The harm of modern sport to humanity.
When I was in the human flesh among you, I saw a better political and economic structure of the state and the path to achieve it. However, to speak about democracy under the conditions of slavery was too-blinding a thing. Had I hinted at least a single word of it then you would have taken that word for holy and irrevocable; the way fairly many of you still consider the Bible to be the holy and irrevocable word that is not allowed, in any way, to be supplemented, expanded, or changed. Even now as I have left with you no word about democracy you still look upon it as the best way of adopting any decisions. Therefore, I have also told you now, and I am telling you again, that the resources of democracy have been run out and the time has come to think it over and replace the outdated concepts by the highest ones, for you are mature enough for them.
All evolution up to date, within which man had already become the key figure, has been providing man a growing development all the time by means of the ability of his mind, its application in industry, and by ever better decisions he has been making. Now the time has also come for you to make such a new quantum leap similar to the one made by your ancient ancestors while changing one social order by another, by a better one, of a higher level, and matching a higher level community. At the present time you are experiencing the very beginning of such a stage of a spiritual transformation, of a spiritual quantum leap, that might even cause a shock to fairly many of you. And still such an evolutionary progress is inevitable. To have it going more smoothly I am giving you this teaching. I want to comfort you that this spiritual transformation is not invented by you. It is provided by the evolutionary plan of the Father. When one part of it is implemented then another one is started, and necessarily a higher one.
However, those of us who are on a much higher level, merely watch your evolutionary process and assist it, but we cannot grow and develop instead of you. Therefore these quantum leaps do not happen at the same time and everywhere on the same scale. But they are irrepressible as is the energy of the Father’s love reaching your souls that are blooming for a greater evolutionary level within themselves. And the greater the number of souls blooming out within themselves, the more members of the society who also experience this manifestation of the higher spiritual level in their interrelationships, and in all the decisions made, on all the levels, and all the time.
It is only then that you shall know to whom to entrust the leading of the country, what people you shall commission with this marvelous and noble spreading of the divine love and light to all Lithuania. It is only then, and not sooner, that you shall comprehend and feel within yourselves that a spiritual aristocracy has nothing to do with your fake concepts on the human aristocracy, governed by the low spiritual vibrations, and that is clinging to the ostentatious body manners and pretentious behavior rules, and that puts on, from without, nice clothes but does not have the Father’s light within, does not feel the Father’s love that would transcend all artificial requirements of the outer affected manners and clothes.
A spiritual aristocracy is the only type of aristocracy in the whole of the Father’s, and our, creation that is radiating the Father’s love to all without awaiting any reward for it, that serves all without even cherishing the slightest idea about a reward for this service, that goes to where no one dares to go, that shares everything with the whole, and even breathes this very sharing – spreads love, goodness, truth, mercy, even though it is being slandered by some for this very spreading, even though it is being jeered at, and accused of this very spreading, that knows for certain the direction to the Father’s love and light for all – to discover the Father within, to set up a living relationship with a living Father indwelling each – and it is even already steadfastly walking on this path itself, that never, under any conditions, violates the truth, and that it is still spreading the energy vibrations of love being received from the Father, to its accusers, slanderers, and malicious brethren even at the time of the unjust accusations against it. It is only these brethren of yours that can ensure a spiritual revival and political-economic flourishing of Lithuania, and of the whole world, by means of service and cooperation.
Source: Jesus Christ - I speak to you again: paper 75
You are playing down the sport achievements that you have made into a dirty business by traumatizing athletes with stimulating additives and harmful ideas. And to make the athletes into unthinking men-animals you have set up big preparatory teams – different doctors, psychologists, massagers, managers, drivers, and many other support people so that your man-robot would show the best possible performance and would bring you profit into your own personal pocket. And chemical factories make their own contribution to this dirty business by manufacturing, against the Father‘s will, such products that suppress the brain activity by artificially stimulating the blood and muscle activity within otherwise already exhausted body of this man-robot who does not think about the deeper consequences to himself and even to all humanity.
And you have subdued your undeveloped mind to such functions so that these events would be seen by the greatest possible number of spectators, and you have even invented for the purpose the copyrights to show them for enormous money to all the world by means of one television company only. And by this you do desire to involve even a bigger number of people in the participation of this absurd and man-degenerating performance.
And that starts affecting, to a very high degree, the sub-consciousness of the children who watch these spectacles because they also, gradually, begin to desire this sort of glamour. And as they grow their parents make their own contribution to this end by inciting their children‘s already distorted attitude once they offer their own concepts as to how their children might find a better place in their life.
Therefore, all the currently existing system of any competition is harmful to all the people, starting with the psyche of the children and ending with that of the grown-ups and it is degrading their consciousness to the low vibration level that is destructive to the soul and that is killing their own inner peace and from which it is becoming ever more difficult to rise.
When I lived in the flesh, still being a child, I visited, together with my father, the Greek city of Scythopolis. That was my first big city I have seen. My father was showing me the beauties of the synagogue but I took notice of the youth sport games taking place at that time. And I was asking my father to be taken there to watch them. My father, like all the Jews, looked upon any physical competition of the gentiles with contempt. They considered that for those who believed in Jahve it was inappropriate to care so undivinely for their physical beauty and compete. And after my steadfast persuasion my father gave in. We went to the amphitheater of Scythopolis where the youth sport games were taking place. And I was thrilled by them so much that already after the games I even offered him to arrange similar sport competition for the youth in Nazareth. I had never seen this sort of competition before because nothing of the kind had ever taken place in Nazareth. And it really appeared to me that our boys would enjoy it very much. However, my father flared up at me so much that he lost all his self-control and started shouting at me: “What liberties do you permit to yourself, you, the ignorant, do you think that our chosen people of Jahve might be seeking after such ungodly and invented by the gentiles and absolutely inappropriate to us and mean sights. I do not want to hear from you a word about the similar games staged in Nazareth.“ I was stunned by this behavior of my father since Joseph was a loving father, and of a calm temper. And here he was flaring up with such thunders on the head of the twelve-year-old boy that I could not recognize him. And I could not support his thoughts.
Therefore, my idea that such competitions that are currently being held are unnecessary and even harmful to humanity by no means match the content of Joseph‘s idea that no games are necessary. Games must go on. They are necessary. Only they need absolutely a different content – they must be staged for a pleasant inter-association rather than competing for prizes, for money. There must be no estrangement after the competition. After some event is completed the athletes must sit down together and share their experiences as to how they participated in the event, what they have achieved and what they have failed to achieve and why, what they can tip each other in order to show a better performance.
And there must not be such a strict separation of the spectators from the athletes. The spectators must be allowed to walk freely and stop wherever they want to listen to the conversations among the athletes. And they might also express their own ideas as to what they enjoyed in the event. The core of any competition must be inter-association. It is not the striving for the goal – a victory – at any cost, even at the cost of degenerating man, of becoming a robot, but rather the very process that contains in itself both participation in the sport event, and the discussion of it among themselves and together with the spectators that makes the soul more lively than merely a momentary joy to a small group of people.
And the time shall come when the dirty, harmful, and destructive business of sport disappears due to your opened up soul as it shall experience the love of the Father and by no means it shall be able to participate in this immature action that, today, makes up all the sport competition beginning at school and ending at what you call the top level professional sport.
By this competition you are chopping off the branch you are sitting on.