85. rv and chinese elders fraud
The RV Fraud and Chinese Elders Fraud
By Anna Von Reitz
Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claims March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023 in Seq:
The RV is a fraud at best, because even the members of the RV Committee admit that "nobody knows the price of anything anymore, because the markets have been rigged (via the Central Banks and Commodity Exchanges) for so long."
That is, nobody knows what the free market price of beans or rice or anything else is, as a result, any starting point agreed upon by a committee is an arbitrary value assignment, based on the personal best-guess, prejudice, or opinion of committee members.
So, somebody I don't know values my carrots or doesn't value them, and my business thrives or dies by the hand of unelected forces taking a stab in the dark at a "price parameter" target they can't even see.
We don't believe that this is any sane way to establish the value of carrots or currencies or anything else.
One of the most troubling elements that the RV Committee has had to face throughout its efforts is the influence-buying and peddling of the various middlemen trying to establish new commodity rigging efforts and an immense amount of speculation.
One of the most glaring and horrifying examples of this is the "deal you can't refuse" related to the Zimbabwean currency known as "ZIM". There are two forms of ZIM, a standard currency, and bonds issued as currency since @ 2008.
The issuance of bonds means that the Zimbabwean government is borrowing money against resources that are actually owned by the people of the country.
Because of the discovery of mineral wealth, especially rare earth minerals that are needed for the Med Beds and other advanced technologies, the government of Zimbabwe has been under constant stress ever since this discovery, courted by a variety of friendly suitors, and attacked by its own people and by CIA - type puppet government substitution attempts.
Also as a result, the value of ZIM bonds and ZIM currency has vastly increased --- at least, speculatively; thanks to the RV process nobody actually knows what the market value of any of these financial commodities might be.
People are holding these ZIM financial products interminably waiting for a final exchange rate they can trade upon.
Most recently, the Chinese Government has apparently established a contract with the current Zimbabwean Government (these are all Municipal Corporations, not actual governments) to broker the exchange rate on ZIM currency and bonds.
They are offering $11 million USD in exchange for $100,000,000,000 in ZIM.
That infers that (a) the Zimbabwean currency is being devalued for no apparent reason, or (b) investors are being defrauded out of the value of their investments via coercive monopoly inducement and the Chinese brokers and their U.S. Citizen Middlemen are siphoning off the rest of the value in the exchange process.
These generous gentlemen are offering to give the actual investors in the resources a hundredth of one percent of the value of their investments as "equitable consideration" and then forcing the recipients of this deal to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement so they can't tell anyone about the fraud implemented against them.
We have seen it before, we have no need to go through it again.
The so-called Controls, Restrictions, and Restraints serve the good purpose of preventing devaluation of currency worldwide and save us from the spectacle of thousands of instant trillionaires sauntering around among us; however, this system is being unequally applied, so that investors in other parts of the world are not being swindled and forced into Non-Disclosure Agreements. They are enabled to cash in the full value of their ZIM holdings, albeit payable in the form of so-called "Central Bank Digital Currency" with withdrawal limits.
In this way, the Perpetrators Force-Promote their Central Bank Digital Currency, and bulwark their Federal Reserve Note and Euro products at the expense of the American and European ZIM Investors.
This is just a modern day replay of the swindle worked by Salmon P. Chase and General William Tecumseh Sherman. You have to exchange one corporate currency, Federal Reserve Notes or Euros, to buy another currency or bonds, in this case, ZIM, as an investment. When it's time to redeem the investment, they tell you that you have to accept FRNs or Euros or whatever currency you used to buy the ZIM, and of course, that currency is by then grossly devalued. Having no other choice, the investors take what they can get.
So the Perpetrators prop up the value of the Federal Reserve Note or Euro on the backs of the investors, and siphon off the rest, and nobody is the wiser thanks to the Non-Disclosure Agreement, which guarantees that none of the victims of this Swindle-in-the Making -- those who have standing to prosecute the injury, can do so.
It's almost as "good" as stealing the life estate of a baby in their cradle.
We are moving on to the Chinese Elders fraud. The only real Chinese involved are the Chinese Banking Families who were all ex-patriots during the ravages of Mao-Zedong and the CCP, including Ferdinand Marcos.
Marcos was hired as the private attorney for a professional Metals Depositor hired by the Vatican to move gold and other precious metals from the Avila Family Trust all over the world. This umbrella trust contains and controls gold that actually belongs to numerous other private family trusts and none of them are Chinese.
We have absolute proof of the actual ownership and deposit records and international agreements and Powers of Attorney, so there is no way to promote a narrative that "Chinese Elders" donated this gold to anyone, anywhere in the history of the world.
There is another source of gold, and that was us, our gold, belonging to The United States of America, Unincorporated, which was transported to the Philippines by the U.S. Navy for "safekeeping". We have that nailed down, too.
There is no way for the Government of the Philippines to avoid its obligations as Trustee for our gold and the fact that their land is in our lawful possession; the Treaty of Manila Bay is a sea-treaty between the British Territorial United States Government and the Philippines. We are the ones who paid for the land and soil of the Philippines with gold and with blood.
And now we are treated to the spectacle of more Navy ships and submarines making bee-lines transporting gold from all over the world to Hong Kong. Thanks to LIDAR and physical tomography, we can sit and watch the ships plying to and fro, we can determine, generally, the source of the gold, and track both the departure and arrival of these shipments.
Anyone who thinks that this is happening "under a cloak of secrecy" had better think again. Modern surveillance technology cuts both ways. It's not going to be possible to say that the gold is lost, nor will anyone be able to pass off some cock and bull story about the Silk Road in the days of Marco Polo.
The people playing the part of the Chinese Elders may be good people, may be wise people, etc., but then, so are the Saints of the Roman Catholic Church, and most of our Founding Fathers. Besides being wise and good, they have the further similarity of being used as storefronts for criminal organizations engaged in every kind of vice and violence.
We have seen it before, we have no need to see it again.
We wish for the RV Committee to be disbanded and for its members to admit the truth: they have been handed an impossible task and only free market forces can determine the actual value of anything.
We wish for the grossly mis-administered American Exchanges, that is, the ersatz currency exchanges being set up to enable private investors to exchange international currencies such as the ZIM and the Iraqi Dinar, to be completely reformed, and for the offers being made to be reasonably equitable and exchange-able in a variety of currencies and without any Non-Disclosure Agreement that serves to prevent prosecution of wrong-doing.
We wish for whatever common sense Controls, Restrictions, and Restraints that are employed to prevent unbridled spending and consumerism, to be equally applied, worldwide.
We wish for the Zimbabwean people to be held harmless and internationally protected from any interference in their government and internal affairs.
We wish for everyone to remember that the resources of a country belong to its people --- all resources. As a result, the Zimbabwean people are the actual owners of the rare earth minerals, not their government, which is merely charged with representing their best interests in good faith.
We wish for our own gold to be returned to our control with no further pretensions of public or private trust interests, foreign citizenship obligations, or other fraudulent malpractice.
We wish for the gold deployed worldwide from the Avila Family Trust to be returned to the control of the actual owners, their heirs, and assigns.
Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In the care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
May 7th 2023
See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com