The Individual and the Family
Who are the Loving Parents?:
Child‘s Up-bringing:
Planets that are entering an enlightened age have an increasing number of its citizens that become conscious of their co-creative prerogatives inherent in the Creator/creature partnership. You are ripe for this awakening to your co-creative potentials — you have all the needed pieces to discover and exercise your god-like abilities. When you believe in this partnership, then shall you see the manifestation of your inherent abilities unfold.
Many of you have heard of or read about the Near Death Experiences (NDE) of people from all walks of life. Many of these experiences have commonalities — profound actualization of being. Many return with the knowing that they are unconditionally loved and connected to all others — that their thoughts and actions in life have repercussions, positive and negative — life has meaning. Is it possible for you to have a similar experience without having to pass from life into death and back again? Can you have a “Near Life Experience” and live your life with more meaning?
One of the many experiences that are common to NDEs is the “Life Review.” This is a process where the individual sees select moments of their life where they were hurtful to others and they felt the emotional impact of their hard words and actions from the point of view of the recipient. Not only did they feel what it was like from the recipient, but from the secondary contacts and repercussions that were spun off from that event — a connected web of personalities that were all affected in some way by the original intention or thoughtless action. Concomitant to these more negative review moments, the individual sees where they helped someone — giving love, or helping with some problem someone was having. Here again, they feel the emotional impact of that selfless moment of love and how it connected to others in the circle of life.
The outcome of this Life Review gives the soul that connected feeling that they are part of a family of souls — a brotherhood of human personalities all experiencing life together — a oneness that is inseparable from the mind after the NDE that continues to give life meaning. From then on, nearly all fear has vanished and there is a sense of profound purpose. The embrace of unconditional love has a lasting affect on the psyche — it is a peace that surpasses all understanding.
In life, here and now, you have an opportunity to review your life with your guardian angels and feel the peace of unconditional love from your Father Fragment — the Indwelling Spirit. Let your mind go where the Spirit leads and look at your life from the viewpoint of those who are in your circles past and present. Try to imagine how others feel when they engage you? Look at the dark moments as well as the beautiful moments — examine the contrast and think about how you want to live out your life on earth and what legacy you want to leave?
Your greatest teacher is the wisdom you glean from your own life experiences. Think deeply, my dear students — your consciousness is to be used to reach into the deep well of the mind and see where you have been, what you have learned, and where you are going! Take time to sit and think real thoughts — deep thoughts! This is where Spirit meets you — in the solace of the mind. Do not wait for death to take you to a quiet place — go there now and look at the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. Let Spirit sort it out with you and return to your life fearless!
There are so many ways you can have a Near Life Experience — to see things from a higher perspective — to look objectively at the whole person you have become and to live consciously in Father’s Grace. Use that connected web of personalities to put something True, Beautiful, and Good into the world and watch the ripples from your good intentions spin off and change the lives of others.
You have a unique opportunity in this climate of uncertainty to create a new vision for your world. The mass consciousness of humanity generates a collective “Light in the Field” (the Divine Matrix) that manifests the reality of your lives. Until now, that vision has been steered and directed by powerful factions that paint a picture (create a narrow vision) in the minds of the masses to manifest their vision of the future. With the unprecedented events of what is now taking place globally with this pandemic, we have what you would call “a blank slate” for the projected future of humanity. This is a tremendous opportunity for you to create a vision for the future — one that is not steered by powerful factions, but by the hopes, dreams, and desires (visions in the consciousness) of the citizens of your world.
If you look at what is coming out of the steered vision of your media, you will see little more than news about the pandemic and economic fallout. It is, as it seems, that there is no other story to tell — no stories about how the future will unfold. This faction, by its own nature, has caught itself in a loop (for now) and cannot stop itself from perpetuating headlines of more doom — it has become a frenzy of “fear serving,” meaning, “If I do not serve the fears of the consumers, the competition will.” So, you see that there is a wall that no faction wants to move beyond. This now leaves the Light Field open for input!
