17. cardinal mamberti 2
Letter Sent to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti
By Anna Von Reitz
The following is a copy of a letter sent to His Eminence Cardinal Dominique Mamberti at the Vatican Chancery Court to underscore our private as well as our public displeasure with the performance of the Holy See and the Vatican apparatus --- and to demand action under Ecclesiastical Law to force the liquidation of the offending corporations.
February 20th, 2023
Dear Cardinal Mamberti,
Our lawful Government has sent our objections to the continuance of the Municipal United States corporations and the British Crown corporations that have participated in the vaccination genocide and made their obscene private claims to own the vaccinated victims of this fraud.
This is all an outrage against God and against Humanity and can only result in the most dire and unimaginable consequences for the Church, for the people supporting the Church, and for all aspects of Catholicism worldwide, if you do not stand up and exercise the authority to liquidate these unnatural THINGS that have been created under the auspices of the Roman Curia, the entire world will know that you failed your duty to God.
These corporations must be involuntarily liquidated under International and Ecclesiastical Law -- immediately.
By secretly inserting their scrap of patented DNA into the human genome, these morons propose to steal the entire apparatus of creation and God's claim to own the far larger invention--- in effect, to overturn God's Eternal Patent.
Only an insane person could come up with something this deluded and think that they will get away with it, yet it is clear the British Crown is acting with collaboration from some elements in the Church to attempt to do exactly that--- a commercial claim against God's Creation, and a bid to own Creation as a commercial corporation.
The entire idea is profoundly arrogant and repugnant and will not be allowed. As of yesterday, our cured counterclaim protecting all people in America from commercial claims based on this coerced "vaccination" has been issued and an emergency communication has been sent to the proper delegations.
Whatever and whoever has encouraged this madness must now be disavowed, and both the secular and sacred sides of the Church be placed on Notice that this horrific premeditated scheme is a fraud-for-profit aiming at no less than stealing the Creation from the Creator, and also, therefore, disinheriting the Son.
We see this as the last gasp of Satan as he claws at the edge of the Abyss, his short time coming to an end, and we note that the prison ships are already here awaiting his capture and return. Make haste in your deliberations and take haste in your actions.
We request immediate action to liquidate all of these guilty corporations on a worldwide basis, and an end to all war for profit being promoted by incorporated entities.
The Ecclesiastical Law which we are owed demands that all these erring corporations, whether Municipal or British Crown, be involuntarily liquidated for cause, and promptly, too. They have engaged in unlawful activities resulting in death and disease and disability. Every single one of the responsible corporations --- be they for profit or for non-profit purposes, whether for business or for charity.
We are not telling you anything that you don't know.
James Clinton
Anna Maria