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A PDF version of this site is available as an 84 page book, including all the images and charts, at this link: Planetary Jurisdictions.pdf

The four primary jurisdictions of our planet are known as Soil, Land, Sea and Air. These jurisdictions are both natural and artificial, physical and conceptual, and together they form the foundation on top of which our modern day civilization is built.

This site contains the following educational resources: a collection of lessons for discovering the basics of these jurisdictions, and additional resources such as graphics, charts, and a complete jurisdiction specification manual to complement these lessons.

This collection of lessons and resources is offered freely to everyone without cost or copyright restrictions worldwide. You are free to use them any way you wish for educational purposes.

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Truth is all around us and one only needs to focus on it with an open mind in order to see it.

While the above statement may be true, the fact remains that the truth of our primary jurisdictions is all around us at all times for everyone to see, yet very few people with open minds can see the truth about them. Why is it so? Because foundations get buried deep underneath all the things they support, and that makes them hard to discern. Their very design can be forgotten over time.

Oftentimes the only way to know anything about a foundation is to study the original plans, if they exist. Unfortunately, the original plans of our planetary jurisdictions were never adequately documented in a structured, concise, clear and practical way, from the ground up for the benefit of all mankind. Over the course of many centuries various bits and pieces were erratically recorded, frequently as a consequence of strife and conflict, with one side using the knowledge to oppress the masses, and the other side attempting to use the knowledge to liberate itself from their oppressors. It's no wonder that a proper understanding of our primary jurisdictions remains such a mystery to most people.

The internet age has finally put many of the original jurisdiction plans at our disposal, and some of the missing parts have been painstakingly reconstructed by dedicated people who have made it their life's work to unearth and solve some of the remaining mysteries. It's finally time to reverse engineer and transform our inconsistent and sometimes disorderly historical record into a modern, organized, logical and effective knowledge base for the benefit of all mankind.

It's now time for everyone to learn the Truth about, see the Beauty of, and become a genuine participant in the Goodness that our primary jurisdictional system has to offer.

Let's begin!

A general overview of our civilizational system is offered in this 1 page presentation (PDF). Bankruptcy Timeline.pdf
