity of Being.
Truth will become ever more apparent and the understanding of it will become clearer and more defined. You will communicate truth to others with greater confidence, and others will receive it with greater ease of understanding. Christ’s Spirit of Truth will work in you, through you, and your discernment of revelation will enable you to extract the very essence and purity of a given truth in part or whole, where it can be absorbed into the soul for eternal reflection. Your spiritual ears will develop; you will hear the voice of your indwelling with greater clarity; and you will learn to trust your intuition when unseen guidance points the way.
Beauty will become you. With respect for body, mind, and soul, you will become more beautiful in every way. As you purify your body to honor the indwelling God, your appearance will change and your very aura will shine with greater luminosity. Your personality will become magnetic, and your fellows will be drawn to this inner beauty which you will exude with kindness, love, and consideration. You will acquire a new appreciation for all things beautiful: nature, art, music, poetry, philosophy, and other virtuous expressions of higher human consciousness. Insight into cosmic realities and hidden meanings will speak to you through the appreciation of all things beautiful.
Goodness will be the banner of your presence. Love for God and man will show forth in the fruits of the spirit as you become more aware of the will of God through your devotion to serve others. You will communicate the goodness of the Father to others by becoming a living example of His unconditional love. Goodness and love freely given will be reflected back unto you as reward for righteous living and will count as the evidence of your sonship in the Father’s family. Gentleness, humility, and self control will transform the nature of self from what you were, to what you will become as God purifies the soul through the building of strong character.
Truth Beauty and Goodness is the Trinity of Being and becomes the very embodiment and reflectivity of God likeness. Seek after those things, and discover the secret to eternal life and friendship with God.