For the first time in the lives of many people, they are asking bigger questions about their own futures. Since the factions that usually direct their vision are no longer feeding it, they are faced with creating their own. While some will stay behind the wall, others will begin a dialog of how they will live their lives differently from how they did before the pandemic. “How will I survive?” “What things can I do that will ensure my health, safety, and security in an uncertain future?” “If I become infected, there’s a chance I will not survive — what lies beyond this world for me?” There are more important things to think about than to be “wined, dined, and entertained.” “How do I proceed?”
You see, these are very big questions that set you on a quest for answers, knowledge, and information that can expand your mind. It is this expansion of mind that creates greater opportunities for change that takes the control out of the hands of the factions and returns it to you — you have the expanded vision for what comes next — you make decisions about your future — not the faction. You can decide to live a healthier life style; to get more involved in your community; or to investigate a spiritual path that might help you understand the greater meanings and values of life?
When you have the vision, it is you and your Thought Adjuster that creates Light in the Field with the focus on your needs and the needs of those in your circle — your community. As you and your neighbor have similar thoughts and visions, the potentials and vibrations in the Light Field become intensified and attract other minds to this unified vision — an aggregate of potentials begin to form and soon opportunities show up — a doorway opens, and all you have to do then is to walk through it. Your actions soon create opportunities for others, and so on, and so forth — a great movement is underway. This is how “you” change your world, rather than let the factions change it by convincing you that their vision is what you want — they’ve been using your power.
The power is in you — it always has been. Now take command of your power — change your thoughts and change the world!
There is one fundamental idea that must preclude all ideas and understandings about higher consciousness that is required to attain a progressive path of growth both spiritually and mentally. What I am speaking about is your ability to conceptualize and think deeply about meaningful ideas and potentials — in other words, to have “deep thoughts” and to develop a personal philosophy for living. It is possible for each of you to develop the skills of a philosopher and tap into great potentials that lay buried beneath the surface of your busy mind. It starts with an intention, then an action, then a discipline to continue deep thinking going forward. Deep thinking is a well that leads to all knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual guidance.
Of all the great minds that have contributed to the progress of your world — scientists, philosophers, theologians, and inventors — they all have one thing in common — they all have apportioned a moderate amount of their waking moments in each day to deep thoughts. What are deep thoughts? Deep thoughts are those thoughts that require inner dialog that pertain to ideas using imagination, reasoning, deduction, assumption, consideration, evidence, comparison, formulation, and projection — thoughts about your future; the development of your potentials; self improvement; social improvement; looking at opposing sides of an issue and proposing an honest solution that serves the greatest good. Deep thoughts are creative thoughts! There are many definitions of deep thought and you might think about it as the opposite of a shallow thought.
“What should I have for lunch today?” “What entertainments shall I engage in today?” “What vices will help me feel better and pass the time?” “I’m not smart enough to make those decisions.” “I’m not attractive.” “I’m not good enough.” “What new gadget will capture my attention?” “The car needs washing and the grass needs cutting.” These are shallow thoughts that result in activities that do not require much cerebral investment — they are predictable and have no eternal value, yet they occupy the greatest proportion of conscious moments in each day for many people. Little soul growth happens when this kind of thinking dominates the human mind.
Deep thinking leads to dialog with the Indwelling Spirit; your guides; and connection with Universal Mind — unity thinking. Many of the greatest discoveries in science, inventions, and medical cures and treatments, have come from inner guidance when engaging in deep thinking. Whether or not you believe that those “ah-ha” moments originated in your own mind or was whispered by a celestial being is irrespective of the expression to create. The vital understanding is using your mind and taking the time to engage it in worthy activity and co-creativity.
You will always have a need to engage the shallow thoughts to get you through the mechanics of the day, but it benefits your eternal survival and humanity collectively that you engage your mind with deeper thinking. This is how a planet moves into an enlightened era — as more and more people use their minds and access this place where inner guidance speaks — Truth, Beauty, and Goodness becomes the expression of those weightier thoughts.
Take time today, my dear students, to think deeply about your life, your dreams, your hopes for the future — begin an inner dialog and access your own personal Socrates — the Indwelling Spirit of the Universal Father, and create something — solve a problem; heal a relationship; write a book; paint a masterpiece — spend quality time in your minds and live a meaningful life!
Your reactions to the outer world have no real value — only the wisdom gleaned from the uselessness of reacting. Only the inner world provides the building blocks for your growth — I AM the inner world. The outer world can give you nothing that adds weight to your soul — the outer world is only a reflection of your inner world.
