war fraud
The "War" Fraud
By Anna Von Reitz
Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:
Any fool can adopt war as a model for life, and many men have done so.
Chief among them have been the 19th Century Industrialists and Captains of Industry, generally, ever since. These men erroneously conceive of themselves as soldiers or warlords in a constant state of war against a sea of "enemies" --- competing businesses, competing products, and even consumers --- have at various times been attacked by men espousing this mindset.
As compelling as the analogy may be, we have completely lost our way and our sanity, when we allow commercial competitions to boil over into violence and actual mercenary conflicts, which are never political and never legal or lawful in nature.
These conflicts are typically spurred only by self-interest and greed, and are used to obstruct trade, or to rig commodity supplies, so as to create an unfair market advantage for the Perpetrators and their cronies.
This is why commercial mercenary wars are both unlawful and illegal.
This is why, traditionally, mercenary soldiers are highly paid and considered "dishonorable", even overtly criminal.
We have seen that The American Civil War was precisely such a lawless commercial conflict and not a war at all.
The American Civil War was never declared by any Congress and never ended via any peace treaty. All the soldiers enrolled to fight in this conflict were enrolled in the name of State of State business organizations, not the actual States of the Union.
These facts provide us with absolutely proof of the nature of that conflict.
This illegal, unlawful, and immoral conflict was promoted by an Undeclared Foreign Agent, Abraham Lincoln, operating as a Bar Attorney, passing off his office as "President" of the United States of America, Incorporated, a British Territorial Corporation, as The Office of The President of the United States of America --- our unincorporated Federation of States and our lawful presidential office.
This usurpation and the secrecy surrounding it has continued via Lincoln's Successors in crime ever since.
Our honorable soldiers have been unwittingly enrolled as cheap mercenaries, and used by commercial interests promoting wars for profit ever since.
This is how our country-- has been purportedly at "war"-- for all but 22 years of its existence.
In fact, it hasn't been our country at constant war and promoting war for profit, it has been our two foreign government services contractors, a couple Municipal Corporations operating out of the District of Columbia, that have been promoting this all along.
This usurpation against our lawful government by Municipal Corporations has led to Americans being feared and hated worldwide and our country being blamed for this lawless and predatory behavior toward other nations, when the actual Perpetrators have been sitting behind the scenes in London and Rome.
These Municipal Corporations have been chartered and run by the British Monarch, the British Crown, and the City of Rome, respectively, and all have been allowed to run completely amok on our shores for the last 160 years by the British Monarchs, Lord Mayors and Popes responsible for their conduct as the other Principals bound by our Federal Constitutions.
Our own American Government has been bypassed, evaded, and defrauded under conditions of secrecy all these many years, and our people have been kept in a state of constant confusion by our erring Federal Subcontractors and their Municipal Corporation officers.
We are here to address this grossly immoral situation in no uncertain terms and we have done so. For more than 160 years our American Government has been deliberately marginalized and defrauded by the other Principals responsible for providing us good faith service in accord with our Constitutional Agreements.
We have researched, detailed, and exposed the role of the British Government as the hotbed for all this fraud and the abuse of people worldwide as part of a Territorial Government take-over scheme, which has resulted in the establishment of the British Raj -- as it was called in India -- throughout most of the western world.
This scheme has been overall modeled on the take-over of the lawful South African Government in the 1880s by the British South Africa Company run by Cecil Rhodes, which was allowed to run the government functions in South Africa, illegally, unlawfully, and immorally, by Rothschild banking cartel scion Lord Pirbright, also known as Henry de Worms.
This experiment in having a commercial corporation run a government for profit and have the full ability to abuse government powers to do it, led to war, the use of Nazi-style concentration camps, non-consensual medical experiments including non-consensual "vaccinations" that killed tens of thousands, and asset stripping of South Africa's mineral wealth on an unimaginable scale.
It was the British Government backed up by banking and industrialists and corporation interests that promoted this in the 1880s and it is the same group of miscreants at the bottom of it now.
Fascism, such as we saw and experienced during the Second World War was always a British invention, and Corporate Feudalism has always been promoted by the British Government throughout the world.
This is precisely the kind of abuse that these corporations represented today by the World Economic Forum have planned as the future of the entire world.
We can already see the outlines of it -- more than 800 FEMA concentration camps established in The United States alone, more than 600,000 innocent people dead or maimed by undisclosed experimental vaccines in our country alone, and asset stripping --- more than 30 million Americans left homeless while commercial banks leave their homes empty, rotting, and vandalized after exercising fraudulent mortgages against non-existent PERSONS, American Uranium purportedly sold to Russia by British Persons having no possible interest in our Uranium, and offers to sell our gold to China, without any right to move as much as one cubic centimeter of our soil.
Whereupon we say that we have seen it before and have no reason to see it again. This gross criminality must be brought to an end.
These corporations that have promoted this situation need to be destroyed and/or forfeited to us immediately and we invoke the Ecclesiastical Law which is the form of law responsible for the discipline of Legal Fictions to do it, and we bring our claim for all assets of the offending corporations and corporate officials to Rome for final settlement.
The Officers, elected and hired, of these offending Municipal Corporations have been under constant Due Process since 2005, and have no excuse for their subsequent destructive illegal and unlawful and immoral acts and their continuous terrorism against the actual United States and most of the rest of the world.
These Municipal Corporations and their commercial corporation franchises have caused more than enough trouble and destruction in the name of profit for themselves and their shareholders.
These Municipal Corporations have proven to be dishonest and are untenable and oppressive government service providers; they have twice been overthrown in South Africa, once in India, and now, today, in The United States and Australia and the British Isles.
There are no provisions, contractual or otherwise, allowing the Territorial Government military occupation of any of these lands in opposition to their Employers, the actual State Citizens of The United States of America, the similar Citizens of Terra Australis, and the people of the respective Kingdoms of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
Specifically, the unincorporated government of our Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America since 1776, is the proper international receiver of all physical assets and returned delegated powers owed to this country, and Lord Shrewsbury, Ivan Talbot, the Lord High Steward, is the proper receiver of all physical assets and returned delegated powers owed to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and is the temporary custodian-holding-in-trust for all such assets and returned delegated powers owed to Australia and other former British Commonwealth countries.
These corporate criminals, the guilty Municipal Corporations and their commercial corporation franchises, need to be liquidated and removed, or else transferred and forfeited to us, the actual land jurisdiction governments, and remain subject to our administration without further adieu.
Our access to and control over our physical assets in the banking system needs to be unblocked and made available to us without further argument or delay. If the banks will not agree and capitulate on these issues, they need to be liquidated, too.
Our recommendation is that all 4,000 members of the World Economic Forum should be liquidated as accomplices to these many enumerated crimes against humanity, and returned to the dustbin of imagination from whence they come.
We shall fashion a more conscious awareness of a far larger vision of what the true self-interest of mankind is and should be --- a vision of love and inspiration and generosity --- that will finally allow men to live in peace and prosper without the ugliness perpetuated by the Doctrine of Scarcity, and the numerous Big Lies that have been told to explain away the symptoms of inflation and economic instability that result from fraud, false claims in commerce, theft, unjust enrichment, unlawful conversion, personage crimes, inland piracy, and political tyranny imposed under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit.
Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
June 5th 2023
See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com