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10. asset offset fraud

The Credit, Bankruptcy and "Asset Offset" Frauds

By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims, March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq: 

Having fully realized that what poses for our government is merely two giant foreign Municipal Corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" and that these were never anything but federal Subcontractors ----not ever our actual government,  provides the context for understanding all the malfeasance, violence, and fraud that has gone on here and abroad as a result of their racketeering and war-profiteering.  

The most halcyon service the banks could provide to humanity is to turn the accounts of these Municipal Corporations off, and turn our accounts -- which have long been kept as "off-ledger accounts" -- back on.  We can then provide the actual asset backing needed to trade in money, not credit, and the criminals will be forestalled from any more mischief, because their accounts, which are all based on our credit, will be frozen. 

Such action is justified for an entire country for the same reason it is justified when a human credit card hacker is discovered pilfering someone's account.  As we have noted, both the assets and the credit developed from those assets belong to the actual owners -- the States and people of this country, not Municipal Subcontractors. 

So that everyone understands, the federal Subcontractors, these two giant run amok Municipal "Services" Corporations operating out of the District of Columbia, are restricted to operating on credit, while our actual states are restricted to operating on gold and silver by the federal Constitutions that allow these Municipal Corporations to exist.  This is the reason that they have been so single-minded in seeking collateral to justify credit and the reason they have been dealing in debt-notes in a debt-credit system.  

When our States and people were reported "missing, presumed lost" in the aftermath of the Civil War, the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors declared a phony "state of emergency" and equally phony "Emergency Powers" never granted to them.  Operating under these presumptions of power and asserting that they were our Trustees, they seized upon every bit of collateral in sight, and even eventually (Buck Act, 1940)  "securitized" and claimed ownership of our living bodies by falsifying our political status. 

This fraud and misrepresentation then allowed them to claim an ownership interest in us and let them take out life insurance policies on us --- a practice that eventually yielded $950Trillion in April of 2017 to Prince Philip as "Life Force Value Annuities" and which has provided practical motivation for the Vaccine Genocide we are witnessing now.  Instead of having to pay for elder care and end-of-life medical costs for Baby Boomers, these criminals have decided to kill the old people and collect the life insurance (also issued in fraud) instead.  

When all this was discovered, they were forced to go to Plan B, to justify their continued securitization of living flesh (enslavement) which has resulted in another aspect of the Vaccine Genocide -- secret implantation of patented manmade DNA/mRNA which changes the genome of the victims. The Perpetrators then claim that their unsuspecting victims are reduced to being Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) by this process, are no longer human and no longer owed human rights, and are even subject to death by the owners of these patents who claim to be their creators. 

Beyond the self-evident fraud and non-disclosure of presenting these genome-changing injections as a "vaccine" to prevent a disease, there are the issues of preponderance of rights and unlawful and illegal trespass and unlawful conversion. There is also the fact that our lawful American Government passed a Public Law by Roll Call Vote of the States of the Union prohibiting such activities and claims in this country, effective January first of 2020.

We are, once again, faced with the unavoidable fact that these Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia are being operated by criminals and have been involved in unlawful and illegal activities for a very long time --- unlawful and illegal activities that have resulted in the theft of trillions of dollars-worth of credit, destruction of asset bases, and the death of millions of Americans in undisclosed mercenary conflicts and related criminal activities ----and now, we face profit-motivated genocide and ownership claims expedited via phony "vaccinations".  

Some of the most notable credit fraud occurred in the years 1933-34, when the Emergency Securitization and Emergency Banking Acts were pushed through the Territorial Congress and their pretended Municipal Congress, too.  

The Emergency Securitization Act, which could only apply to Territorial and Municipal citizenry, that is, the federal Municipal Corporation Subcontractors,  resulted in the aforementioned illegal securitization of living flesh (enslavement)  and provided the practical motivation to mischaracterize rank and file Americans as foreign citizens in their own country. 

To put it another way, the Perpetrators falsely claimed that we, their Employers, the American People, were "stateless" because of the Perpetrator's other lies to the effect that our American Government was "missing, presumed lost, and/or in interregnum" --- and that left millions of Americans mischaracterized as being of unknown provenance and subject to the Perpetrator's salvage operations.  

The Emergency Banking Act and adoption of the Federal Reserve Act Policies of these Municipal Corporation Subcontractors surreptitiously pretending to be, or to represent, our government under color of law, resulted in them unilaterally establishing an Exchange Rate that allowed them to exchange their "Federal Reserve Note" I.O.U's on a "one for one" basis with our Silver Dollars.  

This allowed them to issue credit against our actual currency and create a backdoor to access our actual silver reserves under color of law.  Our people didn't want to give up their silver and silver certificates in exchange for what appeared to be government-issued I.O.U's, but again, because the entire situation was undisclosed and because they were hoodwinked into going along with it under color of law, people complied.  