If your inner world is dark and confused, chaos will be the reflection in the outer world. If Truth, Beauty, and Goodness become the virtues of the inner world, then Peace, Love, and Understanding will be the reflection in the outer world. Look first through the inner eye, then “see” the reflection of your inner world through and into the outer world. When you look first to the outer world, you only see the reflections others have created in their inner world, consciously or unconsciously, be it confused or virtuous, for I AM in all.
There is tremendous fear sweeping the mass consciousness of your planet. This fear is more infectious to the mind than a virus that attacks the body. Because each of you has a mind that is indwelled by a fragment of the Creator — the Thought Adjuster (TA), your minds and will are very powerful — more powerful than you understand. When fear is broadcast to a large population of human minds (7.5 billion), this powerful emotion begins to form an intention in the subconscious mind. This intention says: “I’m afraid for my life” — “I’m going to catch the disease” — “My immune system is weak and I may not survive.” These fearful thoughts seek an equilibrium in reality and because the Universal Father seeks the free will experiences of his children, the Divine Matrix goes to work manifesting this reality when enough momentum and energy is exerted in the mind of those creatures that desire that experience.
You might say, “Uteah, we don’t want that experience — we fear it — not desire it?” That may be so, but what you think and imagine — the story — the drama that unfolds in your mind is something that you play often during a time when media brings it to your attention — it’s the “breaking news” that draws you in and starts that powerful reality manifesting engine called “mind.” It becomes the topic of conversation with your family and friends. Governments, civil authorities, and businesses begin countermeasures and continue feeding the media barrage. Your imagination and belief is the most powerful creative tool you have and it works very effectively. To fantasize about the reality of the worst thing that can happen, your TA creates “light in the field” — the Divine Matrix. As more and more minds contribute energy to this vision, the more assuredly it solidifies and manifests.
Spiritual bondage is the illusion of mind that prevents mortal man from seeing and believing in his or her eternal inheritance as faith sons and daughters of the Universal Father. Spiritual bondage shuts out the light and dims the call of the Father to bring all men and women unto himself. It delays and may eventually prevent the eternal potentiality of that soul to reach the shores of paradise.
It is not my intent or purpose to instil fear or to rebuke the spiritually weak into obedience, no — it is my desire to illuminate the simple truth about this pandemic condition that plagues the multitudes of sleepers on your world and to teach those on the path that they may know a better way to reach out to their brothers and sisters in love and life.
Of the many causes of spiritual bondage, my beloved, materialism and selfishness are the greatest obstacles and detriments to eternal life. The other is the feeling of unworthiness and the confusion about the requirements to enter this spiritual family of the Father. The religions of the world have taken a very simple truth and made a labyrinth of rules and conditions that keep the followers ever in doubt of their true standing.
Like a wise farmer who prepares his fields for a good harvest, you also can bear good fruit through the preparation of your mind for spiritual leading by changing how you live, think, and feel, and to become aware of what kind of thoughts come into your mind that influence the way you perceive the world and how you feel about those in your life circles.
We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to remove unnecessary and unhealthy media input from entering your mind, for this is first on the list of things that has the most influence on your thinking, your opinions, and how you perceive the world around you. You have a saying on your world used mostly by computer programmers that states, “garbage in, garbage out,” meaning, if poor and careless thought goes into the lines of code when writing a program, then poor quality will result in the output of that program. The same is true for you also when you allow poor and unhealthy input from entering your mind through the eyes and ears that will undoubtedly manifest itself though your thoughts, your words, and your actions.
The second most influential source of unhealthy input comes from relationships: friends, family, acquaintances, and co-workers that are mostly negative and are themselves heavily influenced by unhealthy programming. In this case, those relationships should be managed consciously to minimize contact, or to hold your ground, so to speak, and prevent them from disrupting your harmony. Do not participate or sympathize in the negative behavior of others.
The third source of mind disruption is unhealthy vices, for these are the things that consume the mind and become “needs” that can shut out all healthy and spiritual influences. The Father’s Will can never take root in a mind that is addicted and feeding the constant need for self-gratification. Take back control of your mind and do not allow these needs to control you.
