78. pipeline and land grab fraud
The Great Pipeline and Land Grab Frauds
By Anna Von Reitz
Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:
We have mentioned in passing the attempt by Jimmy Carter to transfer the birth certificates of all the phony Municipal citizens of the United States that the colluding Municipal Corporations conjured up to the United Nations back in the 1980's.
The fact that this citizenry doesn't actually exist via any valid private contract apparently missed the two run amok Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia.
Once again, these commercial corporations masquerading as governments colluded against the best interests of the people they are supposed to be serving, and took these purloined clearinghouse receipts. aka "birth certificates" offshore and offered them to the International Monetary Fund as collateral securing more debt and to the United Nations as a political trust, thereby unlawfully converting Americans to the foreign political status of "UN citizens" with no more public notice or disclosure than all the other fraud schemes and unlawful conversion schemes that went before.
The International Monetary Fund, a brain-child of John D. Rockefeller and other former Standard Oil shareholders and investors, acquired the trademarks including the brand name of "the United States Treasury" in 1924 and has been secretly and deceitfully using this name to collect "Federal Income Taxes" and to do other business ever since.
While this is technically legal, as the International Monetary Fund owns the trademarks, it results in rampant constructive fraud as people are led to believe that they are being addressed by "the United States Treasury" and not by the International Monetary Fund in a purposeful attempt to avoid suspicion.
People would be much less likely to pay a tax bill addressed to them by the International Monetary Fund, though in fact this is the source of the demand. They would also start asking questions, like -- "How do I owe anything to the International Monetary Fund?"
This is not the only criminal practice engaged in by these former Standard Oil Shareholders and Investors and progeny thereof operating the International Monetary Fund (IMF); they have been working another pipeline monopoly --- only this time using the Swift Banking Transfer System in the banking industry, to do the same exact thing that Standard Oil got busted for in the oil industry. They have established a transfer (pipeline) monopoly on commercial banking transactions instead of oil and they have used this punitively against customers and competitors, siphoning nightly window trades, selectively losing transactions, refusing services, and more.
Unfortunately, these illegal and unlawful practices have served to corrupt not only commercial banking, but other sectors of the economy as well; cronies get preferential treatment, access to loans, lower interest, and as long as they do everything the Perpetrators want them to do, good service on their banking transfers. Industry competitors get no access and bad service if any at all. When cornered, the IMF will lie outright and attempt to use the aforementioned False Narrative Dossiers compiled by the IRS to accuse their victims of money laundering and similar crimes as a means to put bank regulators off the scent of their own corruption.
It has taken the world over a hundred years to realize that the illegal and unlawful pipeline transfer monopoly perfected by John D. Rockefeller to control and profit from the oil industry could be applied to other industries as well -- and has been applied to the commercial banking industry. Not only is this a constructive semantic fraud on the part of the IMF that needs to be addressed, but the Swift System represents an abusive monopoly that needs to end.
They got away with it once, so they are playing it again. And others are catching on and playing at the same game. Wells Fargo puts up its signage as a bank while acting as a securities company, thereby misrepresenting its actual nature and function to the public. Bank of America does the same thing.
A similar trademark identity deceit is being played by JP Morgan and Chase Banks right now. As Creditors to the bankruptcy of the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM they acquired the names and trademarks of the FEDERAL RESERVE, and similar to what the IMF has done passing itself off as the United States Treasury, JP Morgan and Chase are passing themselves off as the FEDERAL RESERVE and are seeking plenary control over the banking system.
A new court filing, U.S. Government docket No. OP-1670, exposes the grotesque surveillance and control powers that they seek to exercise over all U.S. bank accounts --- powers allowing them to seize depositor's credit and other assets, freeze accounts, refuse service, surveil all activities including individual purchases of goods, ability to block assets and so on.
We have seen it before and don't need to see it again.
These banks are all organized as corporations and all seek protection as corporations from the same public that they are victimizing. They all need to be shut down and restructured to serve their intended simple purposes in a lawful manner that respects the privacy owed to the individual people who are depositors and the obligation of all corporations in this country to obey the Constitutions while operating on our land and soil.
We wish for all bank fees to be fully disclosed and published and agreed to by customers prior to commencement of any deposits being made; in the absence of such prior efforts, only reasonable and customary fees for services are to be assumed.
We wish for banks to be prohibited from setting up escrow or credit or other subsidiary accounts in the names of their depositors without full disclosure and signed agreement concerning the existence of these accounts, the purpose of these accounts, and the transactions going through these accounts.
We wish for banks to be prohibited from assuming any ownership interest in depositor's assets based on the assessment of unbilled service fees, inactivity, or other similar claims based on unbilled and uncollected service fees and presumptions of abandonment.