Both the Emergency Securitization Act and the Emergency Banking Act were bald-faced commercial Municipal Corporation collateral-stripping schemes executed under force and color of law. 

These unlawful acts and the injuries to our persons and our property carried out under color of law and without any granted authority by these Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia, represent acts of commercial inland piracy and extortion, racketeering under color of law, and conspiracy to defraud committed by these so-called service providers against their employers.  

As the Aggrieved Parties and the Preferential Priority Creditors, we are owed the return of all our stolen and purloined assets, the credit and the profits, and the material and immaterial assets of these Municipal Corporations.

In addition to all of these injuries, these Municipal Corporations have committed liberal and cyclic bankruptcy fraud and asset offset fraud. 

Once fully structured as two Municipal Corporation entities, these colluding foreign Municipal Corporations began racking up huge debts and charging whatever they wanted to charge against our public assets and treasury.  

They charged us for their war reparations and the costs of prosecuting World War II and every other Mercenary Conflict they have engaged in, but they have not accounted for their profits or shared their profits with us, which is more circumstantial evidence that these corporations are not in fact working for us or at our direction, and are in fact criminal organizations using us and our venerable constitutional contracts merely as a storefront.  

We have seen the prices charged for Foster Care and Incarceration Services, which have been wildly and purposefully inflated to promote profiteering, and the same sorts of charges far above the "reasonable and customary charges" we authorized, have been applied across the board.  This results in a form of forced asset seizure and causes inflation against the currency. 

If the going price for housekeeping services in the economy is $12 per hour, and your governmental services corporation charges $512 per hour for the same service, and does so under color of law, it is engaged in extortionate racketeering, a grossly unlawful practice. 

This has been happening for decades because, as we have seen,  the Municipal Corporations slipped their leash under the fraudulent administration of Abraham Lincoln, the point at which they secretly went into business for themselves and began to parasitize their employers and everyone else by substituting their commercial corporations for the lawful governments ordained by the people of each nation.   

From then on, these Municipal Corporations operating out of the District of Columbia, were no longer under the control and oversight of the actual civilian government of this country. They have been charging us for whatever services they wanted to provide at whatever cost they wanted to charge, non-consensually, at the point of a British Territorial gun, and otherwise operating in gross breach of trust. 

We wish for these offending Municipal Corporations to be liquidated in our favor together with their state-of-state and agency franchises and subsidiaries.  

We wish for the banks to shut down their access to our credit and the credit of all other nations similarly harmed by these charlatans--- that includes but is not limited to assets and credit belonging to the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, all the former Commonwealth countries, seventeen nations of Western Europe still under illegal Territorial occupation, South Korea, and Japan.  

Defense and banking functions need to be transferred and transitioned from the offending Municipal Corporations to our control. 

At the same time, the off-ledger accounts which belong to us and these other impacted countries, need to be brought forward and activated, to expedite a safe and sure basis for ongoing trade, new currencies, and new credit arrangements.  

We have already adopted a new international currency, the gold-backed American Federation Dollar, and we fully intend to re-issue our Silver Dollars and related certificates for purposes of domestic trade.  The criminally mismanaged Municipal Corporations in the District of Columbia and their Successors owe us more silver under the provisions of the Emergency Banking Act than has ever been extracted from the crust of the Earth and quite possibly more silver than what exists in the physical world.  

This foregoing observation is, in and of itself, sufficient to justify the immediate Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Foreclosure of all assets owned and controlled by these renegade Municipal Corporations and the immediate return of their administrative functions to the lawful government.  Obviously, the cost of the bankruptcy should be borne by the actual owners and operators of the offending Municipal Corporations and not by the States and People of this country who have been the victims of illegal and unlawful Territorial Occupation for over a century and a half, or any similar victims worldwide who have had their political status unlawfully converted and themselves misrepresented as the citizenry of these same offending Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia,  their franchises, agencies, and subsidiaries. 

This information should also prompt the arrest of the leadership of the World Economic Forum and members of their "Future Leaders" program and others, including various senior members of the Bar Associations, for promoting and financing this form of lawless Corporate Feudalism and trying to force it on the free people of the world via Municipal Corporation fraud exercised under color of law.

All non-essential federal personnel not needed to provide defense, banking, transportation, and postal services should be sent home; doctors, dentists, nurses and all other health service professionals need to be released from all and any presumption that they are subject to conscription as Uniformed Officers and must be fully informed about their rights and prerogatives and released from American Medical Association contracts and also released from licensure of their ability to prescribe traditional and common drugs, nutrients, and non-proprietary therapeutics. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                  The United States of America
                   In care of: Box 520994
                   Big Lake, Alaska 99652

April 6th 2023


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