Humanity has become hostage of advertisement
You see it by yourselves what most different and beautiful products, goods, and articles are manufactured in the world, how all this is being presented in glamor to your eyes and ears, how all this is being pressed upon you so that your mind would be ever more tempted to seek these things with all the efforts possible. And that you call advertisement. Advertisement is your self-destruction, rejection of your real self in the name of the slavery to illusion. You do not even think that every commercial run is imprinting into your sub-consciousness one more vibration, a low vibration, not yet conceived by your consciousness, to direct your efforts to seeking similar things. It is not necessarily the definite things shown in commercials. Maybe these ones are not within your reach, but it is possible to purchase not that attractive, not that fashionable thing, but a simpler one. But all the same you are being pressed by an idea – to buy.
The commercials, being offered by you in order to knock at your consciousness, thru your sub-consciousness, make use of a multitude of subtle things that are even unnoticed by your ordinary eye, but your sub-consciousness registers them – some advertised article is presented in such a manner as if it were your closest friend, if a commercial is on a bigger product, let us say, an automobile, then it is its swift thrust, aggressiveness, that is emphasized for it is this type of a commercial that attracts the people of a similar character.
This is a means of deception invented by you that has also enslaved you. Now you are not able to liberate yourselves out of the slavery of commercials because for those who make and run them they bring a big fortune. And even though it violates man‘s free will you cannot change anything to eliminate it from the television or radio programs. And the valuable programs according to you are namely those that run the most expensive commercials. And it is of no importance that they are disliked by some of you, but you are still dancing your death dance within the commercial whirlpool, and you do not even ponder that this dance is real, that it shall have tragic consequences to all humanity.
You are still little and inexperienced children therefore you do not have anyone to counsel with, you do not have a wiser and loving family Father that the children have in their family so that whenever they do not know something right away they run to him and ask him. Now you are the fathers of your children while you have not yet discovered your own real Father within yourselves, and therefore you are playing a very dangerous game with a fire that shall burst a blaze. It has already been lit up only you do not see it yet since the fire is ablaze still in your sub-consciousness, however, when it breaks thru to your consciousness it will be, in any way, impossible to put it down without running casualties. And the suffering shall touch all; absolutely all; even the most innocent and beloved little ones of yours who do not know anything about the commercials.
Taking all humanity hostage of advertisement when even the time of the world sport events is agreed with the whims of one television that has purchased the broadcasting rights as you put it, when you have no mechanism throughout the world as to how to get delivered from this trap of the commercials, this way humanity is doomed to experiencing a disaster all over the world. The low vibrations of the producers and broadcasters of commercials striving for a profit to themselves only, and as big as possible at the cost of all the others, are being emitted by the those who make the commercials and who broadcast them both as individuals and as groups, and even more, these low vibrations are also emitted by the commercials themselves that are being broadcast throughout the world. And thus each person watching these commercials is impacted by these very low vibrations that sink into the sub-consciousness of any viewer or listener. And they are accumulating in all the time. And there are moments when they also reach the level of consciousness, but only for a short while. During these moments the viewer or listener begins to feel irritation that the commercials do not allow him to watch quietly some program, movie, or sport broadcast. It is an evidence of the fact that there are plenty of the low vibrations accumulated in his sub-consciousness. The more so that even certain programs also add their own ratio of their vibrations. Some of them produce the higher vibrations while others produce the lower ones. And those programs that show the achievements of the human selfish ego, and it is all the sport broadcasting that belongs to this type of programming, make these low vibrations still stronger. And all this chain of the low vibrations is destroying the human physical health in a similar way like the drugs or bribing; and not only of an individual separately taken but also of all society, and of all humanity. And it is destroying their health and even their chance to physically survive.
In addition to this, advertising, like any other selfish activity, has a tremendous impact on the human genetic fund. Therefore, those of you who regularly watch commercials or films of violence or any other programs that are abundant with passion, fighting, and any other type of promoting a selfish human animal ego, are running a risk that your children and the children of your children shall be born weaker and less immune to illnesses in comparison with the ones if you did not watch such programs.
These things have not been explained to you up to date therefore you have been behaving unwisely. The time has come to think not only about the goals of your life but primarily to think about how to replace them by the qualitative ones. Such is the reality that you do not see for you live in illusion that erroneously you take for the reality.
And very scarce number of you shall manage to liberate themselves from this illusion because only too few will believe my words; but only at this moment. The time shall come when the reality of my words shall be witnessed by your own personal experience. Only it shall be painful and shocking to you. But the other path was unacceptable to you therefore you shall have chosen this experience by yourselves while I have offered you an absolutely different path – The Father‘s path. And it is only while walking on it that man is protected even from these very low vibrations that currently so mercilessly and destructively are being emanated from all the commercials.
You already know of the harm of the radioactive rays to man‘s body, even though you cannot feel either their scent or taste. The body is unable to register them. However, you begin to protect yourselves from them. Meanwhile, you do not feel the low vibrations that are emanated from the commercials, and the other programs of the selfish human animal ego, and you do not even know anything about them at all. Therefore, their danger is much bigger for they envelop all the planet, since television is now popular throughout the world, rather than some one definite place. And the on-line commercials and entertainments offered to the human animal ego are catching up with television at a very fast step.