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The Evolutionary Process

Evolution is happening right now in and around us. It is influenced by all that we do and don't do, and all that we are and are not. Whether we are aware of it or not, we have a lot to do with how evolution unfolds, especially right here on Earth. 

Evolution has given us a special kind of consciousness, one that creates — and is thoroughly conditioned by — our languages, cultures, stories, and built environments. This consciousness and its companion social systems and technologies have awesome power to shape the world. We are just beginning to grow into a mature way of manifesting it in the world.

Part of that maturing process is learning the dynamics through which evolution does its transformational work. Understanding those dynamics, we can apply them — intentionally and wisely — to transform ourselves and our social systems.

Across many domains of society, life and spirituality, we are in the process of birthing ourselves as conscious evolution.

Those of us who are coming to understand and welcome this challenge to become conscious evolutionary agents are discovering new sources of inspiration and meaning in it, and find ourselves working in community with truly remarkable companions.


An overview of this process is presented in our Light and Life Timeline.