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LESSON 8: Design & Merit

By now you may still be wondering why all four natural jurisdictions are sovereign, but only two artificial jurisdictions are sovereign, and two are delegated. This was partially answered in LESSON 4. There is also a moral aspect to sovereignty which will now be discussed.

If you have made it this far in these lessons, then clearly you must recognize that the belief in a universe existing in chaos is not compatible with the jurisdictional design which is the essence of these lessons. This design does not have a man made origin. The system of primary jurisdictions of our planet is rooted in a greater cosmic plan, and that requires intelligent design. That grand intelligence has been called by many names, Allah, God, and Great Spirit just to name a few. It is not the intent of these lessons to discuss religious and spiritual beliefs. Suffice it to say that the universe operates according to a system of laws and concepts, some of which we can observe, study and use through our own planetary system of primary jurisdictions.


To create, build or invent something is all for naught unless there is an adequate means of protecting what has been made, to ensure its survival. This is where the law of Merit comes into play. As September 11, 2001 and New York's twin towers demonstrated, it is far easier to destroy something than it is to build it, and so it is with the greater universe. Unmitigated chaos would only lead to a universe destroying itself almost as fast as it is being built. Yet we observe no evidence of such widespread cosmic destruction.

This is due to the fact that intelligence, order and sovereignty exists. They are the factors that maintain the universe in a healthy and growing state. Part of this system includes the law of Merit.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines merit as: spiritual credit held to be earned by performance of righteous acts and to ensure future benefits.

To ensure future benefits requires sustainability, and sustainability can only be achieved through consistent right action.

In regards to our primary jurisdictions, mankind has learned and grown sufficiently over many millenniums to have earned, through Merit, sovereignty over the Soil and Land. However, our atrocious behavior towards these two jurisdictions during the past century is quickly putting this earned sovereignty in jeopardy.

In regards to the Sea and Air jurisdictions, we, as an intelligent people with free will, have not yet earned, through Merit, the right to hold sovereign power over them. While we have learned to use the Sea and Air in many ways to accomplish many useful things, we continue to view these two jurisdictions as mighty war fronts in which to use monstrous weapons with which to wage endless and increasingly destructive wars against innocent peace loving people of all races and creeds.

We also continue to use our delegated authority over these two jurisdictions to commit innumerable crimes, and as a staging platform for supporting immeasurable greed and deception, all of which is in stark contradiction to the universe law of Merit.

We have even become so malicious in the use of the Sea and Air as to use them to subvert lawful peaceful and legitimate governments of the Soil and Land, and to convert them from peaceful systems of fair governance into systems of tyranny and oppression.

So we continue to use the Sea and Air jurisdictions with only delegated authority. The law of Free Will further dictates that we shall continue to operate these two jurisdictions under delegated authority until one of two inevitable outcomes is reached. That we rise to the challenge, and change our ways, and qualify for their sovereignty through Merit, or that we continue to turn the law of Free Will into a license for unrestrained liberty, until we effectively destroy our own civilization and possibly the entire planet.

If we had to summarize the Laws of Merit and Free Will into a single statement, we could say the following: Your rights end where another person's rights begin. When we follow that simple concept consistently and diligently, then 99% of jurisdictional problems are easily solved or avoided altogether.

Every news outlet on the planet offers ample daily proof that our administration of the Sea and Air jurisdictions continues to be an abject failure. Will mankind succeed in overcoming its greedy and destructive ways? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain. Failure is unsustainable and therefore cannot last forever. Our reign of terror and destruction will come to an end one way or the other.
