social darwinism fraud
The Social Darwinism and Corporate Feudalism Frauds
By Anna Von Reitz
Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:
Perhaps no other lie in the last two centuries has been so successful in denigrating mankind and misleading masses of people than Darwinism, which Charles Darwin himself objected to.
The true implication of Darwin's observation -- that the process of creation is ongoing, should not startle anyone; we should expect it to be so, and go on about our business.
We have been misled by arguments now over a century old to equate ourselves with apes and to extrapolate vicious theories like "survival of the fittest" which underlies the whole travesty of Social Darwinism.
The Law of the Jungle, also known as, survival of the fittest, is nothing new. Those who were already living under this evil standard-- mostly bankers and businessmen of other stripes-- the so-called Robber Barons of the Nineteenth Century, merely seized upon Darwin's findings to justify their own bad behavior and lack of conscience.
Men like Cecil Rhodes, T.E. Harriman, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Lord Pirbright, J.D. Rockefeller, and the Duponts, thrived in the lawless and ruthless atmosphere of the times and prided themselves on their utter lack of caring and conscience. They envisioned themselves as primal predators and chafed against every social and moral obligation.
The Children of Cain, who are born without a conscience, also live under The Law of the Jungle, but unlike normal men, they do not have to subvert their nature and discipline themselves to a life of ruthlessness. They come by it naturally.
Among the Children of Cain this fundamental defect, not having a conscience, is peddled as a hallmark of the elite, and the cruelty they promote as proof of their elite standing, and the blackmail and deceit they practice, has earned them their description: white-washed tombs.
Both the business elites and the Children of Cain eagerly adopted Social Darwinism because it excuses their selfishness and ruthlessness as a virtue. It allows them to think of themselves as "the fittest", because they are willing to torture and kill and cheat and lie and feel no moral restraint or remorse.
Cecil Rhodes and his British South African Company enslaved the people of South Africa, African and Dutch alike, and forced them to live under appalling conditions. He was a prime mover in creating the Boer War in which he joined forces with the even more depraved Lord Pirbright, grandson of Nathan Amschel Rothschild, and helped fund construction of the world's first Concentration Camps and conduct the first non-consensual scientific experiments on living people deemed to be "prey" and 'livestock" by these perverts.
It wasn't Hitler who implemented the first Concentration Camps, nor was it the Nazis who first promoted forced and unfettered "scientific" experiments on helpless people. It was the Social Darwinists and their Eugenics Movement brethren, playing god and pretending that their lack of conscience is a virtue.
We wish for a solid understanding that we can and we do blame them for what they do and what they make of themselves and of the world around them, how they impact others, and the detritus they leave behind.
The Children of Cain may be born with a defect, but their intellectual gifts allow them to learn better values if taught, and for the rest of the Robber Barons, there is no excuse provided by nature or nurture that brushes aside their responsibility.
We wish for the Rhodes and Pirbright and Wellcome Endowments to be stripped and the corporations responsible for their operations to be liquidated; these organizations have been pivotal in promoting the social evils we see today, including the corruption of government and the educational system, and the development of the biological weapons used to promote the Covid-19 pandemic genocide. Here is a brief and well-documented explanation:
Evil ideas when allowed to spread unchecked multiply like rabbits in the spring, and these evil memes left behind by evil men continue long after they are dead.
We have allowed the plagues of Social Darwinism and Corporate Feudalism to take root and thrive upon the fuel of ill-gotten gains and the undeserved success of men without moral compass or compassion, men who, in a more circumspect world, would not deserve comment, nor have the means to influence future generations.
We wish for an end of toleration for monsters like these and an end to the evil organizations and influences they have spawned.
Like the Law of the Sea which is unnecessary and has only been a seedbed for criminality for generations, organizations like the Rhodes Trust, Pirbright Institute, and Wellcome Trust have been used to promote gross criminality and have not been held to account for it.
With every day that passes we see the impact of the Nineteenth Century Robber Baron mentality, which was sick then and is still sick now.
We see the grasping monopolistic tentacles of J.D. Rockefeller's outlawed Standard Oil Company and Trust applied to Central Banking and Swift, a worldwide banking transfer system, without a single "Peep!" from anyone in a position of responsibility.
Are we to expect that what was illegal and unlawful for Standard Oil Company and Trust to do to the oil industry, is somehow not illegal to do to the banking industry? Yet a treacherous and self-serving banking monopoly has been allowed to function and dominate all business enterprises in the western world for over a hundred years.
As our claims have demonstrated, all these corporations have been operating unlawfully and most of the time, they've been operating illegally, too. Absolutely no restraint has been placed upon them, they have lied, cheated, stolen, and set up their own self-serving institutions with impunity and created monopoly after monopoly to control the flow of goods and services and the prices of commodities.
These guilty corporations have even assumed the power of actual governments to tax the populations of entire countries, and their Boards of Governors and Boards of Trustees have declared wars without authority.
These entities playing Crack the Whip over the people of the world are nothing but filthy dirty commercial corporations having no natural right to exist and they have been allowed to run wild and murder millions of people, even though our international contracts and treaties under Ecclesiastical Law make it absolutely clear that these things created by the Roman Curia are to be liquidated -- not simply rebooted under a new name -- when they engage in unlawful activities.
There was no enforcement when Lord Pirbright set up the first Concentration Camps as British Crown enterprises.
There was no enforcement when Franklin Delano Roosevelt illegally conscripted and press-ganged and impersonated millions of Americans and issued clearinghouse certificates in their names.
There was no enforcement when the British Territorial Municipal Corporation passed the Buck Act under color of law and used it to conscript and press-gang our young men using "the Draft" in World War II --- a process that has been outlawed for two hundred years.
Through all of this and a great deal more, the Popes, who are uniquely responsible for overseeing these Legal Fiction Entities, have sat silent and avoided both the right and the duty to proactively discipline them, with the result that the whole planet has suffered the fraud schemes, the mindless rampages and the endless criminality of corporations in general and Municipal Corporations in particular.
We have exhausted our remedies short of taking up arms and we bring our claims before the Vatican Chancery Court seeking the redress due to the lawful governments and living people of The United States/The United States of America, the former Commonwealth countries, Japan, and the seventeen occupied countries of Western Europe, plus all other occupied countries that have been overrun by these Legal Fiction entities operating under color of law and otherwise promoting fraud and violence and theft.
It may not be immediately apparent why we characterize these matters of philosophy and business models as fraud schemes, but such they are.
The Corporate Feudalism that has been promoted by the usurping governmental services corporations is also founded on fraud, as we have seen with the example of what happened in Australia and throughout the former Commonwealth countries and what we have ourselves suffered during and after the so-called American Civil War.
We wish for the immediate liquidation of the foreign Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia and the return of the control and the assets owed to our lawful government and to our people.
We wish for a good faith effort on the part of the Ecclesiastical authorities to clean up this ungodly mess and bring correction.
We wish for an end to the corrupt and monopolized banking system, but do not approve of any system that can be used for coercive or political ends to deprive, spy upon, or control living people, including but not limited to the QFS program, which could easily be turned to evil and politicized ends.
We wish for open recognition of the evils that have befallen us as a result of allowing legal fiction enterprises to thrive at the expense of living people and for allowing the Law of the Sea on shore in any form.
We wish for this recognition to be followed by international action to put an end to the Law of the Sea's long history of transgressions and the punishment and disbanding of the Bar Associations that have been the implements of so much gross injustice.
Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
May 14th 2023
See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: