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What is Light & Life?


This is Machiventa Melchizedek who greets you.

In the celestial overcontrol I am the reigning head, the Planetary Prince of this planet Urantia that you know as your beloved Earth. I have been mandated by Christ Michael, the one you know as Jesus, to sit as the administrative authority over the jurisdiction of planetary affairs. I say this to you to orient you to the nature and order of the correcting mechanism that is now in full swing to bring this planet into the ages of Light & Life, where life more resembles that of order, fairness, justice, mercy, but above all love — a planet that is dominated by love and the service motive.

There is an enormous correction that is occurring at this moment that will sweep through the hearts and minds of each individual on this planet in time, and transform planetary life as you now know it. And I address you this evening; for there are those of you who are here who have in some way in their hearts and minds, come to a decision to be of a higher service; to bring a higher level of social life into the planet. I honor you for your choices. This is a calling of the highest service, and I wish to acknowledge each of you tonight in what you have in your heart longed for and wished to see occur on your planet. You are the heralds of a new age. You are the pioneers and the torchbearers. You are called to a great duty, and we are here to encourage you, to teach you, to serve you while you carry out the task of individual and planetary transformation.

Is this an enormous undertaking? Yes, it is! But I believe that each of you, in your own way, is up to the challenge. And I wish for you to know that you need only to call on us for assistance; for guidance for those
ideas that will move you and this planetary transformation ahead. There is no lack of spiritual support, and you are all now well connected, whether or not you are consciously aware of it at any given point in time. We love you. We respect you. We watch over you, and we are cheering for you.

In closing, I ask for our Creator to bestow peace in your hearts, wisdom in your minds, and perseverance in your souls.

You can learn more about me at my formal introduction page.

The Coming Era of Enlightenment

Our world knows very little about the greater realities that lie beyond; the path of soul ascension, and the very reasons for it. It is in ignorance of these realities that most people struggle to find peace in their personal lives, social systems, and governments — to move beyond conflict and war to a more enlightened era. Today's problems live on through the biology of generations, weaponized technologies and military infrastructures, and the financial and governance systems that uphold the values of unbridled liberty by an elite class to enslave mankind and continue the unspoken directives that prevent and deny authentic free will. Mankind must now evolve out of and beyond this state of elitism and instability.

Our confused and chaotic world now needs to prepare for a coming era of enlightenment called Light & Life. These preparations have to do with improving and changing the support systems our civilisation depends on for survival. But these changes alone will have no lasting effect unless mankind — we the people start becoming global citizens, and also citizens of the universe. While our systems and technologies are important, Light & Life is first and foremost rooted in the mindset of living people. It is necessary for citizens of Light & Life to have a basic understanding of the personal values and attitudes necessary to contribute to, and become the progenitors of, future generations that will be born into a world that understands universe citizenship — Light & Life.

Light & Life is a transitional process

In the early part of the 21st century we have become inundated with the concept of sustainability. The words sustainable and sustainability are nowhere to be found in the Urantia Book, which is the core and foundation of the 5th epochal revelation, and which paves the way for the beginning of the Light & Life process for our planet. So how are we to understand this concept of sustainability at the beginning of this new epoch? What does it mean and how is it applied?

It is interesting to note that the Urantia Book uses the word stability 51 times, and the word stable 13 times, and always in a positive and Divine context.

Let's contrast this with the term sustainability.

  • War can be made sustainable. We have been doing that for centuries.
  • Organised crime can be made sustainable. We have been doing that for centuries too.
  • Institutionalised deceit can be made sustainable and has been going on for many centuries.
  • Elitism can be made sustainable and has been that way since ancient times.

Yet war, crime, deceit and elitism can never contribute anything stabilising to a growing civilisation. They may drive expansion, but can never produce stability. No matter how sustainable we make them, they only have a destabilising effect on mankind. Stability is the opposite of this.

Periods of growth are inherently unstable, that is the nature of growth. But growth must be sustained (kept going) long enough for the growth process to complete itself. Once a period of growth is completed, sustainability must then give way to a period of stability, otherwise unmitigated growth will invariably lead to deformity and collapse.

The concept of Light & Life is relatively new to us and not always clear or easy to grasp, so let's take it down a notch and explore it as concepts that are more familiar. Expansion and Maintenance.

When a human race appears on an evolutionary planet such as this one, the process of expansion begins, and it continues until there develops a civilization capable of subduing the entire planet. During this long period of growth (about 1 million years for Earth) the planet is in an unstable condition, and this is indeed required for achieving the eventual goal of subduing the entire planet, much of which occurs during the industrial age. This expansion period must be sustained until its completion. This is the pre-Light & Life period when stability must take a back seat to growth and change.

In this context, Urantia is now subdued. We have discovered and explored every part of this planet, and learned how to make use of it all, even if our approach to such usage is still far from ideal. The process of expansion is now mostly complete, and we must now begin turning our focus toward long term maintenance that will produce the stability required for our civilisation to survive indefinitely.

That is why our planet is now beginning its transition out of expansion mode and into maintenance mode, and this does not happen overnight or in a single generation. It is a gradual process requiring many centuries to convert, perfect, and stabilise entire planetary systems. But more importantly, we must also intellectually and spiritually educate and uplift mankind to the point where everyone is going to willingly support the drive toward stability. It's no easy task on a planet with nearly 8 billion people depepdent on these systems, and completely enculturated in the process of expansion. But it must be done. The Urantia revelation refers to the beginning of this transition period as the early stages of Light & Life.

Welcome to the Light & Life process!

Light & Life is a process consisting of many stages

All the Light & Life stages are part of the transition from expansion mode into maintenance mode, until the process is complete and our planet will finally be settled in Light & Life.

The Light & Life process consists of the following stages (all under Supreme rule):

  1. Pre-Light & Life (unstable expansion stage).
  2. The 7 early stages of Light & Life (the re-engineering stage).
  3. The 7 advanced stages of Light & Life (the transformation stage).
  4. The final and settled stage of Light & Life (stable and durable).

Viewed in a linear fashion: unstable ➡ various levels of increasing stability ➡ stable

Once settled in Light & Life, the survival of a civilisation is assured.

Our planet Earth (Urantia) is now at the very end of that long pre-Light & Life expansion period. We are now taking our first step in our effort to begin switching over from expansion mode and into maintenance mode. This is important to keep in mind when observing and considering what has been and is still going on in our world.

All our systems were designed and built for operating in expansion mode only. For growing bigger, for exploring and and colonizing, for conquering and subduing...all are expansion processes.

Now we are beginning the transformation into maintenance mode. This requires changing, converting, and re-engineering our systems for this new purpose. It's a 180 degree shift in focus! We need to replace our aggressive and expandable systems with increasingly more stable, efficient, peaceful and durable systems designed for long term planetary maintenance rather than frontier style aggressive expansion.

This is precisely what we have been witnessing in recent years as our sustainable expansion oriented systems have been going bankrupt and getting liquidated, like falling dominos, and are being replaced with new, more stable, maintenance oriented systems. We still have a long way to go, but the process has indeed begun.

Let's bravely move forward!

The Path to Light & Life

The journey into Light & Life is gradual and evolutionary until the final settled stage is reached. It symbolizes the gradual attainment of spiritual, social, and moral maturity by individuals and their civilization. This settled state is characterized by harmony, peace, and spiritual enlightenment, where divine principles are broadly integrated into every aspect of human and social life.

It requires the gradual and consistent alignment of society with the essential values — predicated on the search for Truth Beauty and Goodness — required for the fulfillment of the planet’s highest potential, to become forever settled, where spiritual ideals and material realities are adequately balanced to create lasting stability. It marks a time when humanity lives in alignment with divine will, ensuring overall peace, proper and consistent justice, and love for all beings.

These values guide individuals and societies to cultivate environments where spiritual development and human flourishing are possible. Each step toward these values brings the planet closer to this enlightened age of stability.

However, it is important to note that while the age of Light & Life represents a significant level of planetary evolution, it is not the final stage. It is the beginning of an eternal journey of greater understanding, wisdom, and alignment with divine purposes. From the celestial perspective, the age of Light & Life is not merely the absence of conflict or strife but a deep, evolutionary achievement where several key elements align.

The path to Light & Life remains flexible and adaptable within its broad parameters, and that makes it impossible to precisely define. Nonetheless there are certain progressive concepts which encapsulate this path and act as beacons to aim for and to eventually be achieved, and these can be defined as follows:

  1. Spiritual Unity
    On a planet of Light & Life status, humanity collectively recognizes and embraces its spiritual origin and destiny. People have an awareness of their divine nature and actively seek to do the will of the Universal Father. There's an understanding of the universal brotherhood of all beings, resulting in a more profound sense of connection, empathy, and shared purpose.

  2. Social Harmony and Equity
    Equity becomes a natural social value, as people realize the divine worth of every individual. Institutions are built on justice, fairness, and compassion, prioritizing the welfare of all citizens. This ensures that societal systems, including governance, education, and economy, are designed to support the holistic well-being of every individual.

  3. Personal Growth and Purpose
    The state of Light & Life emphasizes the continual growth of individuals — intellectually, morally, and spiritually. People are encouraged to reach their highest potential and align their lives with the greater cosmic purpose. This personal fulfillment leads to collective prosperity, as each person contributes their talents in service to the common good.

  4. Governance Based on Wisdom
    Leadership during the era of Light & Life is based on wisdom and service. Leaders are chosen for their moral integrity, spiritual insight, and ability to govern with love and fairness. This contrasts with materialistic or ego-driven leadership seen in earlier planetary stages. In this period, leadership is truly representative of divine values.

  5. Quality of Life
    The quality of life is elevated through the equitable distribution of resources and opportunities, ensuring that everyone has access to education, healthcare, and other basic necessities. There is a balance between individual rights and communal responsibilities, contributing to the well-being of all.

  6. The Elimination of War and Conflict
    One of the hallmarks of the age of Light & Life is the complete elimination of war and violent conflict. Societies evolve to a point where problems are solved through dialogue, empathy, and mutual understanding. Conflicts that do arise are managed with wisdom and the intent to find harmonious solutions.

  7. Scientific and Technological Advancement in Service to Mankind
    In the era of Light & Life, scientific and technological developments are fully aligned with spiritual principles. Innovation serves to uplift the human condition, improve the environment, and foster deeper connections between individuals. Technology is no longer driven by profit or exploitation but by the desire to improve the quality of life for all beings.

  8. Celestial Cooperation
    Throughout these stages, there is greater collaboration between man and celestial personalities. Mortals in the age of Light & Life are more aware of their connection to the universe and their celestial guides. This increased awareness fosters greater spiritual insights and allows for the active participation of celestial beings in the continued development of society.

We can make the path beautiful.

Working through conflict and towards harmony

Our world is making progress though it is currently in a rather broad transition zone between older approaches to conflict solving and newer methods for reaching harmony. It is a large arena wherein much confusion and much reaction takes place. This transitional phase can seem like the phrase "one step forward, two steps back". But in reality we make three forward and experience one back. This is because of mankind's insecurities and the obvious lack of planetary guidance due to isolation. How might any one of you contribute to making it through this transition is a question I'm sure you all hold. Events of the world are on a scale that do not directly impinge upon your sphere of activity, althought there can be certain indirect influences. For example, the increasing cost of material goods, inflation, may have an impact on you, but it in no way reduces your ability to put into practice the Golden Rule and do good unto others, and forgive those who trespass against you.

As we all begin this adventure towards Light & Life, let's always remember that as we sometimes collide with one another, we are actually transferring our energies to each other. We are providing changes in direction for one another. It all can be viewed as positive contributions to the entire system. An habitual pattern exhibited today is that when you collide you conflict. If every civil, religious, economic, familial situation were to be viewed as collisions which contribute to growth rather than conflicts that must at some cost halt the course of another in order that you stay your course, this world would improve significantly. This dynamism of harmony, this global movement through the stages of Light & Life, will be wonderful, but there will still be conflicts. These conflicts are incentives to grow. It is comparable to the experience of consuming food. It is pleasurable but requires energy exertion to do so.

Light & Life is pleasant but exerting.

Light & Life begins in the Mind

For any advancing civilization to emerge in Light & Life requires that its citizens first change the way they think and act — they must first have a realization that moves them toward a more homogeneous way of seeing the world and all the peoples that live in it. This will require a bonding process that brings unity in brotherhood with all people. Something so profound that petty differences will take a backseat to the greater need for understanding global problems, and finding solutions that will benefit all of mankind. In that moment, you will see yourself and everyone in the world as being as human and interconnected as yourself.

What many people fail to understand is the fact that we are all brothers and sisters, and we all share our humanness by living together on the same planet. The failure to understand this is the one thing that separates us from one another. Those of you that do understand this know that you are brothers and sisters and can go anywhere in this world and find brotherhood with any person that also understands this regardless of culture, race, nationality or social status. If you were to visit with those in another country who also have this viewpoint, you would love and befriend them for their openness and kind respect. This is where we want to go — to the brotherhood of mankind where all people understand and respect each others right to think independently while maintaining a common ground that we all share in our humanity — our feelings for those things and values that make life worth living.

How do we get there? Do you think we can do it via the approach that religion has taken by setting up creeds and rules for acceptance into the "club" of enlightenment? Surely history will tell you that this only creates more separation and disunity. How then would this come about? How would it begin to unfold? In the past ages of tribe against tribe warfare, "the enemy of my enemy is my ally" mentality prevailed. This thinking only brought about temporary unity that would soon fall apart when the self-interests of the group became more important than political alliances.

What would happen if the enemy was not flesh and blood and there was no one to hate or negotiate with? What if this enemy could not be reasoned with and we had to pull all our resources together to fight this enemy because it threatened our very existence? We, as the human race, would need to use our collective will and consideration for all people to work together to defeat this enemy. Those differences that now divide us would then be seen as diversities of thought that could perhaps solve a part of the problem needed to defeat this enemy. It would take an unparalleled effort of collaboration and communication on the part of all nations and peoples to understand each other and how they might work together.

With this scenario in mind, can you now see that faulty thinking is the enemy that cannot be reasoned with — that it threatens our very existence — that it does not consider the human condition as it applies to all people? It controls and divides and conquers using the sophistries that we need these systems of control to protect us against those that are different from us? And by its very divisive nature, it keeps its control over us because we believe we need it to live. To see this in yourself is the first step needed to understand that Light & Life begins in the mind.
Peace is possible.

The Mindset of Light & Life

What enables a people to progress into Light & Life is a collective mindset oriented toward progressive thinking.

It would be wise for us to consider the Golden Rule as a universal understanding — and that would be helpful to keep in the forefront of your thinking. But in application, on a world conditioned by chaos and confusion, the Golden Rule is mostly thought of as a Utopian idea that only comes after your neighbor adopts this thinking. Light & Life is a state of being — simply being in a relationship of goodness with your fellows.

The application and expression of a Light & Life mindset is not something unattainable or afar off in the distant future. Many people are already living with this mindset and the application of the Golden Rule — they wake each day and apply this thinking throughout the course of their day. They are naturally attractive in their energy and draw others of like mind to themselves. Herewith, a synergy begins to organize and they become moved to solve some problem of inequity in their lives, their social circles; and engage the world with an attitude that they can make a difference. They are not interested in self-indulgence or self-recognition — no, but in the recognition of the problems and inequities to be solved. These people often come from very humble or troubled beginnings and have made a decision — they used their mind and willpower to choose how they would live their life going forward — a thinking that anything is possible and achievable.

Many of you will see these people as gifted or ingenious, but mostly they are quite ordinary in intelligence — they only see the world differently and they do not follow the same thinking that creates suffering in the world. They recognize that opportunity is a co-creative process whether they see it coming from within or through collaboration with others. The mindset of Light & Life is this way and you can be this way — you can begin today if you are willing and decide not to wait for your neighbor to adopt this thinking first. Take your co-creative thinking to the next level and become the change you want to see in the world. See the world, not as evil, but as being guided through co-creationism, and if that's too big of a word then think of it as collaboration. Waking up to recognize co-creative/collaborative guidance in your own life will empower you to work together with your fellows to move the world closer to Light & Life, that peaceful, stable world we all want.

Conservatism and liberalism are mindsets that exist as the antidote to the other, and rarely will they become unified to solve any problem — they naturally create separation —  us against them thinking forming a two party tyranny. Unity is found in the intersecting values both sides already agree on, but use different language to describe it. Look for the intersecting values that are true, beautiful, and good for all people. Unconditional understanding and communication are key to finding the intersecting values. Too much listening to the opinions of others without having any discerning thoughts of your own is what keeps you stuck in the narrow polarized mindset. Recognize this polarized view and choose not to follow after it. A mindset of Light & Life is one that recognizes the exclusionary thinking of separation and applies forgiveness and mercy — it seeks for the higher ground and considers the possibilities that a way forward can be found that benefits all sides.  

The one caveat to separation is when one side is choosing an immoral path. There can be no intersecting values in immoral choosing. Who then defines what is right and wrong? Society does — it comes from a collective inner knowing and can always be held against the Golden Rule and tested. Society will always want a better path than what exists today and will work with its leadership to redefine it — it advances and transforms as the thinking of its citizens progresses.

The mindset of Light & Life is already here on this world. Look for it and you will see it, you will recognize it, and you shall become more sensitive to the narrow polarized mindset, that thinking that creates separation or acts immorally. Think about those rare instances where two polarized sides courageously stepped aside from their positions and reached out with a handshake in hope of finding a way forward. It makes headlines and there is a warm feeling of goodness that pervades the space around such courageous consideration and the recognition that both can co-exist while having differences, yet respect the other while solutions are sought. Why are these events so rare? Each side is waiting for the other to move first.  

Be the first to choose Light & Life in your own thinking and watch the miracles unfold around you.

Brotherhood is possible.

Purposeful Intention

Let's consider the implementation of the mindset of Light & Life and how you can begin today using your mind as a citizen of Light & Life.

This way of thinking is not reserved for future generations, but for you in this moment. The concept of a Light & Life mindset is simple, and the application of it is something that you work at everyday of your life here and hereafter. Because Light & Life is born from the mind — your thoughts and your neighbor's thoughts, it must also begin with you, and the beginning for you is when you arise each day. Each new day brings new opportunities.  

You cannot go backward in time to seize the missed opportunities of yesterday and so are you to understand that today is the day to begin anew. Because a Light & Life mindset is a progressive way of thinking, it requires you to clear your mind of old concepts that simply have not moved you into achieving a better way of life or a life with purpose. Light & Life is a collective mindset, but one that requires each individual to contribute to the betterment of the whole by finding purpose in your own life. Therefore are you to begin each day with a purposeful intention to see that you are contributing to Light & Life regardless of whether or not your neighbor is contributing. Acknowledging and accepting that you cannot control how others will think and act, you instead focus on being the captain of your own energy — your thoughts and actions and how you hold yourself (moral goodness) in the world while working toward some purposeful goal — that goal should include bringing a greater understanding of your purpose to others.

This Purposeful Intention becomes the theme of your day. It is to be thought of as a co-creative and guided process. It requires an attitude of gratefulness and a curious mind to explore new concepts — even accepting that you may see beyond those static concepts of truth that you have come to believe. Purposeful Intention is a statement of personal empowerment by a mind and personality that chooses to become something greater. It becomes the inner light of opportunity, the seedbed that allows the co-creative powers of the universe to spring forth from you in a moment of clarity and in the synergy of your participation. Co-creativity is cooperation with your own inner guidance (knowing within) and therefore requires that you state your intentions to develop your purpose and trust that you will recognize the signposts that lead to its unfolding — for without purpose, there can be no guidance.

It is said that experience is the greatest teacher, but do understand that while this may be true for you in the particular moment of that experience, you have not experienced all things. And is it not also true that what you understand today may be revised tomorrow through another experience? Accepting change is the greatest tool for growth and opportunity any soul can achieve. Purposeful Intention requires the acceptance of change in your own beliefs. A Light & Light mindset is already within you and can be realized by unlearning what you have been conditioned to accept by a world in conflict. There is within each person a compass that points to what is good, and it will lead you there if only you follow after that inner knowing. Learn to recognize this inner knowing and also recognize your own habits of sabotage — to prove yourself right rather than follow the goodness that you know within.

We cannot tell you what your Purposeful Intention is — that is something that you create each day, but we will admonish you to wake each day and take time to create this open, hopeful, and expectant way of engaging your day following after the inner knowing of what is True, Beautiful, and Good for you and for your fellows. This is something you can do today and everyday for the rest of your time here in this world, and rest assured that you will have made this world a little better than it was had you not participated. This is how Light & Life becomes your reality and the reality of your neighbor.

Light & Life is achievable.

Adapted from a series of articles at:

More information about Light and Life concepts and status can be found in the Urantia Book Papers 55 and 56
