What is The Correcting Time?
The Correcting Time is a broad term used by celestial teachers and administrators for the current period of celestially-inspired transformations occurring throughout our planet. The Correcting Time is a much broader project than the Teaching Mission. The Teaching Mission is characterized by its explicit use of the Urantia revelation as a reference; the Correcting Time does not. The common element of the Correcting Time in all its features is a dramatic increase in celestial assistance for the purpose of fostering planetary growth in accordance with the universe principles of revelation (Light) and evolution (Life), in both secular and spiritual contexts. Technically speaking, the possibility for such celestial intervention had to await the reconnection of certain “spiritual circuits” made possible by the lifting of the quarantine that was placed on our planet because of its involvement in the Lucifer rebellion.
The largest degree of change regarding this Correcting Time is of the nature of the materially unseen. The greatest shift is in spiritual administration instituting procedures and efforts from the celestial vantage point. Most of what you have witnessed already will be the inspiration needed to carry you through in your quest to comprehend and to implant new ideas into the minds of those you touch. Great things are, indeed, happening, most of which you cannot see and you must, therefor, take on faith that it is so.
On the other hand you may witness some inspiring performances of spiritual reality and awakening but these are by design to be humanly initiated and co-creatively manifested. Celestial influence will be suspected but never provable by material means.
The Sons of Darkness
Luciferianism |
The Bad Actors
MainStream Media
The Major Bankruptcies
The Restoration