We wish for the banks to make every reasonable effort to locate depositors and to respect the ownership rights of the depositors instead of assuming an ownership interest where only a custodial interest is intended and merited.
We wish for all and any bank business that results in the transfer of property or any change in property rights, to be fully disclosed and fully discussed and to be agreed to without coercion prior to any contract or action resulting in such transfer or change.
We wish for all bank offers to be equitable in fact --- prohibiting gratuitous and unearned security interests and failures to share credit with asset owners.
We did not allow these corporations to be created in order to be coerced and defrauded and ruled over by them. They are intended to serve the Public Good and if they do not serve our Public Good they have no right or reason to exist in our country.
These banks have been engaged in activities that are both illegal and unlawful against American State Nationals and American State Citizens and both Municipal Corporation Subcontractors have been engaged in misrepresentation and unlawful conversion in support of these predatory acts and constructive fraud schemes.
We wish for the nascent identity fraud offered by JP Morgan and Chase Bank to be stopped and for them to be required to disclose their ownership interests and identity in the same way that we wish for the International Monetary Fund to be forced to disclose its relationship to the "United States Treasury" trademark.
This mischief of corporations acquiring trademarks and brand names by various means and then misrepresenting or hiding their actual corporate identity behind the acquired trademark or brand, has to end.
The use and abuse of Territorial Municipal Corporation franchises and City-operated Municipal Corporation franchises named after living people that are merely presumed to exist on the basis of non-disclosed and fraudulently obtained registrations, must come to an end, too.
We wish for the pipeline-style monopoly of the Swift interbank transfer system to be replaced with a simple, transparent, and private bank transfer system, that is immune to political considerations and
manipulation for profit.
We have also touched upon the land grabbing that has gone on at the hands of the British Territorial Municipal Corporation and its State-of-State franchises going around and applying fanciful titles and descriptions to our surveyed metes and bounds land and soil property assets. This was done under the deliberate False Registration process that then gave rise to the equally False Presumption that we are British Subjects and therefore, presumed to be residents and tenants on our own land.
This practice was so widespread, so pernicious, and so determinedly non-disclosed and misrepresented that Americans were left unaware of what these criminals were doing.
Similar to the IMF misrepresenting itself as the United States Treasury, these land titles and descriptions were secretly applied to land and soil parcels belonging to individual Americans under color of law, and then used to further mischaracterize them as Municipal-owned parcels described as residential, agricultural or commercial properties.
This is the equivalent of white-collar claim jumping under color of law.
We have reason to believe that the British Government acting under the auspices of the British Monarch promoted this entire scheme and instructed its Undeclared Foreign Agents working for the British Crown (Bar Attorneys) to form "National Associations" for the management of all this purportedly "abandoned" American land and to act "for" all the merely presumed-to-exist British seamen's estates held in the names of Americans.
This resulted in these so-called "National Associations" controlling and taxing large areas of our land and soil and assessing property taxes and taking out loans against our land and soil, which they have been using as collateral for them and their spending under "Masterline and Masterform" Credit Agreements, as if they were the actual owners and we were their Serfs and Tenants, all without firing a shot or contributing a penny.
Both the Territorial fraud artists and City-operated Municipal Corporations have been in on this absurd fraud scheme since the 1930's with the result that no actual land or soil has legitimately traded hands in this country since the British Entitlement Scheme began.
Actual British Territorial U.S. Citizens have always "resided" here under the provisions of the Residence Act and have never been able to own land in this country. Their property interests have been limited to a trusteeship under the British Monarch, with the individuals acting as Tenants. By registering American babies as British Subjects, the grafters were able to legally presume that all our land was held under a similar arrangement--- and that appears to be one of the primary motivations for all the false registrations,
This has allowed these Con Artists and Undeclared Foreign Agents to use our land and soil as collateral for their debts and to impose property taxes on us under the False Presumption that we were stateless or otherwise voluntarily adopting British Territorial U.S. Citizenship.
All of this could have been and should have been avoided, if these Subcontractors had simply operated in good faith as required by their service contracts, but the temptations of self-interest and the schemes of evil men in high places have guided them instead --- and this has resulted in Americans paying trillions of dollars in property taxes and other taxes and interest on taxes --- that we never owed.
We wish for the purloined assets to be returned free and clear and unencumbered to the people they actually belong to, together with all beneficial material and non-material interests.
We wish for the return of our purloined money tokens and credit and all else that was perforce stolen under color of law by these Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia and their various State-of-State franchises and Agencies and affiliates acting under their direction.
Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
May 25th 2023
See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com