It’s all about “vibration” my friends, and when you become host to things of low vibration (negative thoughts and emotions), then you also become sympathetic to those influences. The Father’s Will is of high vibration and so if you wish to be led by spirit, you must condition your mind with things of high vibration — love, joy, truth, beauty, and goodness. These are the things that till the soil of the mind and fertilize it for good fruit. By embracing these virtues, you give off a light in the world that has a positive influence that can be felt by others who may have a lower vibration and thus can elevate the condition of their minds by sympathetic contact with you.
This is what it means to “serve” others and to become an instrument of the Father’s Will — to take care of the self by freeing the mind for spiritual input, then can you be effective in the world and help others free their minds. This is the way of progress and growth through learning and teaching and this is the way of ascension. Prepare yourself now for higher thought, my friends, free your mind and allow spirit to lead you into all joy by becoming a channel for the Divine Will.
Many of you feel as if you are waiting for an extraordinary event or some special person to come and awaken you to this “real” purpose, and that your current life feels like it is a bit “staged” as you anticipate receiving instructions that will finally “lift the veil” and lead you to the mission you have come here to execute. At auspicious times these feelings are very strong, yet during the everyday routine of life — raising a family, or carving out a living, you may be filled with great doubt wondering if the energy you expend on spiritual pursuits has any validity at all. It is a series of “highs and lows,” yet even in the moments of doubt, something brings you back to this place of “knowing,” as if there is a compass within your heart that points in the direction of this “purpose” that keeps you searching, learning, and questioning your reality. To all of you, I say “there is validity” to these feelings and leadings, yet the “unveiling moment” you are waiting for shall not necessarily come from outside, but rather “inside.”
Life was never meant to be a drudgery of mundane events, but an unending adventure of discovery, for it is the Father’s Will to explore the creation through the lives of his created children. Therefore has he given you the god-like ability to create anything in the mind through imagination and free will — then can He provide the opportunity for you to fulfill that desire and to bring it into your reality. Every man made material thing that enriches your lives was first conceived in the mind of man through imagination using this creative function.
Music, art, and literature are pure imagination and exploration and when an artist or writer is in that creative space, he or she is using the highest faculties of the soul-mind — that part of mind that is accessing the same creative force that created the universes, only in attenuated form. When your intentions are to use this creative force for the good of all, then do we (spirit) get behind you and assist you in the entire process from beginning to end as long as you are willing to see it through to its birth in your reality.
There are many dreamers who have great ability to create in mind, but who fall short in bringing those dreams into their reality because of some self-esteem issue where someone in their lives told them they were incapable or lacked the intelligence to succeed and they believed this untruth. Each one of you has been endowed with the Ultimate Creative Spark, the Indwelling Spirit. It is through this undiluted fragment of divinity that provides the infinite potential that shall bring you to god-like perfection, and so there really is no limit other than your own disbelief, that can stop you from achieving anything you desire. Even the most fantastic of imaginings can be fulfilled, perhaps not in this life, but most certainly out in the higher planes of the multiverse.
My friends, most of you have been programmed to believe an untruth — you are constantly bombarded with mixed signals and self-imposed limitations from family, the media, and societal memes that tell you that you are just material beings subject to the circumstances of your environment, but I tell you this is not so! The world has dismissed the greater part of who you are — the creator within! Use this time you have upon the earth to create and make the world a better place. We will be at your side to assist you and help you move those mountains. Put your imaginations to the test — use your will to see it through to the end result, and watch the gears of the universe begin to turn for you, for it is God’s will to “make it so.”
It is the time-creation that provides the elements of adventure, but it is your god-like creative imagination that molds it into being.
A good closing statement
Your future is one of unimaginable power having the deepest understanding of love; truth of being; sublime appreciation of beauty; and goodness in purpose. That, my friends, is what you are to grow into and become — can you appreciate this Fact?
There are truly only two basic divisions of people on your world — those who know this fact and those that do not. Which group do you suppose is causing all the confusion?
You are needed now while your feet still walk the earth to participate in the healing of your world. What do you think you need from spirit that shall assist you in the process? How big is your imagination? What is your deepest desire?
Blessed are you who understand the Fact of your being, for the great adventures of time are about to unfold before you!